
consideringconsideringD.J.:[kənˈsidəriŋ]K.K.:[kənˈsɪdərɪŋ]prep.1.考虑到, 就…而论Considering the strength of the opposition, we did very well to score two goals.就对方的实力而论, 我们能进两个球就很不错了。adv.1.从各方面考虑, 从通盘考虑Yes, her speed was quite good, considering.不错, 从各个方面来看, 她的速度相当快。

consideringconsidering[kənˈsidəriŋ]prep.1.就...而论, 照...说来, 鉴于That is not so bad, considering (the circumstances).照(实情)说, 那还算不错(从多方面说来, 还过得去)。
词性变化considering[kənˈsidəriŋ]adv.1.[口]细想起来, 认真说; 概括而论; 总而言之Yes, her speed was really quite good, considering.是的, 认真地说, 她的速度相当不错了。considering[kənˈsidəriŋ]conj.1.考虑到C -he's only been learning English a year, he speaks it very well.考虑到他只学了一年英语, 他说得是很好的。