
doomdoomD.J.:[du:m]K.K.:[dum]vt.1.注定; 判定Bad weather doomed the crops.坏天气注定了庄稼要歉收。n.1.厄运, 劫数The report on our economic situation is full of doom and gloom.这份关于我们经济状况的报告充满了令人绝望和沮丧的调子。

doom1[du:m]n.1.命运;(尤指)噩运,厄运,悲惨的命运2.劫数;死亡;毁灭;灾难3.(尤指不利的、有罪的)判决,宣判;定罪4.[有时作 D-]【宗教】世界末日,(上帝的)最后审判日;末日审判(=Last Judgement)5.[废语]法律;法令,法规,成文律vt.1.命定,注定(尤指遭厄运),(命运等)注定(常与to连用)[常用被动语态]:She was doomed to unemployment by her ill health.她因身体不好而注定要失业。She was doomed to die.她注定要死。2.使…的失败(或灭亡、毁灭、坏结局)成为必然:They are doomed to make the same mistakes in the future.他们将来注定要犯同样的错误。The reactionary rule is doomed.反动统治注定要垮台。3.宣判,判决,判定,判(某人)刑(to):The court doomed the accused to a long term of imprisonment.法庭判处被告长期监禁。to doom the prisoner to life imprisonment判处囚犯无期徒刑4.[废语]作为判决而宣布,宣告(某人)有罪;宣布…作为惩罚:The king doomed her death.国王宣布判她死罪。近义词fatebe doomed to注定crack of doom最后审判日的号声go to one's doom走向死亡(或毁灭)meet one's doom死;灭亡one's doom is sealed某人在劫难逃send someone to his doom将某人处死 doom2[du:m]n.1.=doum

doomdoom[du:m]n.1.厄运, 毁灭; 死亡2.【史】法律, 法令3.[古](不利的)判决, 定罪4.【宗】末日审判pronounce doom upon [on] sb.宣判某人的罪行the day of doom (=doomsday)【宗】最后审判日, 世界末日
词性变化doom[du:m]vt.1.注[命]定; 判决be doomed to failure [to fail]注定要失败The prisoner was doomed to death.囚犯被判处死刑。
