

1. In 1860 Louis Pasteur performed experiments that eventually disproved “spontaneous generation,” the idea that life continually arose from nonliving things.


2. The People's Bank of China Saturday disproved the allegations by a US Treasury official that China is manipulating the exchange rates of its currency, saying the statement is untrue and misleading.


3. What does it all mean? What hypotheses were proved or disproved? What did I learn? Why does it make a difference?


4. Conclusions What does it all mean? What hypotheses were proved or disproved? What did I learn? Why does it make a difference?


5. The student might support in an idea, questioned question it or even disproved, or disprove it.


6. Evidence has now disproved that theory.


7. I learned that their studies had never been disproved, merely shouted down.


8. He rejected metaphysics as meaningless because metaphysical statements cannot be proved or disproved by experience.


9. 2. In his latest book, he writes that the theory has been disproved .


10. In his latest book, he writes that the theory has been disproved.


11. In his latest book he writes that the theory has since been disproved.


12. He seeks out famous scientists with geekish zeal, asserting that certain Buddhist scriptures disproved by modern science should be abandoned.


13. 6.His theory has been disproved time and time again, but he still believes it.


14. However, this story has been disproved by earlier records of an Italian man who left behind a barrel of macaroni.


15. Analytical papers often include opposing views and even for argumentative papers, acknowledging an opposing viewpoint that is easily disproved by its counterpoint is always a good rhetorical tool.


16. disproved method


17. Logical principles of Disproved Method and Use of Disproved Method in the Theory of Diagrams


18. Nicholas Orme's previous book, a definitive history of English medieval childhood, disproved the notion that previous generations treated children as miniature adults.


19. The authors disproved some opinions that in the paper "basic theoretical questions of oil generation in petroleum pla...


20. A scientific review presented to the Australian Veterinary Association completely disproved the old myth that goldfish have three-second memories;


21. Air flowing through the shell or cup has also been suggested as a possible cause, but experiments in soundproof rooms have disproved this.


22. Having disproved and disputed the theory for more than two decades, some biologists are now embarking an undertaking to interpret it in a new approach.


23. The examination and approval organ shall give explanations to those disproved.


24. The students student might support an idea, question and even disproved it or even disprove it.


25. Having disproved and disputed the theory for more than two decades, some scientists are now embarking on undertaking to interpret it in a new approach.


26. CT scan of King Tutankhamun's mummy has disproved a popular theory that the Egyptian pharaoh was murdered by a blow to the head more than 3,300 years ago.


27. We are a group of physicians and scientists who are concerned about ways in which unproven or disproved treatments are being encouraged for general use in the NHS.


28. We must expose the defense community's addiction to long-range fires for what it is: an erroneous, ineffective and dangerous theory that has been consistently disproved in real war.


29. We disproved her claim.


30. But such considerations were brushed aside as the government offered the - subsequently disproved - claim that the weapons contracts would generate large numbers of jobs.


31. The result of the variance ratio showed that the random walk hypothesis on the wheat futures of ZCE was disproved.


32. There are few monks in any tradition who speak so rarely about faith while rejecting anything that has been disproved by scientific inquiry;


33. As philosopher of science Karl Popper has emphasized, a good theory is characterized by the fact that it makes a number of predictions that could in principle be disproved or falsified by observation.


34. Also, as Prof.Jiang correctly indicates in the paper, Riemann's hypothesis has been assumed at the foundation of numerous mathematical conjectures that are now all disproved and replaced by Prof.


35. The course of a river is almost always disproved of by the source.


36. Locke was willing to change his views if they could be disproved by the Bible;


37. Evolution could be disproved in other ways, too.


38. However, if I had any doubts that the food there had lost its way, my mother quickly disproved it.


39. The People's Bank of China disproved the allegations by a US Treasury official that China is manipulating the exchange rates of its currency.


40. A third option, the world is eternal and without origin, contradicts Natural Laws such as Thermodynamics and has been disproved with mathematical certainty in the 20th century.


41. capable of being verified or disproved by experiment or observation


42. capable of being verified or disproved by experiment or observation.


43. The view that the existence of God cannot be proved or disproved by philosophy has not stopped developments in modern theology.


44. a rule of law whereby any alleged matter of fact that is submitted for investigation at a judicial trial is established or disproved


45. a rule of law whereby any alleged matter of fact that is submitted for investigation at a judicial trial is established or disproved.


46. German-born American physicist who with Edward Morley disproved the existence of ether, the hypothetical medium of electromagnetic waves. He won a1907 Nobel Prize for his spectroscopic and metrological investigations.


47. German-born American physicist who with Edward Morley disproved the existence of ether,the hypothetical medium of electromagnetic waves. He won a1907 Nobel Prize for his spectroscopic and metrological investigations.


48. The theory has now been disproved.


49. This discovery disproved the idea that the world was flat.


50. The great value of these books comes, not from the theories they prove (which will likely be disproved in the future), but from the development of curiosity and the methods of learning.


51. These are just theories and for the most part have been disproved.


52. The allegationshave been completely disproved.


53. This matter disproved all the theory I studied at school on Sunday.


54. The joke is a good one, but nobody has convincingly proved or disproved that the efficient markets hypothesis is true.


55. This belief was disproved by Redi and Pasteur in the 17th and 19th centuries.


56. This “possibility”, apart from the fact that it is totally irrational and disproved by the words of Jesus(P) himself, is also in direct contradiction to the Bible.


57. The speech given by Pauen in the BBC TV news disproved what the American officials have claimed that this air-raid shelter was a camouflaged military bunker.


58. (law) all the means by which any alleged matter of fact whose truth is investigated at judicial trial is established or disproved


59. (law) all the means by which any alleged matter of fact whose truth is investigated at judicial trial is established or disproved.

