

1. "Now, Miss," he whispered briefly, "no hysterics and no deathbed confessions from you or, before God, I will wring your neck!


2. Waiting to exhale: In 1907 a Massachusetts doctor conducted an experiment with a specially designed deathbed and reported that the human body lost 21 grams upon dying.


3. In 1908, the empress dowager said on her deathbed to the effect that on no account should Guangxu be allowed to survive herself.

1908 年(光绪三十四年),慈禧临死前对人讲: 绝不能让光绪死在她的后头。

4. In 1908, the empress dowager said on her deathbed to the effect that on no account should Guangxu be allowed to survive herself


5. In August 2005, an 81-year-old Daisy (Cate Blanchett) is on her deathbed with her 37-year-old daughter Caroline (Julia Ormond) in a New Orleans hospital as Hurricane Katrina approaches.


6. In 311 and edict of toleration was issued by the associated Emperor Galerius, and in 324 Constantine the Great, a friend and on his deathbed a baptised convert to Christianity, became sole ruler of the Roman world.

311年,联合统治的加利里斯皇帝颁布了容许信仰自由的法令; 324年,君士坦丁大帝成为罗马世界的惟一统治者,他支持基督教,临死前接受洗礼,皈依基督教。

7. : On his deathbed, the famous composer, Chopin, drifts between this life and the next.


8. “Life is a merely a sleepwalk from the crib towards the deathbed.


9. The Barbarian Invasions tells the story of a former professor whose estranged wife and son,his former mistresses and old friends gather around his deathbed.


10. A man on his deathbed called his wife and instructed her to open a wooden box under his bed.


11. A deathbed confession; deathbed pallor.

临死前的忏悔; 临终前的苍白

12. On his deathbed Richard named John as his heir, although by the law of primogeniture Arthur, the son of an older brother, Geoffrey, should have succeeded him.


13. deathbed care


14. The deathbed care is by because each kind of disease or other originally thus enter the life journey last station the artificial service object.


15. The Deathbed Care Present Situation and Nurses the Strategy


16. The deathbed scene is the climax of the play.


17. deathbed injunction


18. on [at] one's deathbed


19. a deathbed confession/conversion/repentance


20. a deathbed conversion


21. deathbed repentance


22. a deathbed will


23. deathbed declaration


24. Perhaps it's a good idea to cultivate and strengthen it now rather than to wait until we're on our deathbed [9] to lament.


25. Perhaps it's a good idea to cultivate and strengthen it now rather than to wait until we're on our deathbed ,it is much better to regret deeply didn't treat kindly it.


26. Perhaps it's a and strengthen it now rather than to wait until we're on our deathbed to lament.


27. Perhaps it's a good idea to cultivate and strengthen it now rather than to wait until we're on our deathbed to lament.


28. Perhaps it's a bad idea to cultivate or strengnow it here ratIT dawn to wait to the time of we're on we deathbed to lament.


29. Perhaps it’s a good idea to cultivate and strengthen it now rather than to wait until we’re on our deathbed to lament.


30. From his deathbed, Alexander Litvinenko accused Russian leader Vladimir Putin in his fatal poisoning, saying Putin has no respect for life, liberty or any civilized value.


31. The deathbed can lead people to speak with great honesty and, in many cases, humor. This is a list of 20 last words by famous people.


32. That 'Nobody on his deathbed ever said, 'I wish I'd spent more time at the office,'' is a well-worn idiom.


33. Perhaps it's a good idea to cultivatestrengthen it now rather than to wait until we're on our deathbed to lament.


34. it's a good idea to cultivate and strengthen it now rather than to wait until we're on our deathbed to lament.


35. Litvinenko, a fierce critic of Russian leader Vladimir Putin, left bitter words for him from his deathbed.


36. He and his wife, Claudia Solis, first met four years ago at the deathbed of a friend of his who weighed 250 kilograms (551 pounds).


37. On his deathbed he ingeminated the word, "Peace, Peace."


38. On his deathbed he ingeminated the word,"Peace, Peace."


39. He told me the truth on his deathbed(= as he lay dying).


40. On his deathbed, he charged us with the duty of taking care of his daughter.


41. Their frantic recourse to the policy of strength is nothing but the deathbed frenzy of the weak and the last-ditch effort to prevent their ruling system from its collapse.


42. He forgave her on his deathbed


43. He forgave her on his deathbed, ie as he lay dying.


44. On his deathbed he wrote a letter to the Soviet Union as part of his testament.


45. All his family surrounded his deathbed.


46. He had been a practicing chemical engineer until his voodoo-priest grandfather, on his deathbed, chose Max to succeed him.


47. "And the notion that if you have the better asset class it doesn't matter what you pay for it is on its deathbed.


48. The great Dwight L. Moody on his deathbed said: "This is my triumph; this is my coronation day! It is glorious!


49. Its shareholders rejoiced this week when, responding to rumours that he was on his deathbed, Mr Jobs said his health is improving and he intends to carry on as chief executive (see article).


50. but it was fortunate that he never knew, or he might have found it more difficult, when on his deathbed, to pardon his enemies


51. But if you don't make at least one serious attempt to get above the snow-line, years later you will find yourself lying on your deathbed, and all you will feel is emptiness.


52. You wouldn't kneel down to pray for your mother on her deathbed when she asked you


53. You see, Dad, that's why people love you. Even on your deathbed, you're still making jokes.


54. You mean the one that my grandmother made me swear on her deathbed that I would never let out of our family?


55. You'd have to be practically on your deathbed before the doctor would come and see you!


56. My father asked me to give these scripts to you on his deathbed.


57. The relationship between BSR and Glasgow coma score (GCS ), Clasgow outcome score (GOS ) were analysed. The BSR of 25 patients on deathbed were also studied.

分析BSR与格拉斯哥昏迷计分 (GCS)之间有关系以及 2 5例病人临终状态的BSR情况。

58. Even as a man lies on his deathbed, Sameal comes before him and attempts to win him to idolatry


59. Even though at their last gasp, the enemies will still put up their deathbed struggle


60. Uncle Ern is on his deathbed.


61. You must do what uncle told you to do at his deathbed.


62. I believe that were you to summon me from my deathbed, I should find strength to rise in answer to your call.


63. At his deathbed, he begged his son to followin his footsteps), later going to Dresden and Vienna.


64. Constantine I , baptized on his deathbed, was the first Christian Roman emperor.


65. Bickering siblings are reunited at their Texas home as their father lies on his deathbed in this black comedy.


66. on one's deathbed

在临终时, 在生命垂危时

67. " On his deathbed, he bequeathed his mistress enough money to live "honorably" for the rest of her life.


68. On his deathbed, Raphael bequeathed his mistress enough money to live “honorably” for the rest of her life.


69. In me thou see'st the glowing of such fire, That on the ashes of his youth doth lie,As the deathbed whereon it must expire, Consumed with that which it was nourished by.


70. In the end-of-term exam, the question "Did Mozart on his deathbed dictate the Requiem to Salieri?" was answered "yes" by three-quarters of them.


71. Sweet are these words in describing a deathbed assurance.


72. Having promised his stepmother on her deathbed that he would always look after Baldy, he does his best but gets left behind in the desperate search for a quick fortune.


73. No will to wake for this morn To see another black rose born Deathbed slowly covered with snow


74. Preserved by the bone-dry Atacama Desert and an elaborate deathbed treatment, the oldest mummies in the world have gone on display in the Chilean capital, Santiago.


75. Othello. Sweet soul, take heed, Take heed of perjury; thou art on thy deathbed.


76. When she was lying on the deathbed with her three-inch-lotus feet.


77. She is on her deathbed.


78. She was on her deathbed(= going to die very soon).


79. It is actually the only thing that follows us wherever we go.Perhaps it's a good idea to cultivate and strengthen it now rather than to wait until we're on our deathbed to lament.


80. As someone once told me, 90 percent of being in love is making each other's lives funnier and easier, all the way to the deathbed.

