

1. In the morning I had three very good, I will not say handsome pipkins; and two other earthen pots, as hard burnt as cou'd be desir'd; and one of them perfectly glaz'd with the running of the sand.


2. In their eyes, the landscape is self-sufficient and independant and the space has turned into a historical container of desir, imagination and memory.


3. I had not so much as a Pot to boil any Thing, except a great Kettle, which I sav'd out of the Ship, and which was too big for such Use as I desir'd it, viz.


4. I had not so much as a pot to boil any thing, except a great kettle, which I sav'd out of the ship, and which was too big for such use as I desir'd it, viz. to make broth, and stew a bit of meat by it self.


5. Therefore it is essential to understand do I have love?vnd not to deny yourself from desir ang.


6. For example in US, majority of the student are able to choose their desirer form teacher and lecturer.


7. I am the girl with full energy,aggression,enable to work hard.I desir to work in the field of international trade,for I want to take full use of my education.


8. The fundament implic of thi exampl is that the need and desir to commun across differ in cultur and ideolog is not onli felt by the two countri but by mani other nation as well.


9. Which I desir'd, and got, 'twas but a dream of thee.

