
conveyconveyD.J.:[kənˈvei]K.K.:[kənˈve]vt.1.运输; 运送2.表达, 转达I can't convey my feelings in words.我无法用言语来表达我的情感。He tried to convey how he felt.他试图表达他的感受。

convey[kən'vei]vt.1.运输,运送,运载;搬运:This train conveys over one thousand passengers every day.这列火车每天运送一千多位旅客。2.传送,传递;传播;传导:Wires convey electricity from power stations to the users.电线将电流从发电站传送到用户。3.传达;转达;表达:Please convey my best wishes to your parents.请向你的父母转达我的问候。I can't convey my feelings in words.我无法用言语表达我的心情。4.【法律】让与,(将所有权)转让给…:He conveyed the land to his son.他把这块地让与儿子。5.通知;通报:I will convey the information to the manager.我将把这个消息通知经理。6.[废语]偷偷地拿走,窃取近义词carry

conveyconvey[kənˈvei]vt.1.传导, 运[传, 输]送2.传[表, 转]达3.【律】让与, 转让(财产等)convey the supplies to the warehouse把物资运送到仓库I can't convey my feelings in words.我的情感难以言表。The ambassador personally conveyed the president's message to the premier.大使亲自向总理转达了总统的问候。