

1. "The dictator and his cronies had milked their country of somewhere between $5 billion and $10 billion" (Russell Watson)


2. Afternoons there are always a few cronies from the pearl market dropping in to pay him a visit.


3. To evade Edison and his lawyers, a number of these businesses relocated to Hollywood, Los Angeles, where they were to shortly put Edison and his cronies out of business.


4. Such is his eagerness to serve that he has taken a low-profile job often given to unremarkable cronies of the president.


5. Indeed, two more of the junta's cronies were added to a Treasury blacklist days before Mr Bush left office.


6. Of utmost importance is the question about the beneficiaries of the allocation as we need to ensure that MPs do not carve out the money to benefit his/her cronies.

二、 该拨款花在什么用途或项目;既到底这笔钱是以一般的捐款发出去,还是以拨款支付项目的方式拨出去?

7. He flew from Camp Columbia, the city's main military base, to exile in the Dominican Republic with an entourage of relatives and cronies.


8. Mr Thaksin took full advantage of his crushing majority in the last parliament, pushing his cronies into key institutional jobs while scorning his critics.


9. He was playing cards with his cronies.


10. Critics were menaced;conflicts of interest between Mr Thaksin's powers as prime minister and his business empire went unchecked;and he sought to pack the country's institutions with cronies.


11. He brought up Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, trying to suggest that the leaders of the two mortgage giants (and now crisis culprits) were “cronies” of Mr Obama.


12. He was a geologist,rated by his cronies as the best in the business.


13. He predicted victory for the former ruling party, a gang of cronies known as the Pakistan Muslim League (Q), or PML(Q).


14. He was sharing a nocturnal poker game with out-of-town cronies from another utility


15. He spends every evening drinking in the pub with his cronies.


16. 1. He spends every evening drinking in the pub with his cronies .


17. His wife, after putting a plate of salami, olives and a loaf of Italian bread on the table, went down to sit with her women cronies in front of the building, carrying her chair with her.


18. He says the Kurdish government allowed cronies to profit from an oil deal, which should have been strictly between Kurdistan and the foreign oil company that won the contract.


19. He avoided his dubious cronies and was seen no more in the company of Yankee officers, Scallawags and Republicans.


20. Bernard still blustered and sent his cronies on errands.


21. But liberal economists in China fret that state-owned banks and their SOE cronies will carve up the spoils, leaving small and medium private enterprises by the wayside.


22. You gave him an important work of each, he will do, the person can do you cronies.


23. Without cronies, his loneliness would have been unbearable.


24. The Kaczynskis want to drive the old regime's cronies out of their powerful jobs.But they have often brought in their own chums, rather than apolitical experts.


25. With another, he slaps iron-fisted controls on dissent and keeps cronies and clansmen in key positions of power, ensuring that any reform of the lumbering bureaucracy will be slow, erratic and grudging.


26. That turned Arafat and his cronies into a leadership in exile.


27. So he devised a plan and hired some cronies to help him.


28. So, in our quest to figure out how the Celtics can be beaten, let's not pin the hopes of their NBA cronies on any post-success lack of hunger.


29. Foreign investors may still covet Russia's natural-resource sector, but a climate in which assets can be arbitrarily taken back by state officials and then redistributed to cronies is not welcoming.


30. For this interesting phenomenon, the researchers speculated that, in the subconsciousness exist "biological cronies" relationship that often and individual family environment are closely related.


31. Mr Buffett told the rich that, instead of giving their wealth to “a bunch of old cronies”, they should shop around for the best foundations.


32. George Bush's failure to hold his cronies to account for trashing his country's reputation will haunt American foreign policy for years to come.


33. His energy policy was written by Mr Cheney with the help of a handful of cronies from the energy industry.


34. There was a small core of Himmler cronies in the Waffen-SS panzer divisions.


35. The father spent the day with his cronies, while the kid could come up and ask questions but never got another dollar.


36. So when I met two old flying cronies for lunch, I asked them the same question.


37. Then his cronies chimed in, "Yes, this must be she!


38. Suddenly, a SWAT team bursts through the doors and arrests Frank and his cronies.


39. Many people I've talked to around the watercooler feel you and your cronies are simply crimelords with zero morals masking as CEOs.


40. Critics say that the government restaffed the firm with incompetent cronies and placemen.


41. Rickshaw men all live on credit, and he couldn't demean himself by refusing things to his old cronies;


42. Likely donors still fear that too much of their cash would be stolen and squandered by Mr Mugabe's entrenched cronies.


43. In the evenings, he'd keep open house for his cronies with endless champagne.


44. Mr Putin's Kremlin cronies, not to mention the 80 per cent of Russians who continue to vote him the most popular politician, will rejoice;


45. The only problem of Mr Putin's system is that stepping aside even for a short time could be lethal for him and his cronies.


46. She was a veteran too, but she had no cronies with whom she could refight old battles.


47. The Treasury Department said Mr. Mugabe, senior officials and cronies had used the entities to illegally siphon cash and foreign exchange from the Zimbabwean people.


48. Rawlings: Infiltrate the dig site and neutralise Leach and his cronies before they can open the breach.


49. Gloomy European officials say Bulgaria still seems in no hurry to fix the problem, as different ministries squabble and continue to protect cronies.


50. But it did show the problems with overinvestment by cronies.


51. The dictator and his cronies had milked their country of somewhere between$5 billion and$10 billion(Russell Watson)

独裁者及他的亲信从他们的国家榨取大约50亿到100亿美元(拉塞尔 沃森)

52. The fashion now is for “smart” sanctions, which try to isolate and hurt the regime and its cronies, not the innocent.


53. Even his old cronies who had ridden with him to power ganged up with Shanghai merchants to drive China's dictator from his capital.


54. Was accused of discriminating against women; discriminated in favor of his cronies.


55. Grandfather often toddled round to the club for a chat with his cronies.


56. Depriving Mr Mugabe's cronies of trips to a decent country that works could have a salutary effect.


57. The old man's former cronies are all dead.


58. ONE evening, a Soviet joke relates, Stalin decided to see if he was as beloved as his cronies insisted, so went to a Moscow cinema in disguise.


59. Lyle Dumaire and his cronies were still huddled together.


60. The chemistry of tacit understanding and perfect amity steams between intimate cronies.


61. This led to an overwhelming frustration among the public over the deviously planned bailout plan for the political cronies.


62. During this period, wh the exclusive focus of the country was economic growth, a large portion of the benefits was narrowly divided among the Suharto family and their cronies.


63. It is time we take a stand against corruption and the twisted machinations of Miscavige and his cronies.


64. Xing For China, it shall not deny cronies.


65. Any sort of government, the neighbours seem to think, must be better than the drift since the election ten months ago when most Zimbabwean voters tried to get rid of Mr Mugabe and his cronies.


66. The minister's always doing favours for his cronies.


67. He was not met by the smiles and jovial greetings of his cronies

