

1. They dislodge their prey with their flippers, or by sucking in water and blasting it back out in targeted jets.


2. Dli-dli-dli-dli.It's incredible.Look at that.It's like you dislodge your hips and just swing them around.


3. An Australian veterinarian saved the life of this shark by sticking his arm down its throat, all to dislodge a steel hook stuck in the animal's stomach.


4. A high-energy electron which penetrates into the metal atom may dislodge one of the inner electrons of that atom.


5. It frantically tries to dislodge the passenger with well-coordinated stinger strikes, but the ant hangs on.


6. 22 He will dislodge these nations before you little by little. You cannot exterminate them all at once, lest the wild beasts become too numerous for you.


7. More attacks were now launched against Magaret and Bizory in the afternoon by the panzer regiment, but they couldn't dislodge the defenders.


8. Daniel Agger, an immensely talented centre-back I love to watch, has struggled to dislodge the Slovakian, even in his few periods of full fitness after two bad injuries.


9. In order to dislodge unsuitable beliefs and establish new ones, you must learn to use your imagination to move concepts in and out of your mind.


10. Why is democracy failing even as elections proliferate? A thought experiment sheds new light on why aging autocrats remain so hard to dislodge.


11. The thorn of bone may dislodge from his throat without surgery.


12. dislodge from one's seat, as from a horse.


13. After some thought, they tied a rope around the machine and attched it to the vehicle, but still could not dislodge it.


14. They did not dislodge the Canaanites living in Gezer; to this day the Canaanites live among the people of Ephraim but are required to do forced labor.


15. They did not dislodge the Canaanites living in Gezer, to this day the Canaanites live among the people of Ephraim but are required to do forced labor.


16. They needed a bulldozer to dislodge the rock.


17. He and his team have designed a dredge that can dislodge scallops without touching the seafloor.


18. He'll never dislodge Old Joe."


19. He said residents worry the military's attempts to dislodge the Taliban could fail once again.


20. Mission controllers had to come up with a means to bypass the problem, including instructing Phoenix to turn on a mechanical screen shaker in an effort to dislodge the material.


21. But the camera focuses on a handful of the 30,000 troops that landed on the inhospitable spec of volcanic ash and tufa that is Iwo Jima on Feb. 19, 1945, to dislodge some 20,000 well-fortified Japanese.


22. If, however, the tongue retreats to the back of the mouth on opening, that action will dislodge a denture.


23. But if Africa fails to dislodge him he may instead point to a possible future: an awful reminder that holding bogus elections does not make governments accountable, let alone removable.


24. The Benjamites, however, failed to dislodge the Jebusites, who were living in Jerusalem; to this day the Jebusites live there with the Benjamites.


25. Occasionally, a dog would slink by, shivering, its tail between its legs. It might stop and shake itself violently to dislodge the snow thickly matting its fur. Then, with tail drooping again, the dog would go on its way.


26. After several minutes the plaintiff was able to dislodge the object from his throat which Was eventually swallowed.


27. Crosse Checking: Stick to stick contact consisting of a series of controlled taps in an attempt to dislodge the ball from the crosse.


28. Basically ultrasonic vibrations are used to dislodge both plaque and tartar from the tooth surface .


29. Dislodge from

取出, 逐出

30. The rebels have so far failed to dislodge the President.


31. The bone may dislodge from his throat without surgery


32. Her attitude to independence, like that of most Chechens, changed in 1994 when the Kremlin decided to dislodge Mr Dudayev with tanks and bombs.


33. "in coughing, the airway narrows to about one-sixth of its normal size to increase the speed and force of exhalation and to dislodge foreign Bodies.


34. Therefore an army moving into a space with a friendly militia will dislodge the militia to take dominance in the space.Militia so dislodged will be removed from the board and not allowed to retreat.


35. Accordingly, the German armored forces were kept in reserve until it was too late to dislodge the invaders.


36. he hid inside a lotus blossom, but he still could not dislodge her.


37. Chest percussion and vibration are used with postural drainage to help dislodge secretions


38. Is the war to disarm and dislodge Saddam Hussein justified under international law? Has it been adequately authorized under U. S. law, with proper Congressional approval?


39. In Swat, there is concern among residents who have already been through two previous military operations that failed to dislodge the militants.


40. Based on that analysis, the program then fires off automated search terms in an effort to dislodge as much data as possible.


41. During the first phase, roughly the month of July, the IJA launched two major offensives against the Red Army but ultimately failed to dislodge the superior Soviet forces.


42. During the last several years of economic health, it has been hard to imagine anything that could dislodge the party.

在经济健康的过去几年中,很难想象会有什么能推 翻这个政 党。

43. In El Salvador, the left-wing FMLN's attempts to dislodge the conservative Arena party may founder.


44. "And what followed from there was 45 minutes of just ... hurtling my body against the boulder, trying to heave and lift from beneath it to pull it maybe towards me and try to dislodge it.


45. Heavy rain or hail may dislodge many aphids from the plants.


46. (fig)She became champion in 1982 and no one has been able to dislodge her.

她于1982 年获得冠军,至今还没有人能把她从宝座上拉下来.

47. She became champion in 1982 and no one has been able to dislodge her.

她于1982年获得冠军, 至今还没有人能把她从宝座上拉下来.

48. (fig.She became champion in 1982 and no one has been able to dislodge her.


49. She did not so easily dislodge the incident from her consideration.


50. Piece of endometrium dislodge with resulting bleedingin,


51. The results show that oxidation in supercitical water can effectively dislodge COD of sewage.Reaction time and temperature are the important factors which have impact on dislodgement ratio of COD.


52. The boy dug around the rock , managing to dislodge it from the dirt.


53. The workman used a crowbar to dislodge a heavy stone from the wall


54. The air force has been increasingly used to dislodge militants from mountain tops and destroy their hideouts.


55. Fortunately, appropriate cleaning and disinfection methods can dislodge the unwanted intruders from even their most secret hideouts.


56. While beating her own chest to dislodge it, Debbie's two-year-old golden retriever, Toby, saw her panicking, pushed her down, and jumped on her chest, twice.


57. A counterattack led by a handful of Tigers failed to dislodge the British from their newly won prize.


58. A five-foot long shark will live to bite another day after a vet at Sydney's Taronga Zoo reached into its stomach to dislodge a rusty fishing hook.


59. I braced myself for what was to be a long day, perhaps experienced by previous generations who had tried to dislodge the rock.I put on heavy shoes and rolled out my wheelbarrow.


60. I swallowed, trying to dislodge the sudden lump in my throat.


61. There's something between my teeth and I can't dislodge it.

我牙缝里塞了点东西, 就是弄不出来.

62. There is something between my teeth and I can't dislodge it.


63. I braced myself for what was to be a long day,perhaps experienced by previous generations who had tried to dislodge the rock.


64. dislodge a heavy stone from its position


65. dislodge the enemy from their fortifications


66. dislodge the enemy troops from their positions


67. Turn the mold over and tap the end of the mold gently on the work surface to dislodge the cake.


68. Knock the mould against the table to dislodge the mooncake.


69. dislodge a beast


70. It wasn't a big impact because I barely felt it in the cockpit, but it was enough to dislodge my front wing and necessitate another pit-stop the following lap.


71. Passengers walk through a machine that blows a burst of air, intended to dislodge molecules of substances on a person's body and clothes.


72. Sometimes a grader will scrape the road surface clean and neat, and sometimes it will gouge and dislodge the surface.


73. Keywords Rapid Prototyping Manufacturing Technology (RPM);Selected Laser Sintering (SLS);Woodwork;Laser Carving;Prototype;Dislodge Forming;


74. This product collection lavation, bleaching, sterilisatio tree imitate-in-one, can have an effect to dislodge the deep filth, gives off pleasant delicate fragrance.


75. Is the war to disarm and dislodge Saddam Hussein justified under international law? Has it been adequately authorized under U.S. Law, with proper Congressional approval?


76. Is the war to disarm and dislodge Saddam Hussein justified under international law?


77. ``It is the type of thing the Heimlich maneuver is performed for,'' he said.The Heimlich maneuver is a carefully placed push that can help dislodge an object from a choking person's throat.


78. Warnock knows, however, he faces the toughest of challenges to dislodge Wayne Bridge as Ashley Cole's understudy in time for South Africa.


79. 6.No one could dislodge them from their well-en-trenched positions.


80. The French left-back made only a hatful of first-team appearances before being farmed out on numerous loan spells after failing to dislodge the then Reds regular John Arne Riise.

