

1. Delegated by Tonify kidney prescription, tonifying kidney and essence method can raise the TAC, reduce the harm caused by oxygen free radical, and protect the cell and super miniature structure.


2. FESCO is delegated to recruit 12 sales trainees by Schneider-electric.


3. "Compared with most countries in the world, China and more expenditure responsibilities delegated to the local governments below the provincial level.


4. A validly enacted piece of delegated legislation has the same legal force and effect as the Act of Parliament.


5. He saw before him an officer delegated to enforce the law, and perfectly well knew that it would be as unavailing to seek pity from a magistrate decked with his official scarf, as to address a petition to some cold marble effigy.


6. Casting of a large number of votes at the same time (such as of trade union member) by a person who has been delegated by the holder of the votes to vote for them in this way.


7. Evidence produced by the addressee that the right of indemnity has been delegated by the sender to the addressee.


8. As too many laws were promulgated that the seriousness and maturity of delegated legislation is now facing unprecedent doubt from the public.


9. The director delegated all the routine work to his executive staff.


10. To consider any findings of major investigations of internal control matters as delegated by the Board or on its own initiative and management's response.


11. The competent authority's supervision of activities delegated to the recognized organization.


12. I am unable to make concrete proposals concerning specific aspects of finance which should be more centralized and what financial control should be delegated to local authorities.Therefore, you should discuss this.


13. He did his homework and mastered the details of policy, but he delegated vast powers to Bob Haldeman and John Ehrlichman in an atmosphere of Byzantine secrecy and intrigue.

他事先充分准备,阅读文件,掌握政策细节,把巨大的权力委之于鲍勃 - 霍尔德曼和约翰 - 埃利希曼两人。 那一片阴谋诡秘的气氛颇有点古拜占庭宫廷式的味道。

14. He delegated me to perform a task .


15. He delegated his secretary to show me the city.


16. He delegated his power of attorney to his sister-in-law.


17. He delegated his responsibilities to a deputy.


18. He declined to discuss political questions, and courteously delegated one of his secretaries to show me the city.


19. He was delegated to the convention.


20. The agents shall enjoy the equal rights with the principal within the delegated power, and perform equal obligations.


21. The agent's authority cannot be delegated to another without the consent of the principal.


22. A church official, as in the Anglican Church, who is in charge of temporal and other affairs in a diocese, with powers delegated from the bishop.


23. A church official,as in the Anglican Church,who is in charge of temporal and other affairs in a diocese,with powers delegated from the bishop.


24. However, the insurer may, in accordance with law, investigate the responsibility of the insurance agent that oversteps the authority delegated to it.


25. Parliament can also pass on or delegates its law making power to some other body or individual, that's delegated legislation, which is particular important in the contemporary legal context.


26. But such limitation does not apply to secondary legislation, HRA is prior to delegated legislation.


27. How have you made sure that due dates were met for work that you delegated? Give me an example.


28. Exchange-specific property sets enable the creation and deployment of a delegated security permission model that is specific to management of Exchange mail recipient data.


29. For example, you could be a Domain Admin, Account Operator, or you might have delegated access to a specific organization unit.

例如,您可以是Domain Admin、Account Operator,或者可能对特定的组织单位拥有委派的访问权。

30. For example, in the theater case study, the theater has always done business through ticket windows.It was a big change when they delegated these ticket windows to offsite agents.


31. Where the depository delegated safekeeping of the deposit to a third person in violation of the previous paragraph, thereby causing damage to the deposit, the depository shall be liable for damages.


32. The full-scale supervision system for delegated legislation consists of the supervision of delegating organs’ delegating behavior and the supervision of delegated organs’ delegated legislation.


33. It is repeated by the higher authority delegated authorities” Civility”, “Honoring Contacts Honored” and “AAA Corporate Credit”.


34. Objective: To assist RM deal daily work Responsibilities: - Follow up tasks delegated by RM - Coordinate between vendors, QCs. -Arrange Trip Sched...


35. The president of the company delegated her to draft the contract.


36. Organizations are flat, with responsibility delegated way down.


37. Corporate Structure How authority and accountability are delegated within a company as well as how ownership is divided.


38. Six Sigma isn't something that can be delegated.


39. Decision making regarding resource allocation is delegated to MCs, which prioritize community demands and approve subprojects within a municipal budget set by the state unit.


40. Other tasks he delegated to a core group of managers at B&J Machine Tool Co. who had no idea their boss couldn't read.


41. All illegal diversion of decentralized agricultural land, and for land acquisition and approval of the planning authority delegated to immediately correct and abrogated the relevant documents.


42. No violations of first use planning, the use of margin reported margin, ultra vires grant, unauthorized land authority delegated such phenomena.


43. The routine office work had all been delegated to his executive staff.


44. Single sign-on allows users to authenticate once and have their credentials delegated to the resource or resources which are needed to perform the task.


45. Employers are not obligated to honor contracts made by the purchasing agent even when the agent operates within the delegated responsibility.


46. The chief-in-command have delegated Captain Smith to serve in his place.


47. On the other side,decentralization is used in some organization where decision making is delegated to lower levels.


48. The second category is called delegated or secondary legislation which consists of measures enacted by a person or body to whom the Oireachtas has delegated legislative authority.


49. Where Congress has delegated regulatory authority to an administrative agency, that agency should decide upon public policy in the area, not federal judges.


50. Amongst the powers which may be delegated is the power to dissolve Parliament.


51. Each party delegated one member to attend the general meeting.


52. In reshaping themselves into flatter forms,organizations delegated real decision-making authority to the workgroups and teams.


53. In reshaping themselves into flatter forms, organizations delegated real decision-making authority to the workgroups and teams.


54. The states delegated the control of foreign affairs to the federal government .


55. The states delegated the control of foreign affairs to the federal government.


56. Notify all the forest administrators, the delegated administrators, and the help desk administrators in the forest of the temporary stand-down.


57. Otherwise, the consumer endpoint must be connected or delegated for the system to be valid.


58. Which membership development duties cannot be delegated to your district leadership team?


59. Therefore, administrative functions must be delegated to maintain distinct boundaries between different levels of administrative permissions.


60. Therefore, the psychiatrist or other delegated qualified clinician should determine the indications for psychotherapy and follow its development.


61. As a consequence, to a degree, delegated legislation gives more power than might be thought appropriate to such un-elected individuals.


62. Note in QS now a requirement. Also, all shifts must have personnel in charge of or with a delegated responsibility for ensuring product quality.


63. Minister Buffet of Ministry of Youth and Sport, Minister Segolene Royal with delegated responsibility for Childhood and the Family, and the Disabled, and other parties concerned welcome the athletes warmly at the Charles de Gaulle Airport.


64. In these situations, certain rights must be delegated to all personnel so that they may complete their job functions without compromising the operational and security boundaries.


65. Since the power to administer Tianjin harbour was delegated to the local authorities two years ago, its economic efficiency has greatly improved.


66. Unemployment long computer engineer the franker is delegated a here large-scale supermarket to solve temporarily there computer system collapse question.


67. The queen delegated the entire warmaking power to her husband.


68. If we had not delegated power to lower levels,how could we have reached the present level of economic development?


69. If we had not delegated power to lower levels, how could we have reached the present level of economic development?


70. This objection would be a good one if Congress had delegated something approximating its entire warmaking power to the President.


71. If the proxy endpoint is delegated to a new Web service provider endpoint, the details of that Web service will reflect the new delegate endpoint.


72. If the task means signing a requisition, the person to whom you delegated the task must have the same authority to sign that requisition as you have.


73. If that resource was then to dispatch the request to other Web resources, a filter could not be applied to any requests that were delegated behind the scenes.


74. A Fragment on the Delegated Legislation


75. The output of delegated legislation exceeds the output of Acts of Parliment, and therefore, at least statistically, delegated legislation is more significant than primary Acts of Parliament.


76. Judicial control of delegated legislation.


77. Parliamentary control of delegated legislation.


78. A group of people officially delegated to perform a function, such as investigating, considering, reporting, or acting on a matter.


79. Basically, once your accounting tasks are delegated to us, your company just needs one cashier (or parttimer) for book keeping, as occurs in most of our customers now.


80. a commission delegated to supervise an election.

