
crycryD.J.:[krai]K.K.:[kraɪ]vt. & vi.1.The baby can cry as soon as he is born.婴儿生下来就会哭 。She cried bitterly tears.她流出了伤心的眼泪。She cried herself blind.她把眼睛都哭瞎了。2.喊, 叫It was a very sad film, it made me cry.那是一部很感人的影片, 让我流泪。He cried that he had found the key.他大声地叫喊找到了钥匙。vt.1.叫卖; 大声报道; 哭着说Peddlers cried their wares in the streets.小贩们沿街叫卖货物。n.1.哭, 哭声I feel like a good cry.我真想痛痛快快地大哭一场。2.叫喊, 叫声The tiger in the cage gave a thrilling cry.笼子里的老虎发出了令人毛骨悚然的吼声。3.要求; 呼吁At the meeting, the parents were in full cry, demanding further government spending on schools.会上家长们大声疾呼, 要求政府增拨教育经费。

cry[krai]vi.1.哭,哭泣;痛哭;流泪:She cries for the slightest thing.她为一点点的小事也哭。2.呼喊,喊叫:He cried with pain when he fell down on the ground.他摔到地上时痛得直叫。3.(鸟兽)啼;呜;嗥;吠:Sometimes I heard wolves crying at night.我有时在夜间听见狼嚎。4.恳求;哭喊着要 (常与 for 连用):The boy cried for his mother to stay with him.这个男孩哭闹着不让妈妈走开。vt.1.叫喊;大声地说:The sentry cried “Halt” as he saw us.哨兵看到我们时高呼“站住!”2.叫卖;大声报道;公开宣布:Peddlers cried their wares in the streets.小贩沿街叫卖货物。3.乞求,大声恳求;哀求:I cry your pardon.我求你原谅。4.哭到使…;哭出:I cried myself to sleep at last.最后我一直哭到睡着了。n.1.叫喊,尖叫;叫声;恸哭;哭声2.吵闹,喧嚷3.恳求;哀求;要求,呼吁4.叫卖声5.大声宣布6.传闻;谣传7.公众舆论;群众的强烈要求8.口号,标语9.=battle cry10.(一阵)哭,哭泣11.(动物的) 啼叫声近义词weepsobwailkeenwhimpermoanblubbera far cry from遥远的距离(或时间)大不相同的东西cry back(杂交品种等)出现返祖现象,返祖遗传唤回cry before one is hurt未痛先叫;过早担心cry for the moon要求不可能得到的东西;想入非非cry over spilt milk作无益的后悔follow in the cry(猎狗)跟着一群猎狗一同追赶(猎物)附和众人give someone something to cry for[口语]让某人哭个够(意即要更严厉地加以惩罚)have a good cry[口语]痛痛快快哭一场in full cry(猎狗群)吠叫着一齐追赶(猎物)猛烈攻击much cry and little wool[谚语]空叫嚷;雷声大雨点小within cry (of)在听得见呼声的距离之内;在附近变形n.cries变形vi.criedcrying

crycry[krai]n.1.喊, 叫2.3.公众的要求, 口号, 标准4.喝彩, 呼吁; 叫卖声5.哭诉, 哀求6.谣传, 舆论; 运动, 风尚7.一群猎狗a cry of anger怒喊battle cry作战时的呐喊; 战斗口号the cry of a newspaper seller报童的叫卖声popular cry舆论
词性变化cry[krai]vi.1.叫, 嚷, 喊2.哭, 哀泣She -ied with pain when the dentist pulled the tooth out.牙科大夫把牙拔出时, 她痛得大声叫起来。cry[krai]vt.1.叫, 嚷2.哭泣, 使哭到某种程度3.叫卖; 呼吁4.[美俚]发牢骚, 哭诉5.[古]乞求She -ied herself to sleep.她哭累睡着了。

继承用法crybabyn.1.爱哭的孩子; 爱哭[抱怨]的人

参考词汇cry;shout;call;scream;shriek;screech;hellow;yell;都含“大喊”、“大叫”的意思。1.cry 属常用词, 多用于“因恐惧、悲哀、祈求、惊奇等而大叫”, 如:cry for help呼喊求救。2.shout是常用词, 多用于“因欢乐、赞美、发命令提出警告、唤起注意等而大声喊叫”, 如:She shouted for joy.她高兴得大声喊了起来。3.yell是常用词, 指“因求救、焦急、惊恐、愤怒或其他感情方面的原因而大声地喊叫”, 如:yell the team to victory用喊声鼓励运动队取胜。 为最常用词, 表示“以任何形式呼叫”, 如:Mother is calling me.母亲在叫我。5.scream指“由于痛苦、恐惧、惊奇、快乐等而尖叫”, 如:She screamed when she saw the child fall.当她看见那个孩子跌倒时, 她尖声地叫了起来。6.shriek 指“由于极端的恐怖、苦恼、不可控制的忿怒或大笑而高声刺耳地尖叫”, 如:Suddenly he began to shriek loudly.突然他开始大声尖叫起来。7.screech指“发出尖锐刺耳声”, 如:The brakes screeched as the car stopped.汽车停时,发出尖锐刺耳的刹车声。8.hellow 指“大声或愤怒地喊叫”, 如:He hellowed when he was beaten.他挨打时吼叫起来。