

1. "Disallow Interactive Users from generating Result Set of Policy data"


2. "Disallow Interactive Users from generating Resultant Set of Policy data"


3. "Disallow installation of printers using kernel-mode drivers"


4. "from within the Add Printer wizard. Use this policy to disallow users"


5. - *NO will be disallow a permission setting unless it is overwritten by a YES.

+ * 否: 禁用某个权限, 除非被"是"覆盖.

6. And her husband heard of it and was silent with respect to her and did not disallow her, then all her vows will stand and any pledge by which she has bound herself will stand.


7. Many companies have a rule to disallow the use of inner classes because of its abuse caused many maintenance problems.


8. 4,the electric motor change direction and should revolve a direction up with pump consistently, disallowing inversion.


9. But if her father disallow her in the day that he heareth;


10. blacklist/Whitelist facility provides the ability to disallow access to specified undesirable sites, or to allow access only to known acceptable sites;4.


11. User-agent: Baiduspider Disallow: /baidu User-agent: * Disallow: /shifen/dqzd.


12. Some of the key changes of PHP 4.4.3 include: Disallow certain characters in session names.

PHP4.4.3一些主要改变包括: 禁止session names中的某些特性。

13. Explicitly disallow use of implicitly generated member functions you do not want.


14. Next the template carries the cup to disallow back to play after push most inside, otherwise up and down the molds will damage.


15. disallowing of interruption


16. 4.To disallow an interrupt.


17. Disallow cyclic references between assemblies.


18. Disallow use of the specified drive(s) as shared disk


19. Disallow purchase of anything from specified menu


20. Disallow purchase of all weapons on server


21. Disallow purchase of all equipment on server


22. # Disallow the CHMOD command.Users can't change perms of their files.

不接受 CHMOD 命令。

23. disallow a claim, goal

不接受要求﹑ 进球无效.

24. Disallow a claim,goal


25. to disallow a claim/an appeal


26. Never hit a kid and disallow his ability to cry.


27. Why would you nerf Silent Resolve to disallow Shadow Priests from utilizing it, without scrutinizing things like BLESSING OF SALVATION first?


28. Why lock up an entire object, disallowing access to any other synchronized method for only brief access to shared resources?


29. Pray for justice for these women, and that the government would disallow this abuse, and punish the men who are abusive.


30. Two.Association's disallowing a year don't full personnel of 16 first anniversaries join, the in order to prevent influences your studies!


31. 5.Each Contracting Party may unilaterally disallow any tariff filed or charged by one of its own designated airlines.


32. They do not realize that as they continue to find things to complain about, they disallow their own physical Well-Being.


33. The court has announce the award to disallow the claim.


34. But if her father disallow her in the day that he heareth;


35. You could always feel your alignment or misalignment, your balance or imbalance, your connection or diconnection, your allowing or disallowing of that connection.


36. A key benefit of an MMU is memory protection: an OS can use it to protect against errant programs, by disallowing access to memory that a particular program should not have access to.


37. For example, the host can disallow the use of threading or synchronization primitives.


38. For example, when a table is known to be a point of contention, it can be beneficial to disallow page-level locks, thereby allowing only row-level locks.


39. If the carrier were to make an excuse and disallow the claim,then the consignee would be at a loss for settlement.


40. To allow / disallow screensavers, mouse around key reversal, send information.

允许/禁止屏保,反转鼠标左右键,发送信息等 。

41. The old laws that allow us to tear a human body apart with machine guns but disallow the use of nonlethal choking agents are nothing short of immoral and ridiculous.


42. Assign each employee a personal access level to allow or disallow the employee to access certain information.


43. Whether the column should disallow editing of its bound field.


44. The former Arsenal defender is also unhappy with Poll and disallowing Didier Drogba's effort for a push on Michael Dawson.


45. To strengthen the anti-avoidance provisions for interest deduction to prevent abuse by disallowing interest deduction involving indirect interest flow-back;


46. Just be warned that the public may not accept any law disallowing them to buy medicines from their doctor since their basic right of choice would be infringed.


47. Unfortunately, Confucius is not our countryman right now; he already is a foreigner...maybe I should turn to other topic, because here is disallow to talking about politics.


48. If the carrier were to make an excuse and disallow the claim, then the consignee would be at a loss for settlement.


49. 8. If the carrier were to make an excuse and disallow the claim, then the consignee would be at a loss for settlement.


50. I allow you will not do, but disallow you will not look for.


51. In an Exchange environment, the administrator has not configured the Outlook Security settings to disallow changes to the attachment security behavior.


52. Disallow to do the mean action at school.


53. Have no special circumstance at school 7:30-16:30 disallow to open the cellular phone.


54. On the General tab, you can use the On and Off radio buttons to enable or disable Windows Firewall. You can also choose to disallow exceptions.


55. Do you want to allow or disallow people on your buddy list to send you MSN Mobile pages to your cell phone or other mobile device?

在您的允许之下,您的好友可以给您的移动电话或其它移动设备发送 MSN 移动寻呼。您想要允许还是禁止这一功能?

56. English: Do you want to allow or disallow people on your buddy list to send you MSN Mobile pages to your cell phone or other mobile device?


57. Earth is disallowing holographic manipulations along with lineage manipulations from this point forward.


58. She argued that indiscriminate compassion weakened the benefactors by disallowing them the mental and physical enrichment that life's challenges inherently procure.


59. If it is obvious that such direct copying has occurred, we will disallow that homework.


60. You can disallow system of a reputation then nobody can change to your reputation.If you disallowed system of a reputation, you can not change and view a reputation to other users.


61. If we disallow latency combos then the highest dps cycle is AB spam until you notice proc at 3-stack, then MBAM-ABar and ramp again, always reramping to 3-stack.


62. It permitted, in reality, many marriages which we now disallow.


63. Configurable to allow or disallow all messages or messages from people in your address book only.


64. "There is an IT Policy on the BES called "Disallow 3rd Party Applications".


65. In a lot of illustrations competition , even and all disallow the computer illustration that draw the competition.


66. Gently and gradually, piece by piece, release your resistant thoughts, which are the only disallowing factors involved.


67. We will check which fqim then we will disallow your site to be used on our service. Buyers take full responsibility for downtime and content on there site.


68. Disallowing of e-mail notification in member preferences will stop sending e-mail notifications to this member only.


69. 9.Next the template carries the cup to disallow back to play after push most inside, otherwise up and down the molds will damage.


70. We ve also added administrative options that let you disallow access to mail attachments and to force user logout when all Domino Web Access windows are closed.

我们还添加了管理选项,允许禁止存取邮件附件,以及在关闭所有Domino Web Access视窗时,强制使用者退出。

71. I believe that God is something to disallow.


72. Or, if table scans are always used to access an index or table, disallowing page-level and row-level locks can help by allowing only table-level locks.


73. English: Thus, when the date for war is decided upon, close all border exits, cancel all travel permits and disallow the movement of emissaries from other states.


74. disallow (items in the accounts)


75. Specifies a value which the query governor to disallow execution of any query that has an estimated running length exceeding it.

指定一个值,查询调控器禁止执行任何估计运行长度超过该值的查询 。

76. Describes how to make a policy change that Caspol. Exe would otherwise disallow.


77. Whole day the facial expression is absentminded and the tea rice don't think;On every occasion sad cry bitterly, return to disallow the maids to close to serve her.


78. CTO's at startups and web companies disallow the usage of products that aren't free and open source.

新创公司和网络公司的 CTO不同意使用收费的非开源产品。

79. No CDATA; type attribute must be either "yes" or "no" to allow or disallow leading zeroes.


80. Is it being limited to single-player and co-operative play only or is there an option when setting up a server to allow or disallow wargear use?

