

1. In March 2001 the Bolivian government has completed the elaboration of Poverty Reduction Strategy(Bolivian Poverty Reduction Strategy, BPRS).


2. EGS is a private company whose mission is the development of software and solutions for the elaboration of 3D scanning data.


3. The IPPC Secretariat, in consultation with member governments and RPPOs, defines priorities for standard setting and coordinates their elaboration.


4. "But Bill wasn't practising surgery any more," he said casually, without elaboration.


5. a few remarks added in amplification and defense; an elaboration of the idea followed.


6. Second, the research on heterogeneity is lack of elaboration and systematism.


7. The argument just mentioned deserves elaboration.


8. The Inception and Elaboration phases of the next major release also occur before we are done with Version 2.0, as shown in Figure 4.


9. However, in the spirit of Arab solidarity, it would refrain from making specific remarks or seeking elaboration and again thanked the Delegation of Bahrain for its contributions.


10. Elaboration of Students'Principal Part Character in Individualized Instruction


11. Abeing an open forum, you can always participate in the on-going elaboration of the bridge. Your suggestions can enrich the process, your ideas contribute to the vitality of the dialogue.


12. To hit to make E?D?F elaboration, on the foundation of existing research strength, developing outside brain organization and realizing wisdom extend limitlessly.


13. Mainly is very does summarizes and draws a conclusion the place not to rise to the enough theory altitude, some elaboration part lacks the essential adduction and the data.


14. The main elaboration lyrics understood sings the importance regarding the song, and in how melts the lyrics emotion to sing to the song the concrete question.


15. Mainly through carries on the elaboration to the PROMOS principle,using PROMOS different control modules,realization to mine shaft force belt fastener system ground common control.


16. the presentation and elaboration of an argument or arguments


17. Yunnan ethnic cultural tourism resources development is the key to tourism development strategy, this article carries on the elaboration on its protection development.


18. Wuhu Mountain is a scenic spot, with newly-constructed facilities such as an elaboration path and an observation platform.


19. The structure of radio-based dispatching system in Shenzhen Metro is introduced with elaboration on the composition and technical characteristics of NOKIA-TETRA digital trunking system and its application in Shenzhen Metro.


20. The article starts from the definition of “Green Barrier” with elaboration and analysis on its manifestation,cause and influence on Chinese textile industry.Some suggestions are put forth.


21. From the development mode of coordinating with business estate to “extractive and functional elaboration” of hotel planning design, it has been penetrating with superior innovation sense of success.


22. He was concerned not with formulating a coherent metaphysical system, but with the elaboration and interpretation of verses of scripture from the Torah, often in the form of obscure mystical allegorizations.


23. His book is a wide-ranging elaboration of imaginative literature as a system of representation, equal in authority, as he thinks, to science.


24. His style tends to elaboration.


25. The screw and machine barrel with optimization design and elaboration have excellent plasticizing effect.


26. Yet up to now, few scholars have touched on the TPD problem in interpreting, not to mention systematic elaboration on the issue.


27. But when won't this report elaboration have started to implement.


28. They invite elaboration, bring in the pleasure of interpretation, and suppress the occurrence of counter arguments.


29. hypothesis elaboration and instantiation


30. Work resolute and courageous and steady heavy, elaboration, to lover consideration, wear to think for the others, mature, love business, there is sense of humor, like art and book.


31. preliminary drawing for later elaboration.


32. Students will be introduced to the concepts of music construction, harmonic expansion, and rhythmic elaboration.


33. Among them second part is this text focal point, mainly Republic of China time Gan Ningqing area several comparatively will have the representative warlord"s opium policy to make an elaboration.


34. The establishment of Greater Lebanon in 1920, the elaboration of the Lebanese Constitution of 1926 and the agreement of the National Pact in 1943 determined the character and development of the Lebanese state.


35. Others go even further and advocate the elaboration of an international restatement of general principles of contract law.


36. Further, it had common shrines and festivals; in fact the elaboration of the whole Greek mythology out of the traditional old Aryan nature-cult was essentially conditioned by the phratries and gentes, and took place within them.


37. The function in text organization is reflected in information prediction,while the function in cohesion manifests in cohesion,including addition,adversative,elaboration,emphasis,causal analysis and temporal relationship.

其篇章组篇功能体现在对信息的预示; 衔接功能反应在表示添加补充、转折对比,阐述总结,加强语气,因果分析以及时间关系。

38. elaboration of physical symptoms for psychological reasons


39. Coordinate, supervise and guide the elaboration of reports on the status of financial -economical and property aspects of the company, presenting technical analysis and spread sheets.


40. An Elaboration on Treatment for Headache due to Collapse Syndrome in Internal classic


41. Easily to see that among all of these, taking the cover as the object of study is slightly frailly of correlation elaboration.


42. This point is self-evident and needs no elaboration.

含义自明, 无须多说。

43. They therefore supported the elaboration of a treaty, which would facilitate access to basic information.


44. Comunque ai un check sulla mia scelta del termine inglese, we can start looking at the less widely known costs for the more expensive inland sections.Source: our elaboration of OSC data.


45. Based on the elaboration on the CCR model and BCC model of DEA, the article takes a Fix Phone Carrier as an example and evaluates its marketing cost by the method.


46. In this short note, has the single item choice question, many item of choice questions and the case analysis topic answer, but also some nouns explain, Jian Dati and the elaboration topic topic.


47. advanced in complexity or elaboration.


48. Multi-Sensor Situation Elaboration


49. Tianfu 2000 Liquor-blending Liquid” is a new scientific product through elaboration of experts in Sichuan Provincial Research Center of Famous Wine.


50. "If the negative image caused by food safety issues cannot be corrected, its impact on the inbound (tourist) market will linger," she said, without elaboration.


51. If a young child is asking questions about the event, answer them simply without the elaboration needed for an older child or adult.


52. Elaboration and Tactics of Student's Subject Consciousness to the Composition Self-Correction


53. The study on wenyanci is always paid attention to in academic field and wenyanci is given elaboration in nearly all kinds of modern Chinese textbooks and modern Chinese vocabulary monographs.


54. The perfect technical design coheres the plan of Silver Star person,full of elaboration to every detail.


55. European unification was absorbing more of their energies and dedication than was the elaboration of Atlantic institutions.


56. European unification was absorbing more of their energies and dedication than the elaboration of Atlantic institutions.


57. According to whether the characteristic elaboration was consistent with subsequent target action carried out by the protagonist,the experimental materials were divided into three categories: enablement,disablement and re-ablement version.


58. Qualified and experienced engineers in the vacuum cleaner conception to take charge in the elaboration of the designs, features, certification, production of the four new designs IGA develops per year.


59. The thesis penetrates into all these things mentioned above and offers theoretical elaboration and answers for us.


60. The goal elaboration cannot be had the theory to accountant on some item blindly to act as go-between.


61. This paper prese nts a comprehensive elaboration which can be refered to for further study in ter ms of how electric stimulation influences both muscle strength and flexibility.


62. Socio-economic standing needs particular elaboration


63. During the course of the two PCDA meetings, a further elaboration would be made on those issues.


64. The meticulous style requires great care and grace, with strict composition and fine elaboration.


65. delusional elaboration of hallucinations


66. Establishes the elaboration of a maintenance strategy, implement high standards of operation.


67. The Elaboration of Integral Equations of the New BEM for Thin Elastic Shells


68. The laws and decrees do not give a definite elaboration of this action.


69. In we attend school the career of each frustrated, every successful, none not the companion wear the guidance of your elaboration with help with concentrated effort.


70. We intend to participate in the elaboration of common rules in the energy sector and to abide by rules that are developed together.


71. I revealed the whole episode to him with considerable elaboration and nice attention to detail.


72. I am sure that there are other setups that can be effective, but I will leave the elaboration on those up to other players.


73. I the store security have also carried on in the theory elaboration regarding the net on and further have given the expansion and the consummation.


74. Elaboration, but examiners in the process of examination questions can be random, this, candidates have to improvise to answer.


75. Structural reform requires the elaboration of complete rules, regulations, work methods and methods of leadership. It is impossible to accomplish all these things at once.


76. This research was designed to explore three text factors that influence the accessibility of antecedents: referential distance,the elaboration of the distractor,the typicality of the distractor.


77. Then a further comprehensive elaboration is made to introduce the main designing ideas and guidelines of evaluating the function-realization.


78. This case study is a practical elaboration of the analytical model of NGO intervention into interstate governance practices. It is part of the dossier on NGO integration into the WTO.


79. Abstract: Embarks from Marxism's standpoint viewpoint, elaboration globalization substantive characteristics and duality, present era description for globalized time.


80. "To transform theory into virtue" is one of the main theses of Feng Qi.His elaboration on this thesis constitutes an important part of his philosophy.

