

1. In the autumn of 1991, at the age of 35, he had to deal with the collapse of the Soviet economy and the disintegration of a nuclear empire into 15 states.


2. Upon the disintegration of COMCO -- a product of the Cold War -- in March 1994, the United States could not but adjust its export control policies. Nevertheless, its discriminatory measures towards China remained largely intact.


3. Disintegration of cytoplasm at stage of central nucleus microspore. 22.


4. "Broadleaf evergreen and deciduous mixed forests in subtropical zone" has the lowest heterogeneity degree for its smallest area and less disintegration.


5. And isn't this just another indication of the inevitable disintegration of the present time?


6. Some leading socialists are openly saying that their party's prospects have been gravely damaged by the disintegration of relations between Royal and Hollande.


7. Your translation: 'By the end of the last century, the gradual disintegration of Chinese “collectivism ...


8. Until recently there was a belief that disintegration of the mind is an inevitable part of aging, grouping symptoms of dementia under "senility".


9. There should not be dispute, disunity and disintegration in the fansclub. Membership will be terminated without further notice when we discover any of it.


10. In D18S, on the contrary, there is no apparent disintegration at meioses stage.,only in a few tapetum cells occurred some blank regions.


11. But our interest here lies not with the stow of its political disintegration but with its effect upon the human mind and upon the general destinies of our race.


12. Radical changes in Eastern Europe, the re-unification of Germany, the dissolution of the Warsaw Pact and the disintegration of the USSR all occurred successively, causing difficulties in continuing the original "Yalta system".


13. Disintegration in middle school English teaching and learning has long been troublingChina s basic English teaching and learning.


14. A comparative study on the disintegration of filamentous fungi.


15. In order to study the characteristic of road slope and soil erodibility,a soil disintegration instrument is developed to test compacted loess disintegration under water.


16. The debate is about avoiding the EU's decline into irrelevance, or even “gradual disintegration”.


17. V. The disintegration of the association.


18. It was well known that this metal would withstand the high heat required for incandescence over a long period without disintegration, but it was also known that tungsten was one of the most recalcitrant of the metals.


19. He could not bring himself to admit the growing disintegration of what he had striven all his life to achieve.


20. He survived the disintegration of the Soviet empire in the 1990s and the centralisation of power in the 2000s.


21. He explained that, if matter is converted into energy by the disintegration of atoms, that process would be represented by a simple little equation: E = mc2.


22. He was referring to the belief that disintegration could most effectively be expressed in a chaotic form.


23. According to the more traditional view point, these changes represent a breakdown in the family structure, a disintegration of values and decline of morality.


24. Value disintegration is the by-product of society transition.


25. But, the development and disintegration of tapetum in Peiai 64S resembled those of IR36.


26. The Wilkins Ice Shelf, on the western side of the Antarctic Peninsula,experienced multiple disintegration events in 2008.


27. Dissent among the senior members was the main cause of the disintegration of the club.


28. Nuclear disintegration or transformation caused by absorption of high-energy radiation, as of gamma rays.


29. Global modernity as a contemporary condition is marked not by the disintegration of modernity,but by its reconfiguration around a global center,albeit of necessity an absent center.


30. Endotoxin lies in the inner part of the gram-negative cell walls.Endotoxin releases due to the cell-wall disintegration and exocytosis.


31. Our three major principles for the army's political work are, first, unity between officers and men; Second, unity between the army and the people; And third, the disintegration of the enemy forces.


32. The act or an instance of breaking up, as a division, dispersal, or disintegration.


33. The main shortages in ferrosilicon disintegration and the cause are analysed.The measures to improve ferrosilicon disintegration are described.


34. Decomposition into fragments or parts; disintegration.

分裂,分解碎片或几部分; 分解

35. Disintegration or decomposition into parts or elements.


36. The act or result of decomposing; disintegration.


37. Ceaseless wars are the cause of the European disintegration.

列强连绵不断的战争的确为欧洲分裂的原因, 而共同的文化资源更无疑是欧洲分久必合的深层动因。

38. Pre-Yugoslavia was a “mixture” far from maturity.Its disintegration and ethnic conflicts owed little to the social system but to the latent “malignant tumors” of its own.


39. Disintegration of cytoplasm at stage of central nucleus microspore.22.


40. Complete disintegration of cytoplasm at stage of vacuolated microspore.


41. Nanjing's most important feature is its distinct ups and downs, that is, the decline during national unity and the prosperity during national disintegration.


42. After the disintegration of the former Soviet Union, these troop clusters were transferred to Russian ownership.


43. It is from this point of view that we should seek to interpret all those statistics which register the disintegration of the moral order.


44. Thecalculation of inflight disintegration for a model aircraft is presented and indicated thatthe...


45. Meanwhile, we also see that some forces even attempt to bring about the disintegration and collapse of China as the case of the Soviet Union.


46. Urbanization, another breakthrough in human history, has witnessed a dramatic rise in crime rates and the disintegration of communities.


47. After the disintegration of the distribution valve the main body was found face has scratches.


48. Radioactivity provides an extremely sensitive method of analysis since disintegration of individual nuclei are monitored.


49. Some theorists call this the "vertical disintegration of production across borders".


50. Prior to their release, our products are tested for disintegration and weight variation using methods outlined both in the European Pharmacopeia and United States Pharmacopeia.

在他们的发行之前, 我们的产品被测试为崩解并且重量变异运用方法概述了两个在欧洲药典和美国药典。

51. In a multi-paradigm programming language, the laws are considerably different, but the disintegration of the system can be equally pronounced.


52. The yellowish hue that becomes visible as a Bruise heals comes from the disintegration and gradual absorption of Blood.


53. In the real world, ice-sheet disintegration is driven by highly nonlinear processes and feedbacks.


54. During the disintegration energy is released from the nucleus.


55. In many places, women volunteer to organize associations to ban gambling and thus save many families on the verge of disintegration, promoting a favorable turn in civil practices and the general mood of society.


56. In quality evaluation,determined the disintegration latitude of product,established TLC of Psoralea corylifolia L. ,.


57. In such a multi-ethnic country that would be a recipe for further disintegration.


58. The action of seepage erosion and disintegration produced by groundwater are important causation of the formation and development of soil cave.


59. The city administrative department should recognize the relation between the disintegration and integration of urban minorities, so as to all nationalities develop accordingly.


60. This region was in the thriving period of Dawenkou Culture which reflects the process of transiton of matriarchal society to patriarchal society and the disintegration of primitive society.


61. If Mr Kibaki were to call them in, the danger of national disintegration might increase.


62. This process of disintegration often begins with a senior leader publicly denouncing his old colleagues.


63. It may develop in place by the decay and disintegration of bedrock.


64. Denominational disintegration is a tragic, but predictable, sight.


65. Practically every atom had its origin in the tiny violence of a radioactive disintegration some time within the past few billion years.


66. However,as the shelter of paternity,the oppugning and disintegration to the system and ethic of household cannot but lead to the entire disintegration to paternity.


67. Since the disintegration of Bretton Woods System, tremendous changes have taken place in the field of international finance.


68. Using seedling plant for planting, disintegration of individual was bigger, the growth was untrimmed.


69. The most probable explanation of radioactive disintegration is to be found in terms of the modern ideas concerning the structure of matter.


70. Only thus is it possible to create tremendous difficulties for the reactionary ruling classes, shake their foundations and hasten their internal disintegration.


71. The disintegration of gender and lacking of ideals ushers in the contradiction of gender condemnation and academic values when faced by feminists.


72. In a certain degree, Gorbachev's Perestroika alleviated the problem, while the disintegration of the USSR changed both the nature and the importance of the problem.


73. Our victory depends not only upon our military operations but also upon the disintegration of the enemy troops.


74. There is little we can do to stop this natural disintegration of the continents.


75. The disintegration of the Wilkins ice sheet, the largest on the Antarctic Peninsula to be threatened, is more evidence of rapid climate change on the continent, they claimed.


76. A new class of rich people became wealthy quickly after the disintegration of USSR along with its transition from planned economy to market economy.


77. Information disintegration is a kind of new social disintegration phenomenon arising in the contemporary social informationization.


78. Today, fifteen years after the disintegration of the former Soviet Union, the media industry in Russia has come to a new stage of development.


79. After the disintegration of the Soviet Union, Russia began to reform the management system of vocational education to promote the development of vocational education.


80. At present, political and ideological infiltration through religious activities are the major ways for the "westernization", "disintegration" and "peaceful evolution" by Western hostile forces.

