
dismaydismayD.J.:[disˈmei]K.K.:[dɪsˈme]vt.1.使惊愕, 使焦虑, 使气馁The thought that she might fail the history test dismayed her.想到历史可能考不及格时, 她很沮丧。I was dismayed to learn that she had failed again.得知她又一次失败, 我感到惊愕。n.1.惊愕, 气馁I am filled with dismay at the news.我对这个消息极为震惊。To their dismay, the door was locked.使他们惊慌的是, 门已被锁上了。“Someone stole my house!” she said in dismay.“有人偷了我们家!”她惊恐地说。I was dismayed when I recongnized the voice of Mrs. Bates.当我听出是贝茨夫人的声音时, 我感到丧气。

dismay[dis'mei]vt.1.(因突然的危险等)使完全丧失勇气,使灰心丧气,使胆怯,使气馁,使沮丧,使失望;使幻灭;威吓:He was dismayed to learn of their disloyalty.他得知他们对他的不忠,感到很失望。They were dismayed to find that the house had been washed away.他们发现房子被水冲走了感到沮丧。2.使惊愕,使惊恐,使吃惊到不安(或丧失勇气)的程度,使丧胆:The surprise attack dismayed the enemy troops.突然袭击使敌军丧胆。She was dumbly dismayed at the news.听见那消息她惊愕得发呆了。3.使不安:The boy's failing grades dismayed his parents.这名男孩不能升级令父母不安。n.1.失望,绝望,气馁,灰心,沮丧;幻灭2.惊愕,惊恐,丧胆3.不安近义词appallhorrifydaunt

dismaydismay[disˈmei]vt.1.使灰心, 使沮丧; 使惊愕He was dismayed at the size of his adversary.对手的魁伟身材使他丧失了勇气。
词性变化dismay[disˈmei]n.1.灰心, 沮丧; 惊愕The enemy retreated in perfect dismay.敌人沮丧地退去。


参考词汇dismay;appall;horrify;都含“使沮丧”、“使灰心”、“使惊吓”的意思。1.dismay指“面临突然地令人惊吓、困惑或烦恼的事时, 表现畏惧、缺乏勇气或手足无措”, 如:He was dismayed at his lack of understanding.他对自已的无知感到沮丧。2.appall指“使惊吓”、“使丧胆”, 如:an appalling death rate令人吃惊的死亡率。3.horrify 指“使恐怖”、“使惊骇”, 如:She felt horrified at the sight.见这情景, 她感到恐怖。