

1. 3. Denigrating the commodities or services of other producers or managers;


2. the Chinese speaker is showing modesty by denigrating himself, ignoring the factuality of the compliment paid to him.


3. As for the suppliers as a result of dealers have begun to talk to the company Cuiyao money, he said: "That's been denigrating some people who want to destroy, we have no means.


4. I swear I will take legal defense if you dare come here again and say anything denigrating to me or to my nation.


5. "It's a way of punting into the future and denigrating what's deeply, widely deployed in grid industry already," he said.


6. The KGB pigeonholed his report and reprimanded him for denigrating a brother officer.


7. The KGB pigeonholed his report and reprimanded him for denigrating a brother officer


8. '[I would] call up Congressman Snort and say, 'Stop denigrating my industry and stop lying about it.


9. They bristled at his denigrating description of their activities.

听到他在污蔑他们的活动, 他们都怒发冲冠。

10. So denigrating spam is already being a significant problem of internet application research.


11. The policy of denigrating India picked up steam after the 26/11 terrorist carnage in Mumbai.


12. Kryder is not denigrating the importance of faster computer processors, but he says, at the very least, both digital elements need each other.


13. “Don’t go into corporate America,” she urges young people, denigrating what most Americans do for a living and biting the hand that pays for all the public programmes she favours.


14. To them, disorder sounds denigrating, since it seems to suggest that there is something seriously wrong with the clients when, in fact, only their sexual response is impaired.

对于他们来说, 紊乱 听起来暗含诋毁的含义,因为它似乎暗示着什么时候客户有着严重的问题,而事实上,只是他们的性反应受到了削弱而已。

15. To them, “disorder” sounds denigrating, since it seems to suggest that there is something seriously wrong with the clients when, in fact, only their sexual response is impaired.


16. Using some fierce word towards the other one, to attack the other, or so-said denigrating , cannot help you set up your positive corporate image,so pls stop it;


17. When we envy a better student,we are denigrating ourselves.


18. We value our clients and colleagues as individuals, making an effort to understand their personal needs and never denigrating them.


19. I'm not denigrating that officials can do something very positive.


20. Husbands and wives in the process of divorce easily fall into the trap of denigrating the other, publicly if possible,and as ofteb as possible.


21. Husbands and wives in the process of divorce (and those in the throes of another argument )easily fall into the trap of denigrating the other, publicly if possible, and as often as possible.--Howards Mel, American writer


22. Denigrating, going to paints to pain - not a pretty picture


23. And there are teachers who act more like drill sergeants, pushing students beyond their capabilities and denigrating their “imperfect” bodies.


24. While there is much to criticize in China's ugly human rights record, it is naive and simplistic to think denigrating China and the Chinese in the short term will accomplish anything.


25. Respond to our inappropriate behavior or unacceptable academic performance without denigrating us.


26. 36. Neither should a witness be so invested in denigrating a technique that he exaggerates the disagreement within the scientific community .


27. The intelligence capital property right has three remarkable characteristics: The capital is privately owned, incomplete denigrating oneself, value realizes spontaneity.


28. Evangelicals have been purged from the ivory tower more thoroughly than any other religious group (and have often made up for the fact by denigrating the life of the mind).


29. rain clouds denigrating the sky


30. Psychologists spent much of the 20th century denigrating the work of 19th-century physiognomists and phrenologists who thought the shapes of faces and skulls carry information about personality.

