

1. One day Malfurion came across several legends that referenced a reclusive demigod of the forests.


2. The three night elves decided that it would be an exciting adventure to search for the demigod, though in truth they no more believed in Cenarius than the rest of their people did.


3. The three night elves decided that it would be an exciting adventure to search for the demigod though in truth they no more believed in Cenarius than the rest of their people did.


4. Last week we saw some more reviews of Demigod.


5. Overcome with supernatural hate and rage, Grom and his warriors succeeded in killing Cenarius.With the demigod dead, they went on to corrupt the ancient forests.


6. Unlike Malfurion, Illidan had no patience for the subtleties of druidism and proved to be a poor student despite their teacher, the demigod Cenarius.

与玛法里奥不同的是,伊利丹对于德鲁伊教的毫无耐心,尽管他们的老师是[[魔兽百科:半神|半神]][[魔兽百科:塞纳留斯|塞纳留斯]] ,他也被证实是个差生 。

7. The main build of Demigod (public) has been slightly updated toprepare for the Proxy server move that is scheduled for Thursday.


8. This afternoon while the team was working on Demigod I decided youguys might enjoy getting to hear from some of the team directly on whatthey're working on and where they see things at.


9. The Scandinavian belief that the number13 signified bad luck sprang from their mythological12 demigods, who were joined by a13 th demigod, Loki, an evil cruel one, who brought upon humans great misfortune.


10. They doubt if a man can be changed into a demigod


11. They doubt if a man can be changed into a demigod.


12. They considered him a demigod and mysterious teacher.


13. Cultured, idealistic, sympathetic, he seemed to Tess a demigod ,and though she had sworn herself to celibacy, the enforced propinquity ripened into intimacy and drifted into love.


14. 7. Cultured, idealistic, sympathetic, he seemed to Tess a demigod, and though she had sworn herself to celibacy, the enforced propinquity ripened into intimacy and drifted into love.


15. People worship this guy like he's a demigod.


16. A radiant light that appears usually in the form of a circle or halo about or over the head in the representation of a god, demigod, saint, or sacred person such as a king or an emperor.


17. a radiant light that appears usually in the form of a circle or halo about or over the head in the representation of a god,demigod,saint,or sacred person such as a king or an emperor


18. A demigod is the offspring of a god and a mortal.


19. The demigod Cenarius remained nearby in the Moonglades of Mount Hyjal.


20. Demigod, as you probably have surmised, has been developed differently.Early last year, I pushed for Demigod to have more single-player elements.


21. Meanwhile, like any demigod, he made bits of legend: that he failed math in school (not true).


22. Rumors among the night elves suggest Alexstrasza and the demigod Cenarius were close friends, and that it was he that called her during the first invasion of the Burning Legion.


23. Meanwhile Cenarius went to dwell nearby in the Moonglade of Mount Hyjal and Malfurion continued to study under the demigod's tutelage.


24. If, by now, you have concluded that Demigod is an unusual game in many ways, you're right.


25. It isn't about politics.Instead, it's about a young boy who is a demigod.


26. Despite that, the custom game experience of Demigod has remained an exercise in frustration.


27. Priesthoods based on the worship of a demigod are extremely rare.


28. Hera abhors Hercules as damnable evidence of her husband's infidelities, yet the demigod has his allies.


29. Significantly, the businessman's new demigod and the Natchez's more venerable and historic god make identical promises.They both promise renewal and life.


30. DRUID:Druids are the keepers of the world, followers of the demigod Cenarius who have been granted power over nature, including powerful healing and shapeshifting abilities.


31. Did you forget that this great man, this hero, this demigod, is attacked with a malady of the skin which worries him to death, prurigo?"


32. How long until we are confronted by the terrifying specter of an undead army of skeletal warriors raised by some crazed sorcerer or would-be demigod?


33. I behold a villain where I obeyed a demigod


34. So now, in process of becoming gentleman farmer, he was specializing at various farms.Cultured, idealistic, sympathetic, he seemed to Tess a demigod


35. Destruction: The Annulus must be used to nullify a demigod or more powerful being, or another major artifact, as described above.


36. Demigod - god mode but your screen still shakes


37. The lauded demigod!


38. Night elves claim that centaur are the bastard children of the demigod Cenarius.


39. The biggest difference is the form in which Demigod takes its P2P.


40. Some people are blaming Peer to Peer as the source of the pain. But most RTS's use some form of P2P. What makes Demigod different?


41. 23) The result of those of insufficient understanding is temporary; the votaries of the demigods obtain the demigod; but My devotees obtains Me.


42. Influenced by her mother, who has transformed into a magic herb, a cheerful young lady GWAI CHOI-CHI (Linda Chung) has become a demigod.


43. The purpose was dear, to deny Arian ism and to assert that, in spite of the intellectual difficulties involved, Jesus was not a creature or a demigod but God.


44. Nath is an orge war god.Among ogres,bone crushers are seen as the living avatars of Nath, the ogre war god.Perhaps one of the gronn, or an even greater demigod.


45. 3 Laotse became demigod sage after he passed the Hangu Gate on the back of a green bull.


46. The new Demigod build we plan to put up though will be marked as a BETA as we are going to begin the transition to the proxy server systemwe have previously been discussing.


47. Endowed with that firm faith, the devotee executes worship of this demigod and sanctioned by Me solely; obtains that which he desired from that demigod.


48. It is relatively easy to nullify a single target or a small group of targets, but a more powerful being (such as a demigod or greater entity) or another major artifact taxes the Annulus to its limits.


49. The demigod became fond of the night elves, and he spent a great deal of time teaching them about the natural world.


50. that would free the neglected dreams of a demigod.


51. They [the demigod worshipers] at least retain their individuality in order to enjoy life, but the impersonalists, who try to lose their individuality, also love both material and spiritual pleasure.


52. The newborn demigod Aesculapius was then taken and trained by the Chirion, the healing-wise centaur.


53. With the demigod dead, they went on to corrupt the ancient forests.


54. The number of night elves pursuing their studies with the demigod dwindled, and Cenarius was grieved to realize that all his work had been for naught.


55. Big nerve of classics of demigod of the pillow big nerve that carries occipitalia on the head, pillow and ear belongs to the branch of clump of backbone nerve neck.

