

1. The moon hung over the harbor dabbling the waves with gold


2. dabbling duck

n. 〈动〉钻水鸭

3. "The moon hung over the harbor dabbling the waves with gold" (Katherine Mansfield)


4. He got his fingers badly burnt dabbling in the stock-market.


5. His dabbling in appliance making may not have produced any durable consumer goods, but the related mechanisms that he patented are in use elsewhere.


6. Is that why his dabbling in the occult and secret societies has led to the recent charges of abuse?


7. He studied in France for 8 years dabbling in a variety of theories and formed his thoughts on women's liberation, birth planning, sexual education, and marriage and family reform.


8. He got his fingers badly burnt dabbling in the stock market.


9. However, before dabbling their toes in the pond, graduates are suggested to have some decent knowledge of what public servants are required of.


10. One example is the ignored work of scientists dabbling in ideas that contradict neodarwinian dogma.


11. More over,my Chinese is excellent,and I have been dabbling in cross-disciplines and made the acquaintance of multi-disciplinary friends.


12. Just now, I saw her crouching here dabbling in the water.And now she has disappeared.


13. Some people who started yoga at the same time that I started dabbling in it ten years ago are rubber-band-flexible yoga teachers now.


14. Mr Kalla fought a sharp and good-humoured campaign, but he could not quite shake off his image as a Suharto-era business crony dabbling in politics.


15. I've loved anything to do with cars and engines my entire life. 15 years ago, I start dabbling in jewelry.


16. any of numerous shallow-water ducks that feed by upending and dabbling


17. any of numerous shallow-water ducks that feed by upending and dabbling.


18. She swims twice a week and has been dabbling in weight training.


19. If you are dabbling in such spiritual practices, I urge you to throw them aside.


20. Example: The children enjoyed dabbling in the river water after the rain.


21. He rooted in the sand, dabbling delving and stopped to listen to the air, scraped up the sand again with a fury of his claws, soon ceasing, a pard, a panther, got in spouse-breach, vulturing the dead.


22. The European Union, for its part, is giving money to utilities dabbling in oxy fuel, among other schemes.


23. ” And I said yes, as I'd been dabbling in directing some low budget things while in the agency, that the big London directors didn't want to touch.


24. I've burnt my fingers through dabbling in stocks and shares; I'm not taking the risk the second time.


25. And now I've come to question myself why learning so many languages I don't have a use 4. There's why I quit my dabbling.


26. With quickly development of international finance business, international finance contents is becoming wider and wider and dabbling at more and more knowledge.


27. The three Japanese “megabanks” are once again dabbling in international lending, too.


28. Yes, in fact, I do dabble in the subject of happiness. I've been dabbling away for ten hours a day for more than three years now.


29. The moon hung over the harbor dabbling the waves with gold(Katherine Mansfield)

月亮悬挂在港湾上空,给波浪上挥洒金光(凯瑟琳 曼斯菲尔德)

30. any of various small short-necked dabbling river ducks of Europe and America


31. any of various small short-necked dabbling river ducks of Europe and America.


32. Every worker dabbling in artificial evolution has been struck by the ease with which evolution produces the improbable.


33. Hans-Joachim Stuck, a former grand prix driver and now representative for Volkswagen, advises marques like BMW and Mercedes-Benz to stop spending millions dabbling in the design of the chassis.


34. Dabbling Analysis in Stability of Receiving-end Grid and Voltage Support


35. As Syme had done earlier Winston had taken up his spoon and was dabbling in the pale-coloured gravy that dribbled across the table, drawing a long streak of it out into a pattern.


36. Users can play as a Warrior for battling enemies, a Bard for dabbling with friends, or choose from a number of other roles.


37. The German carmakers in particular, with their huge research-and-development budgets, are dabbling in all manner of different low-emission vehicles.


38. We now have a rebellious wizard, young and inexperienced, wandering the world, dabbling in powerful magics she does not understand.


39. It is believed that he first began dabbling in plastic surgery at this time.


40. A mage turned Necromancer, one former ruler of Adad-usur continued dabbling in machines and engines as a hobby alongside the studies of the Spider Goddess.


41. Since his retirement and his wife Ginny's death of lung cancer in 1989, he'd had lots of time for dabbling.


42. Critics say it had already shown a willingness to use some it does not, by dabbling in the political shadows inhabited by the Ampatuans and clans like them.


43. "Strongly migratory, dabbling ducks include some of the world's finest game Birds: the Black duck, the gadwall, the garganey, the mallard, the pintail (perhaps the world's most abundant waterfowl), the shoveler, the teals, and the wigeons."

迁徙习性强,鸭族包括一些世界上最好的猎禽︰绿嘴黑鸭、赤膀鸭 、绿头鸭、白眉鸭、针尾鸭(可能是世界上数量最多的水鸟)、琵嘴鸭、水鸭、赤颈鸭等。

44. These days Tom has been dabbling at painting.


45. the company is now dabbling with much larger micromechanical elements, which Drexler has disparaged in his books.


46. The boy is dabbling his hand in the water.


47. This was an age of speculation: How could anybody with any sum of money resist dabbling in government bonds?


48. wild dabbling duck from which domestic ducks are descended; widely distributed


49. wild dabbling duck from which domestic ducks are descended; widely distributed.


50. The application of armoured concrete dabbling in a press building


51. Any of various ducks, chiefly of the genus Anas, including the mallards, teals, and shovelers, that feed by dabbling in shallow water and are favored as game birds.


52. With the dollar near record lows, more American investors are starting to think about whether it's time to start dabbling in the foreign currency exchange market.


53. Birds are dabbling in the water.

