
deependeepenD.J.:[ˈdi:pən]K.K.:[ˈdipən]vt. & vi.1.变深, 加深Her wrinkles deepen with age.她的皱纹随年龄增长而变深。We'll have to deepen the well if we want more water.如果我们想要更多的水, 就得把井加深。

deepen['di:pən]vt.1.挖深;使变深;使深化:Larger ships will be able to navigate the river after the main channel is deepened.主要河床被挖深后,较大船舶将能航行于此河流。to deepen the well把水井打深2.加深;使变浓;使强烈:to deepen the blue in a picture加深画中的蓝色to deepen a colour加浓颜色3.使低沉:to deepen one's voice使某人声音低沉4.【气象学】使(大气压)降低:a deepening cyclone使大气压降低的低压区vi.1.深化;变深:The colour of the sky deepened as the sun went down.太阳下山时天空的颜色变暗。2.变浓;变强烈;变醇:The shadows deepened toward late afternoon.时近傍晚,阴影变浓。Wine deepens on aging.酒藏越久,其味越醇。3.变低沉:Her voice deepened when she came to these lines of the letter.她读到信中这几行时,她的声音变低沉了。4.【气象学】(大气压)降低[亦作deep]

deependeepen[ˈdi:pən]vt.1.加深; 使浓; 使(音调等)深沉, 使强烈deepen a trench使壕沟加深
词性变化deepen[ˈdi:pən]vi.1.变深; 加浓Wine deepens on aging.酒久藏而变醇。The night deepens.夜深了。