

1. The GE panel is effulgent


2. this supreme universal form of Mine, gloriously effulgent, infinite, primeval which no one has seen before except you.


3. "The crocus, the snowdrop, and the effulgent daffodil are considered bright harbingers of spring" (John Gould).

“藏红花、雪花莲和明亮的水仙花被看作是春天的光明预兆” (约翰·高尔德)。

4. China ancient female artists and male artists went hand in hand with effulgent China culture arts.


5. China and India are both world-famous ,civilized countries and they have effulgent culture.


6. China has attracted people's deep attention all over the world, which not only for her prosperity and grandness, but also for her ancient and long-standing history and effulgent culture.


7. Why is baroque right for one age and too effulgent for another?


8. 2.O Lord, O friend of the shelterless, O effulgent moon of mercy, please, just this one time, quickly extend Your hand to save me!"


9. Confucianism the effulgent lifetime that learned father Confucius to end him 70 years old.


10. Effulgent compose acts the role of ablaze series, extremely attractive inwrought craft series, be today the mainstream that Xia Liang pulls.


11. In fact, one has endless thoughts for the most effulgent sunbeam that shines after the storm.


12. In this plane the seeker casteth away all signs, allusions, veils, and words, and beholdeth all things with an eye illumined by the effulgent lights which God Himself hath shed upon him.


13. She is like the effulgent sun, bringing into existence and shining through and standing behind the clouds of different colours and shapes, conjuring up wonderful forms in the blue autumn heaven.


14. The Chinese large land and effulgent culture not only foster Chinese generation and generation, but also create rich and colorful dwelling culture.


15. Upon a poet’s page I wrote Of old two letters of her name; Part seemed she of the effulgent thought Whence that high singer's rapture came.

我曾在一本个人诗集的一页旁, 将她姓名的两个起首字母写上; 伟大诗人的迷醉狂喜,仿佛来自 她也是一份的、光辉灿烂的思想。 ?

16. With the insight of big open-up, great investment, WUDI will turn on the new face of development and build the effulgent future of "China Date Town".


17. It is early before 7000, our ancestor was created in this one belt effulgent " magnetism hill culture " .


18. Chenguan World----more effulgent due to you!


19. "the beaming sun";"the effulgent daffodils";"a radiant sunrise";

注释列句:radiating or as if radiating light;

20. the beaming sun; the effulgent daffodils; a radiant sunrise; a refulgent sunset


21. the beaming sun; the effulgent daffodils; a radiant sunrise; a refulgent sunset.


22. 2. the beaming sun; the effulgent daffodils; a radiant sunrise; a refulgent sunset.


23. the effulgent daffodils


24. the effulgent daffodils;


25. This articles mainly analyses the Palestine problem from the aspect of the Jewish mentality Jewish nation is a special one It is a very ancient and young nationality , which creates effulgent cultures and bears lots of sufferings.


26. An Effulgent Star in the Field of New Techniques Development in China--Record on Sichuan Kehua New Techniques Research Institute


27. The letter turned out to be the most effulgent thing he ever produced.


28. Above: Nikola Tesla, showing the inventor in the effulgent glory of myriad tongues of electrical flame, New York Sunday World, 1894.


29. The crocus,the snowdrop,and the effulgent daffodil are considered bright harbingers of spring(John Gould.


30. The crocus, the snowdrop, and the effulgent daffodil are considered bright harbingers of spring(John Gould.See also Synonyms atintelligent

藏红花、雪花莲和明亮的水仙花被看作是春天的光明预兆(约翰 高尔德)参见同义词

31. Whatever there may be of effulgent splendour, Jesus shall be the centre and soul of it all.Oh!to be present and to see him in his own light, the King of kings, and Lord of lords!


32. In the world, as a woman, you can marry with a good guy, you can cultivate a excellent child, in a word, you will achieve a effulgent future except like a man to strive.


33. 28. by the practice of the different parts of yogas the impurities being destroyed ,knowledge becomes effulgent up to discrimination.


34. 36. or by the meditation on the effulgent light, which is beyond all sorrow.


35. : The warm、wet and beautiful environment created the effulgent culture of Huizhou, and the Ancient Villages are the main carrier of the culture.

