

1. The Lady Dowager's gift was a purse containing a small golden effigy of the God of Learning symbolizing literary talent and harmony.


2. Is it in our national interest to have images going all over the world,?the image of thousands of protesters burning in effigy some look alike of the American government .


3. He saw before him an officer delegated to enforce the law, and perfectly well knew that it would be as unavailing to seek pity from a magistrate decked with his official scarf, as to address a petition to some cold marble effigy.


4. May 19th. An effigy of the Statue of Liberty stands with the hunger strikers in front of the Shanghai city government offices.


5. When the high school team lost the championship game, the coach was hung in effigy by the people.


6. When the high school team lost the championship game, the coach was hung in effigy by the towns people.


7. To get rid of these bad things, every family lights an effigy on fire at midnight.


8. He then held a state funeral, with an effigy of Pertinax, and consecrated him as one of the deified emperors, adding a flamen and a Helvian sodales, who had previously been Marcian.


9. He had himself devoutly removed the imperial effigy from the cross which Napoleon had given him,this made a hole, and he would not put anything in its place.


10. The constable saw the effigy, and in unfeigned terror reported the suicide of the wife to the two husbands.


11. They carry with them an effigy of Shiva, destined for its summer home in the village of Kedarnath, 3,500 metres up in the Himalayas.


12. There have been demonstrations, previously almost unheard of in Iceland, in which families have marched on the parliament buildings, stringing up an effigy of Oddsson along the way.


13. in public view in the form of an effigy: a leader hanged in effigy by the mob.


14. 3. The king was burned in effigy by the angry mob.


15. 3. During the war, the president was sometimes burned in effigy in some cities.


16. There is an effigy of Einstein around the corner.


17. In Maryland, protesters hung a junior congressman in effigy.


18. sepulchral effigy


19. The Hall of Tranquillity, which is the main temple hall, has in the centre a shrine that houses a sculpture of Guan Yu. In a sitting posture, the effigy wears an expression at once solemn and fearless.


20. When someone has set your effigy alight, even if that was a few trophies ago, you do not want to be taking chances.


21. burn someone in effigy


22. The president was burned in effigy by the angry mob.


23. Interestingly I have not seen an effigy of Pastor Bwanika.


24. These days there is a right old celebration every year that involves the burning of Guy's effigy, huge amounts of cash spent on highly technical displays and big, brash bonfires.


25. In Paraguay, people create an effigy and dress him up like a scarecrow when the new year comes.


26. Permanent unity represents perceptual landscape effigy.


27. AFP reports that protesters amassed shoes from across the country to throw at an effigy of Mr.Bush outside the convention center.


28. The fire roared and crackled, and a great cheer went up as the flames began to lick the effigy of the Pope


29. 4. Burn a person in effigy.


30. an effigy of Einstein


31. an effigy (usually of a famous person) made of wax.


32. The group, led by radical lawmaker Leung Kwok-hung, tried to burn an effigy of what they said was the "butcherous" Chinese leadership, and police doused them all with fire extinguishers.


33. An effigy of Guy Fawkes paraded through the streets of English towns and burned on Guy Fawkes Day.

盖伊 福克斯在盖伊 福克斯日,人们举着盖伊 福克斯的木像在英国的各城镇游街并把它烧毁

34. Bill Gates, infamous for giving us the Microsoft dancing paper clip and the blue screen of death, has been decapitated in effigy in “I Hate Gates” Web sites and hit with a pie in the face.


35. the coin bears an effigy of Lincoln; the emperor's tomb had his image carved in stone.


36. the coin bears an effigy of Lincoln; the emperor's tomb had his image carved in stone


37. The demonstrators Burned an effigy of the president or the demonstrators Burned the president in effigy


38. The demonstrators burned a crude effigy of the president.


39. Priests thought a young South American couple were devoted to a Madonna statue in their local church until they realized the pair were more interested in the effigy's electrical charge than its spiritual vibe.


40. The deposed dictator was burned in effigy by the crowd.


41. The deposed dictatorwas burned in effigy by the crowd.


42. A figure made of wax, especially a life - size wax effigy of a famous person.


43. A figure made of wax,especially a life-size wax effigy of a famous person.


44. Supporters of ousted Pakistani judges burn an effigy of President Pervez Musharraf, as thousands gathered to put pressure on the new government to reinstate them.


45. There were further angry demonstrations, Goldstein was burned in effigy, hundreds of copies of the poster of the Eurasian soldier were torn down and added to the flames, and a number of shops were looted in the turmoil;

这便又引发了一次怒气冲天的示威,焚烧了戈德斯坦的模拟像,几百张欧亚国士兵的大海报撕下来添进了火里。 那一阵骚动下,不少店铺遭了抢劫。

46. It was not a Napoleon;it was one of those perfectly new twenty-franc pieces of the Restoration, on whose effigy the little Prussian queue had replaced the laurel wreath.Cosette was dazzled.


47. A memorial plaque or tablet made of brass, especially one on which an effigy is incised.


48. I have no doubt, for example, that the Fernworthy people will burn me in effigy to-night.


49. sculptured effigy


50. There the effigy stands, and stares from age to age across the changing ocean


51. Effigy Mounds National Monument


52. (British) an effigy of Guy Fawkes that is burned on a bonfire on Guy Fawkes Day.


53. as they marched to a Citigroup Inc. bank branch and burned an effigy of Bush.

