
ebbebbD.J.:[eb]K.K.:[ɛb]vi.1.(指潮水)退; 落They swam till the tide began to ebb.他们一直游到开始退潮。2.减少; 衰落His fortune was beginning to ebb.他的资产开始减少了。n.1.退潮; 落潮The tide is on the ebb.正在退潮。2.衰退; 衰落My luck is on the ebb.我的运气不好。

ebb[eb]n.1.退潮,落潮2.退潮期,落潮期3.变弱,变小;衰落,衰退;低落;低点vi.1.(潮)退,(潮)落;退去,远去:I waded farther out as the tide ebbed.退潮时我涉水出去得更远。2.变弱,减弱,衰微;变少,变小;衰落,衰退,低落:His life is gradually ebbing.他的生命逐渐垂危。adj.1.[废语、方言]不深的,浅的近义词waneat a low ebb处于衰退状态;处于低潮;衰微,不振[亦作 at an ebb]at ebb[诗歌用语]干涸(指眼中的泪)ebb and flow(潮水的)涨落(人事的)盛衰;消长;(命运等的)好坏;(情绪的)高低;(战斗的)起伏;动荡不定(的境况)ebb back回复,复活on (或at)the ebb(潮水等)正在退落

ebbebb[eb]n.1.退潮, 落潮2.衰落[退]the ebb and flow of the sea海潮的涨落reach its lowest ebb达到最低潮recede to a low ebb进入低潮The tide is on the ebb.正在退潮。
词性变化ebb[eb]vi.1.退潮, 落潮2.衰退, 衰落His fortunes began to ebb.他的家产渐渐衰落起来。