

1. "Her dusky arched eyebrows were knitted and yet not frowning, her speaking eyes held both merriment and sorrow"


2. dusky flatheads


3. Northern Dusky Nightjar

n. 乌夜鹰

4. Dusky Starfrontlet

n. 乌星额蜂鸟

5. Dusky Piha

n. 乌暗皮哈

6. Dusky Purpletuft

n. 乌暗紫须雀

7. Dusky Flycatcher

n. 乌暗蚊霸鹟

8. Dusky Broadbill

n. 乌暗阔嘴鸟

9. Laos Dusky Tree Babbler

n. 乌穗鹛

10. Dusky Crimson-Wing

n. 乌腹朱翅雀

11. Ussher's Dusky Flycatcher

n. 乌舍氏暗鹟

12. Dusky Twin-spot

n. 乌色双点雀

13. Dusky Grass-Wren

n. 乌草鹩莺

14. Dusky Antbird

n. 乌蚁鸟

15. Dusky Plumeleteer

n. 乌钢尾蜂鸟

16. Dusky Long-tailed Cuckoo

n. 乌长尾鹃

17. Dusky Hummingbird

n. 乌阔嘴蜂鸟

18. Dusky Pigeon

n. 乌鸽

19. African Dusky Nightjar

n. 南非乌夜鹰

20. Great Dusky Swift

n. 大乌雨燕

21. Dusky antechinus

n. 小宽足袋鼩

22. Dusky rice rat

n. 幽暗稻鼠

23. Dusky Thrush

n. 斑鸫

24. Dusky Mannikin

n. 暗栗色文鸟

25. Dusky Indigo-Bird

n. 暗紫维达鸟

26. Dusky striped squirrel

n. 暗纹棕榈松鼠

27. Dusky White-eye

n. 暗绣眼鸟

28. Dusky Crested Flycatcher

n. 暗色凤头鹟

29. Dusky Gerygone Warbler

n. 暗色吵刺莺

30. Dusky Lory

n. 暗色吸蜜鹦鹉

31. Dusky Tit

n. 暗色山雀

32. Dusky Fantail

n. 暗色扇尾鹟

33. Dusky Honeyeater

n. 暗色摄蜜鸟

34. Dusky Dolphin

n. 暗色斑纹海豚(海豚科), 暗黑斑纹海豚(海豚科)

35. Dusky Miner

n. 暗色矿鸟

36. Dusky Indigobird

n. 暗色维达雀

37. Dusky Sunbird

n. 暗色花蜜鸟

38. Dusky Spinetail

n. 暗色针尾雀

39. Dusky Crowtit

n. 暗色鸦雀

40. Dusky Babbler

n. 暗色鸫鹛

41. Dusky Robin

n. 暗色鸲鹟

42. Dusky Parrot

n. 暗色鹦哥

43. Dusky shrew

n. 暗黑鼩鼱

44. Dusky titi

n. 暗黑伶猴

45. Dusky hopping mouse

n. 暗黑弹鼠

46. Dusky Tapaculo

n. 暗黑窜鸟

47. Australian dusky field rat

n. 暮原鼠

48. Dusky Tetraka

n. 深色旋叶鹎

49. dusky shark

n. 灰真鲨

50. Dusky Crag Martin

n. 纯色岩燕

51. Dusky Nightjar

n. 美洲乌夜鹰

52. Mountain Dusky Salamander

n. 苍白脊口螈(无肺螈科,苍白脊口螈)

53. Celebas Dusky Pigeon

n. 苏拉乌鸠

54. Dusky Warbler

n. 褐柳莺

55. Ceylon Dusky Blue Flycatcher

n. 锡兰暗蓝鹟

56. Western Dusky Babbler

n. 黑头鸫鹛

57. Dusky Lark

n. 黑歌百灵

58. Dusky leaf-nosed bat

n. 黑色蹄蝠

59. Dusky wallaby

n. 黑袋鼠

60. "A dusky blush rose to her cheek" (Edith Wharton).

“红晕的羞愧涌上她的面颊” (伊迪斯·华顿)。

61. a dusky winter evening

一个昏暗的冬天的傍晚gloomy指因光线受到阻碍或荫蔽而阴暗的, 如:

62. A dusky blush rose to her cheek


63. A dusky tumult would flap its wings from one house to another.


64. Late in the morning, around 10 AM, Pangaea arrived with full sail into the Dusky Sound.


65. Meanwhile, vestee art, the adornment world that also walked out of dusky, making people organic can choose the fashion colour that he loves is.


66. He sat in his dusky studio, tired, with one arm hanging over the back of his chair, staring in at her window and seeing himself in there with her


67. He possessed the broad-brush lineament, the dusky complexion and the broad square jaws with inflexible will.


68. He saw the man's lips part in a full enticing smile, he saw teeth dazzlingly white between the dusky lips.


69. His dusky skin is a sign of healthiness.


70. Suddenly though, my eye was caught by a dusky bottle of cold-pressed rapeseed oil.


71. Do you hope to pluck this dusky jewel?


72. Who are you dusky woman, so ancient hardly human,


73. To make brown or dusky.


74. "Rainbow-arched Montana prairie settles into dusky silence after an evening thunderstorm.


75. Their dark forms like mountains painted in ink, set off against the gentle dusky light.


76. Six boys and five girls, lithe and thin, their skin dusky from the sun and a film of dust and ash.


77. The northern spirit was free and individualistic; the southern made for great estates and a conscious gentility ruling over a dusky subject multitude.


78. To become or make dark or dusky.


79. Tending to darkness; dusky.


80. Greedy green Guangxue is bestrewed to mirrorring the prairie of dusky all round, although be a late night, also can look very far.

