

1. "Let it go, Kincaid, get back on the road. Shoot the bridges, go to India. Stop in Bangkok on the way and look up the silk merchant's daughter who knows every ecstatic secret the old ways can teach.


2. "Where do all people automatically and effortlessly obtain pure ecstatic love for Krsna?


3. "Yes," said Bertha, with a smile that was almost ecstatic


4. "The modern Brahmajnanis have not tasted Thy sweet bliss. Their eyes look dry and so do their faces. They won't achieve anything without ecstatic love of God.


5. "It's an ecstatic moment," said Mrs.K., mother of three, with a look of rapture when she recalled the pain.

“那是一个令人欣喜的时刻,”生有3个孩子的K夫人说。 回忆起当时的痛苦,她一副心醉神迷的样子。

6. "It's an ecstatic moment," said Mrs.K.,mother of three,with a look of rapture when she recalled the pain.


7. A French woman, after meditating with the Convenient form of practice, was ecstatic at her visions of Jesus Christ and Shakyamuni Buddha.


8. When things quieted down, in a hushed silence, punctuated by a few ecstatic "Amens", all the new young lambs were blessed in the name of God. Then joyous singing filled the room.

一切平息了下来,在一片寂静之 中偶有几场欣喜若狂的“阿门”发出,所有的小羔羊都得到了上帝的祝福,教堂里回荡着欢快的歌声。

9. One day, an old turtle slowly crawled leisurely manner beside a small bluestone, small bluestone ecstatic, it hastened to the old tortoise, said: "Turtle Grandpa, can you take me to the sea?


10. The ensuing bungling crime spree of thieving, vandalizing and trespassing brings an ecstatic break from an otherwise boring routine for Jiro.


11. Thirty-four years later, to my ecstatic surprise, it became my honor and privilege to work on the fiction campaigns of LRH's monumental return to the world of fiction with Battlefield Earth and the Mission Earth series.


12. Anyway, the upshot of all the stress and anxiety is that the hard work has paid off and even though you don’t quite get the A++ that your jammy friend got, you’re ecstatic with your well-earned B+.

不管怎样,压力和焦虑都过去了,这是你下苦功的回报。尽管你没有象你的铁哥们那样得到A++ ,只得了个来之不易的B+,这也足够让你欣喜若狂了。

13. Anyway, the upshot of all the stress and anxiety is that the hard work has paid off and even though you don't quite get the A++ that your jammy friend got, you're ecstatic with your well-earned B+.


14. I remember taking a picture with both teams on the middle of the floor and I was ecstatic.


15. China reached the World Cup finals for the first time on Sunday by beating Oman 1-0 in an Asian qualifier,setting off a frenzy of celebration by hundreds of millions of ecstatic soccer fans around the country.


16. Compensation For each ecstatic instantWe must an anguish payIn keen and quivering ratioTo the ecstasy. For each beloved hourSharp pittances of years, Bitter contested farthingsAnd coffers heaped with tears.


17. ecstatic to finish in the top three


18. In fact, there are a lot of sysadmins out there who would be ecstatic if CGI were outlawed.


19. In theory, I should be ecstatic about all the choices available; I no longer have to put up with bad service or shoddy goods.


20. he kept thinking, looking at her sparkling eyes, at the happy, ecstatic smile dimpling her cheeks under the moustache.He had never seen that smile before.


21. He gave an ecstatic sigh of happiness.


22. He shows off a text message stored on his cellphone from an ecstatic customer: wins in 11 of 12 matches.


23. He must be ecstatic about your exoneration.


24. He is always drunk with ecstatic love for the Mother of the Universe.


25. His ecstatic declamation of the sonorous rhythm was enough for me.


26. He is filled with a wild ecstatic happiness.


27. His Divine Mother would allow him no respite till he had left behind the entire realm of duality with its visions, experiences, and ecstatic dreams.


28. He was ecstatic at the news of his daughter's birth.


29. He was ecstatic at the news


30. He smiled like a weather man, like an ecstatic patron of recurrent light


31. First he nodded politely, and then his face broke into that radiant and understanding smile, as if we'd been in ecstatic cahoots on that fact all the time.


32. Ivo waxed ecstatic


33. Yet they died like anything but poets, died in mess ecstatic outbursts


34. But even as they plucked at him and struck him, Ikey remained in his ecstatic trance of joy.


35. But one who remains ecstatic within the self; self illuminated and fully satisfied within the self only; activities do not exist for him.


36. But Obama supporters are ecstatic in the wake of Ted Kennedy's endorsement on Monday and his statement that Senator Obama would be ready on day-one to assume the presidency if elected.


37. The couple was ecstatic at the birth of a daughter.


38. The reaction from inside the conservative cocoon was at first ecstatic.


39. The monk and the devotees looked wonderingly at him in his ecstatic condition.


40. Austere, ecstatic craftsman, set apart From all who traffic in Apollo's mart, On thy phrased paten shall the Splendour be!


41. Cool it, Steve, and tell me why you're so ecstatic.


42. ecstatic state


43. "I'm ecstatic that I am Olympic champion. It's always been my dream.” said Robles, who has dominated the event this season in the absence of Liu.


44. Don't. They are ecstatic to be parents and are willing to play the cards they've been dealt!


45. Kelly: It sure does! Music can make me melancholy or ecstatic!


46. Beach-lovers will be ecstatic when choosing Spain one of their Europe travel destinations.


47. But stop and loiter all the time to sing it in ecstatic songs.


48. DJ jet has made some hippest venues even more ecstatic.


49. I was ecstatic when I heard that I had won a scholarship to study music.


50. And the audience ecstatic, like a magician, took the girl goes on the face of a license to own affectionate one, a bright red lip print immediately appear in the magician's face.


51. The very sight of Harish made him ecstatic.


52. Whistles were coming in from every part of the stadium except for The Torino fans segregated at one section, who were ecstatic.


53. Because as long as I see my face in the papers the next day, I'll be ecstatic


54. In his then state of ecstatic agony such a conquest would have cost him little


55. And here too, on the pleasant coast that had once drawn ecstatic tourists, lights were a menace


56. In such an exercise, two dragons shall unite as one in an ecstatic dance of energies that can be felt by both in the act of eye gazing.


57. Passionless for years. Ecstatic it's over.


58. The devotees and the Master sang and danced in a state of divine fervour.Several of them were in an ecstatic mood.


59. And she smiled her ecstatic smile. "What would you have? Lavater would have said that I have not the bump of paternity," said the prince.


60. And she smiled her ecstatic smile. “What would you have? Lavater would have said that I have not the bump of paternity,” said the prince.


61. She was ecstatic about her new job.


62. She is so astonished and ecstatic that she could hardly say a word.


63. That she suffered is obvious, and so everyone was to suffer who encountered Shelley's ecstatic and uncompromising nature.


64. Her mood of ecstatic fidelity was a dangerous exaltation


65. She Immediately called Kenny. "He was ecstatic," recalls Betty Anne. "He said, 'That's it, we're out of here.'"


66. The original makers of the telephone would have been ecstatic if they could have created a phone that let you call your friends just by pointing to pictures of them.


67. an ecstatic lust


68. Annie was ecstatic about the idea.


69. Sri Ramakrishna, still in an ecstatic mood, sat on the bench.


70. "Rich dad pulled a dollar out of his wallet and gestured to the older man. Seeing the money, the derelict came over immediately, took the bill, thanked rich dad profusely and hurried off ecstatic with his good fortune."


71. Honest to God, I'm chuffed to bits. I mean, I can't really believe it's happened again so I'm ecstatic to be honest.


72. For a man who claimed an “ecstatic prescience of the glories beyond the grave”, it was a fitting existence.


73. 9.For a man who claimed an “ecstatic prescience of the glories beyond the grave”, it was a fitting existence.


74. When Jolin appeared, everyone present at the scene went ecstatic and there were continuous cheers and screams everywhere.


75. As sure as moonrise over Possession Island, king penguins gather each year for ecstatic display.


76. It has the feel of an ecstatic stream-of-consciousness, moving rapidly toward a climactic end.


77. Mr.Trapani once waxed ecstatic about the growth potential of China.


78. Still in an ecstatic mood, the Master said, "Ah!


79. Looking at the temple of Radhakanta, across the courtyard, the Master went into an ecstatic mood.


80. After the Master had finished his bath, he again spoke of the ecstatic love of the gopis.

