
digdigD.J.:[diɡ]K.K.:[dɪɡ]vt. & vi.1.挖, 掘She went from place to place, and dug and weeded.她到处走, 又挖土, 又锄草。They dug a hole.他们挖了一个坑。vt.1.中意, 了解, 欣赏I really dig the way she sings.我真喜欢她那种唱法。n.1.戳, 刺The horse started galloping the moment I gave it a good dig.我猛戳了马一下, 它就奔驰起来了。2.挖苦, 讽刺She makes mean little digs at him.她冲他说一些刻薄的挖苦话。

dig[diɡ]vi.1.(如用铲或其他工具或用手、爪、动物的口、鼻部等)掘,挖掘;掘地;采掘;发掘:I dug with a spade.我用铁铲挖掘。They were digging in the tunnel the whole day.他们整天在隧道里挖掘。2.(伸手至深处)挖掘似的掏,摸索:He dug for coins in his pocket.他伸手到衣袋里摸硬币。He dug into the bag and pulled out a loaf of bread.他把手伸进包里掏出一块面包。3.掘进,挖进,挖入,开凿(隧道等);掘进似的费劲前进(through,into,under):They dug through the mountain to build a tunnel.他们掘穿大山筑一条隧道。4.进行考古发掘:The dug up many old coins.他们挖出许多古钱币。5.(仔细)寻找:搜集,调查;通过翻找材料进行工作:We'll have to dig through the old files.我们得仔细查阅旧档案。6.[美国口语](尤指为迎考而)苦学,苦读,苦于,刻苦钻研:She is digging at mathematics.她钻研数学。7.[英国口语](尤指以寄宿或租房方式)居住:The young married couples dig in Manhattan.那几对年轻夫妇住在曼哈顿。8.飞跑,奔跑,拼命跑9.[俚语]注视;看(on):to dig on the passing cars注视经过的小汽车10.[主美国俚语]领会,理解,懂,明白:Pardon, I don't dig.对不起,我不懂。vt.1.(如用铲、锨或推土机等)挖掘、翻或松(土、沙等);挖…的土(常与up连用):They spent all morning digging the garden.他们花了整个上午挖园子。to dig the ground挖地2.挖,掘(洞、坑、地道等):to dig a hole挖一个洞to dig an underground tunnel挖一条地道3.挖得,掘得,采掘出来,掘出,挖出,挖去,挖成,掘成(与 up 或 out 连用):They dug his body up.他们挖出他的尸体。to dig the ruins of an ancient city发掘一座古城的遗址4.(伸手至深处)挖掘似的掏得:to dig a match box from his pocket从衣袋里掏出一盒火柴to dig a sandwich from the bag从包里掏出一块三明治5.(尤指突破障碍)费劲地行(路),挤过(人群)(through):We had to dig our way out.我们只好一路挤出去。to dig one's way through the crowd奋力挤过人群6.(通过努力)寻找,找出;发现;查明(常与 out,up 连用):Can you dig the material out of the archives?你能从档案中找出这份资料吗?7.用…刺戳;以…触碰;触,碰;刺戳;插入(常与 in into 连用):She dug her heel into the ground.她把鞋后跟戳进地里。to dig an elbow into someones's ribs用胳膊肘碰碰某人肋部(暗示要某人注意)8.翻土把(肥料等)掺进(in,into):to dig some fertilizer into the soil边翻土边把肥料掺入土中9.[俚语]10.最充分地理解,领会,懂:He didn't dig what the teacher said.他不明白老师说什么。She didn't dig that crazy staff.她不懂那种没意思的玩意儿。11.(最充分地)欣赏;喜爱,喜欢,中意,赞许;钦佩,仰慕;(尤指在爱好等方面)与…产生共鸣;经历:Do you dig dancing?你喜爱跳舞吗?to dig the way he sings喜欢他那种唱法12.[美国俚语]13.注意;看:Dig that pair of trousers she's wearing.瞧她穿的那条裤子!14.发现;遇见;认识:Where did you dig the beautiful woman?你是在什么地方认识那个美女的?15.与…性交n.1.挖,掘,挖掘2.碰,触,捅,插;刺;戳;拨弄3.挖苦,嘲讽;尖刻的讽刺话,奚落人的话4.[口语]【考古学】5.发掘6.发掘的遗迹,出土文物7.发掘地点,文物出土的地点8.[复数,动词用单数][主英国口语]寄宿舍,宿处,住所,住处,寓所9.[美国口语]10.苦学,苦读,刻苦钻研11.苦读的学生12.[俚语]注射13.[美国俚语]14.性交15.性交对象(尤指女人)16.走私货窝藏处abbr.1.digestdig and delve(辛勤地)挖掘,打洞dig deep挖深[美国英语]掏出来;交出来(指财物)[美国俚语]付出很高的价钱Dig it![感叹句]欣赏一下!dig oneself in【军事】挖壕固守巩固自己的地位,使自己站住脚dig one's feet(或heels,toes)in采取坚定的立场;固执己见【棒球】用脚刨出小坑以便击球时更好使力get in a dig at someone[口语]挖苦某人have a dig at[口语](something)尝试(某事)(someone)挖苦(某人)[1275~1325;1935~1940]变形vi.dug或 diggeddigging

digdig[diɡ]vt.(dug [dʌɡ]; digging)1.掘(土), 挖 (洞、沟等)2.掘取; 采掘3.发掘; 探索; 寻找4.[口]把... 戳进, 插入; 用...刺, 碰5.[美俚]理解; 欣赏; 喜欢6.[美俚]看, 看到dig coal挖煤dig facts from books从书中寻找事实dig potatoes挖马铃薯dig the soil翻土
词性变化dig[diɡ]vi.1.挖土; 开凿(in, through)2.探索, 发掘(for, into)3.[口]苦学; 苦干; 钻研(at)4.[俚]居住; 住宿5.匆匆地走; 奔跑(out)n.1.挖掘; [口](考古)挖掘的地点; 出土物2.戳, 碰3.[口]挖苦, 讽刺(at)4.[美口]刻苦钻研的学生5.[pl.][英口] 学生宿舍, 单身宿舍; 住处6.[美俚]私货藏匿处
