

1. Groups Within the Ecclesia Go through each of the specific groups in the ecclesia that Peter addresses.What are the main points he makes to each group ?

* Servants * Wives * Husbands * Elders * Younger 教会中的群体: 找到彼得所提到的教会的每一个群体,彼得对他们分别说了些什么?

2. Czechoslovakian religious reformer who was excommunicated(1409) for attacking the corruption of the clergy.His De Ecclesia questioned the authority and infallibility of the Catholic Church.


3. Most of the members of the Christadelphian ecclesia in the main city of Belfast came from a Protestant background.


4. when did anybody in an English ecclesia ever turn round to me just before the meeting and make comments like that.


5. From I Peter 2:18, Peter begins addressing specific groups within each ecclesia.


6. They would have liked to close the ecclesia's door, but Jesus tells the ecclesia that the Jews will eventually have to accept them as the true disciples (verse 9).

他们会很想关上教会的门,但是耶稣告诉教会那些犹太人最终会不得不接受他们而成为真正的门徒( 启示录3:9)。

7. And the faith he proclaimed lives on in the hearts and the minds of the Kingston ecclesia.


8. We shall find ourselves wondering how we compare with them.Let's look to them as an example, encouraging us to lift ourselves to their standard, to bind ourselves together as a united ecclesia.


9. Think of Luke assisting the ecclesia to grow spiritually after the departure of Paul and Silas.


10. “(4). In causis in quibus tum Ecclesia tum civilis potestas aeque competentes sunt,quaeque dicuntur mixti fori,est locus praeventioni.


11. On the first day of the week the members of the ecclesia met together to "break bread" (Acts 20:7).


12. 1.On the first day of the week the members of the ecclesia met together to "break bread" (Acts 20:7).


13. 10.The “sons of God” here are the members of the ecclesia.“sons of God” is used both in the Old Testament (Gen 6v2) and the New Testament (1 John 3v1) to speak of the ecclesia.


14. The Jews who went to the synagogue in Philadelphia were opposed to the ecclesia.


15. She had previously taught at Ecclesia Bible College, as well as Theological Centre for Asia, Singapore.


16. In the book of Nehemiah we are shown the events of the building of the ecclesia in Jerusalem and the great Bible School they held.


17. Broughton is another ecclesia that has been affected by emigration.


18. Peter is emphasising the need for unity within the ecclesia.


19. Clearly he wants them (and us!) to act as citizens worthy of the Gospel, to be aware at all times of their privileged relationships and status in Christ's ecclesia.


20. Maledictus sit ubicunque fuerit, sive in domo, sive in agro, sive in via, sive in semita, sive in silva, sive in aqua, sive in ecclesia.


21. We send you the warm greetings of the brothers and sisters from my ecclesia at Brighton, South Australia, which takes great interest in your growth in the Truth.


22. We could say that Philadelphian was a one talent ecclesia.


23. And then back in 1992, ten years ago already, I was baptized in Cambridge UK, in Cambridge ecclesia.


24. For several years the brothers and sisters of Belfast Ecclesia had to pass through a British checkpoint in order to attend Sunday meeting at the ecclesial hall.


25. Greetings from the Tawa Ecclesia, Wellington, New Zealand.


26. "If he cannot arrange for such celebration to take place, the matter should be referred to the Pontifical Commission 'Ecclesia Dei.


27. James now contrasts two brethren in the ecclesia, the lowly brother and the rich brother.


28. The Port Maria ecclesia is one of the newest lightstands in Jamaica.


29. The primitive simplicity and tranquility will grant one with incomparable happiness and relaxation. I start my journey when the first wisp of sunnshine sprinkling on the roof of ecclesia.


30. Every ecclesia who entered into the Northeast establish its missionary network.


31. Yes, Paul does write to them ALL.He emphasizes the word “all” 9 times when writing to this ecclesia and 6 of those are in chapter 1.


32. One of the faults in the Jerusalem Ecclesia was a tendency to "respect persons".


33. Czechoslovakian religious reformer who was excommunicated(1409) for attacking the corruption of the clergy. His De Ecclesia questioned the authority and infallibility of the Catholic Church.


34. The ecclesia at Free Hill is about 18 years old, and though small, bears faithful witness to the Gospel in the North Central part of the Island.


35. Although the family lives in isolation in Galway, they're a large family as a group of believers that almost outnumber the Waterford Ecclesia.


36. COMMENTARY: There is a light encircling Jamaica now. A ring of lampstands giving ample testimony to the gospel and there is a clear role for each individual ecclesia.


37. Let us now consider the high example set by the members of this Philippian ecclesia, an example that we would all do well to emulate.


38. Here was an ecclesia of different backgrounds and problems, of different temperaments, interests and tastes - and we are no different!!


39. This is only the third meeting of the new Negril ecclesia.


40. This might make it possible for more of them to stay, so that this fledgling ecclesia can continue to grow.


41. This no doubt had a striking effect upon James who was converted to become one of the most influential leaders of the early ecclesia in Jerusalem.


42. This letter of brotherly love is an intimate and familiar letter in which the apostle Paul pours out with delight the fullness of his heart for this ecclesia.


43. Alan and Mary Eyre still attend mid-week Bible class at Free Hill, but have changed their home ecclesia to Port Maria, which is just starting up.


44. Dublin is not the only ecclesia which has received help from brothers and sisters from abroad.


45. We send our greetings to you from the ecclesia in Hong Kong.


46. MARTIN: Normally because our ecclesia is small we concentrate mainly on our area.


47. MARTIN: The ecclesia is a lighthouse and is supposed to be kept shining so that others can see the light and be drawn to following the light.

