

1. (2) More barriers which represent defensiveness were used;


2. sensory defensiveness

n. 触觉防御,是指当我们的皮肤承受某种无害的触觉刺激时,有嫌恶或避免的行为

3. Yu Defen,Sun Caixin,Gu Leguan,et al.The research to token on flash over characteristics of insulator in the acid wet precipitation[J].Proceedings oftheCSEE,2001,21(4):16-19.


4. Yu Defen,Gu Leguan,Sun Caixin,et al.The research to token on flashover characteristics of insulator in the acid wet precipitation [J].Proceedings of the CSEE,2001,21(4):15-19(in Chinese).


5. Defensiveness can be even more dangerous because it angers and alienates those who would give feedback and reinforces their negative views.


6. Jordan is a better shooter. He has better defens.


7. FIVB will have issued new volleyeall rules form 1st January 1995. The new rule hasfeen mede on Service area, holding and doufle hit so as to encourage defen ce for a more interestingcompetition.

从1995年1月1日起,国际排联开始执行新的排球竞赛规则。 新规则为鼓励防守,使比赛更加有趣,对发球区、持球和连击等作了新的规定。

8. His defensiveness was manifested in hurt silence.


9. But even with the small stuff, he spoke with an openness, a depth, a lack of defensiveness Id never heard before.


10. Snyder argue that patriotism is distinguished from nationalism by its lack of aggression or hatred for others, its defensiveness, and positive community building.


11. You can state clearly and firmly how you feel or what you think, but there will be no aggressiveness or defensiveness about it.


12. In his defensiveness he negatively judged her recurring need for reassurance.As a result they argued.


13. nuclear, biological and chemical warfare defens

原子、生物、化学战防护, 三防

14. Participants conveyed an air of defensiveness that was obviously strategic but nonetheless annoying.


15. Asking probing questions: He poses sharp, perhaps even hostile, questions to other members of the group.Without intervention , defensiveness can result.

发问深入而尖锐: 他对组内成员发出尖锐、甚至是充满敌意的问题,若没有外力干预,讨论会上可能会出现防御性言论。

16. "Do I look like an alcoholic to you?" All is well.It may sound off-point, but since extreme defensiveness is itself off-point, this actually works better than following your HDP's arguments.


17. Defensiveness in a listener takes the form of of ignoring or immediately rebutting the spouse's complaint, reacting to it as though it were an attack rather than an attempt to change behavior.


18. If you experience a high rate of defensiveness in others when you offer feedback or criticism, carefully check whether you have been using an aggressive communication style.


19. If you’re currently a well-conditioned, well-behaved employee, your most likely reaction to the above will be defensiveness.


20. If the woman misses that opportunity, the man could watch his own mental-emotional reaction to her pain, his own defensiveness, rather than being the reaction.


21. The idea of falsifying a model leads to extreme defensiveness among scientists because they think if one identifies a flaw in the model, the model will be proven false.


22. This determines that China must continue to adhere to the defensiveness in substance in her security strategy.


23. When a man gets too close and doesn't pull away, common symptoms are increased moodiness, irritability, passiveness, and defensiveness.


24. Imagine you being in a poor relationship with someone.Find the root of that poor relationship.Put yourself in the shoe of defensiveness and aggressiveness towards that relationship.


25. Anger inspires anger; accusations inspire defensiveness.


26. You need to build an environment among your team members that eliminates defensiveness and encourages you to focus on aligning yourself with the client.


27. Bragging in a relationship often is really defensiveness.


28. The fear of being sued for malpractice has magnified physicians' defensiveness.


29. In the Chinese rural community, law wants of subject identification, defensiveness, indispensability in the process of functioning.


30. Aso has tapped into a vein of defensiveness among Japanese who see their country caught between the American financial crisis and the growing power of China.


31. In another sign of defensiveness, the biggest tech names have outshined the rest.


32. China has a long tradition of chauvinism, and for some sea turtles, intimate acquaintance with Western attitudes has only intensified their feelings of defensiveness.


33. Wave Nair said that the gecko is one kind of domain defensiveness animal, in the early 80s I lived when Africa once raised the gecko in the home.


34. Watch out for any kind of defensiveness within yourself.


35. Take a breath, pause, then respond calmly and honestly, without undue defensiveness.


36. The square between Mars and Saturn sets up a defensiveness in your nature, producing some difficulties in personal relationships.


37. Do they show an understandable defensiveness on the part of leading scientists faced with ill-informed challenges from climate change nay-sayers, or something more worrying?


38. Two types of defense inclination BHA which has the third or the fourth stabilizers are designed and applied in drilling engineer,field tests shown that the effect of defens...


39. Reduce time spent in speculation, overcoming buyer defensiveness, gaining credibility and managing the buying process.


40. brittle defensiveness


41. This will not only serve to dissipate any feeling of guilt and defensiveness from the atmosphere, but will also serve to resolve the problems caused by this mistake.


42. It's a lesson that has saved me no end of worry and defensiveness.


43. Defensiveness is in the gray zone between aggression and passiveness.


44. Defens is more of a problem right now. They just keep go inside, Rox could do nothing except fouling. Small line up isn't going to work against Clippers.


45. First, a basic attitude adjustment: Most people who are on the receiving end of change-back messages go into fits of guilt or defensiveness, then revert to familiar behaviors.

