

1. It elapsed quickly, and the joyful days of traveling passed soon.


2. After30 seconds have elapsed, the picture is removed from view, and theperson is asked to continue to look at the easel and to report anythingthat they can observe.


3. Access can perform arithmetic calculations on dates; for example, you can calculate how many days have elapsed since the invoice date to age your accounts receivable.


4. HeartBeatEventArgs indicates the elapsed time into the load test warm-up period or measurement period.


5. The JMeter application can measure elapsed time between the transmission of an IFX-encoded request and the receipt of an IFX-encoded reply.


6. Number of elapsed seconds since sp_monitor was run.


7. Twenty years have elapsed since the May 4th Movement, yet it is only this year that the day has been designated as the national Youth Day, and this is a most significant fact.


8. Several decades have elapsed since the concept of "Fuzzy" had been theorised, people have conducted the system descriptive research to the fuzzy language.


9. A space of a minute or two has elapsed before he comes up with her.


10. A month elapsed before he coughed up the money he owed me.


11. A month elapsed, the girl was narcose all the same.The boy was peaked and pined, but he still believed that she would get better one day.


12. The period of time during which a user of a terminal can communicate with an interactive system, usually, the elapsed time between logon and logoff.


13. Everything will be dim finally,except the elapsed daytime which is plated by the vision of love will be shining ever and anon in the clough.


14. One day of negotiation had elapsed without any progress whatever and with the clock now running against us.


15. Five years have elapsed in a flash.


16. A network control program function that presents an interruption to indicate that a predetermined period of time has elapsed without the occurrence of an expected event.


17. During simulation, a status window displays useful information, such as simulation status, elapsed and remaining time, and memory usage.


18. The following code example demonstrates how to determine the tick count, or number of milliseconds that have elapsed since Windows was started.


19. Introduction: Jinnan Laozaoping have elapsed since the history of a century.


20. Label each mark with the elapsed time since the 0 data point.


21. Three-quarters of an hour had not elapsed since they had risen in bed in the dark, nail in hand, and their project in their heads.


22. Only a few years have elapsed since the island has been completely pacified.Nevertheless, the economic ordinary progress which has already been made is very striking.


23. He is still shocked by the fact that only nine months have elapsed since we started this project, and now it is finished.


24. The elapsed time between the receipt of a reply to one request and the submission of the next request.


25. It has become an irreversible fact that we did become friends as the minute had elapsed despite its evanescence.


26. It Harry fully an irropportunitysible syllequattempty toy we doll fully weighs as trap throat happily elapsed despite its evanescence.


27. He agrees that his own name should not be mentioned until a period of several days has elapsed.


28. Four years had elapsed since he left college and still he hadn't found a job.


29. Three months have elapsed since he left home.


30. But although nearly two months have elapsed since the Pingkiang massacre, the law and its administrators have done nothing.


31. Yet nearly three years elapsed before One Hundred Years of Solitude made its way into English.


32. Result showed the effectiveness of vetiver in protecting slopes from water and soil erosion by stabilizing top soil, and seemed it get better with the time elapsed.


33. Note:for night timing,set the O on the bezel at the desired number of elapsed minutes from the minute hand position.


34. For example, counters of the type ElapsedTime compare the time stamp on two different samples and determine how much time has elapsed.


35. For example, you can calculate how many days have elapsed since the invoice date to age your accounts receivable.


36. Property based on the time elapsed or other boosts when a process must be put ahead of others for access to the processor.


37. For example, you can enter a birth date in a control on a form and display the number of elapsed years from that date in another control.


38. Fixed sound bug allowing sounds to play before their minimum replay time had elapsed.


39. More than eleven years has elapsed between the Seventh and Eighth Party Congresses. This interval was, of course, much too long.


40. Here, the voltage is placed across the capacitor (CX) for the soak period, then the ammeter measures the current after this period has elapsed.


41. Result is in CPU time increments, or "ticks," and is cumulative for all CPUs, so it may exceed the actual elapsed time.


42. Weeks elapsed before we could start renovating.


43. Removed thousandth of a seconds from elapsed time in progress bar.


44. The radii are proportional to the time which has elapsed since the wave front occupied the position wi.


45. Immediately after your finish, note the elapsed time to determine your VO2max pace Right away, take your heart rate in beats per minute to determine your maximum heart rate.

参考译文 一起呵.英语站跑完后立即记下所用的时间以确定你的最高速度。立刻记下你的每分心跳,以确定你的最大心率。

46. When the reaction time elapsed, the changes of the pore surface and average pore diameter become mild and the pore volume reduced drastically and then remain unchanged.


47. In another sense, the average speed of a body means the total length of path covered, divided by the elapsed time.


48. Reset to stop any current interval measurement in progress and clear the elapsed time value.


49. If 0, it will elaps to the next command.

听听听听听听听听听rem Opposite of binary rules.

50. Start a new project. The idea of this project is to start a timer, then stop the timer and compute the elapsed time (in seconds).


51. Thus, the elapsed time from deposition to primary migration was more than 300 my and possibly as long as 380 my for part of this important source sequence.


52. In the.NET Framework version 2.0 And earlier, the Timer component catches and suppresses all exceptions thrown by event handlers for the Elapsed event.

在.NET Framework 2.0版及更早版本中,Timer组件捕获Elapsed事件的事件处理程序所引发的所有异常并禁止显示这些异常。

53. The behavior of formaldehyde emission from medium density fiberboard (MDF) is a function of time elapsed.


54. The timeout period elapsed prior to the completion of a Transact-SQL statement.


55. Considerable time elapsed after these observations before an association with the microbial quality of the product was established.


56. Scarcely had a few seconds elapsed, ere he saw everything as distinctly as by daylight.


57. In Wales a marriage only became indissoluble, or rather it only ceased to be terminable by notification, after seven years had elapsed.


58. The GetTickCount function retrieves the number of milliseconds that have elapsed since Windows was started.


59. Moreover, the corona current and ozone generation decreased after long time elapsed.


60. The timeout period elapsed prior to completion of the operation or the server is not responding.


61. In the database you'll find the Elapsed Time VBA code module containing the HoursAndMinutes and ElapsedTimeString functions.

在数据库中可以找到包含HoursAndMinutes和ElapsedTimeString函数的ElapsedTime VBA代码模块。

62. Returns time elapsed since last frame function call in seconds.


63. The elapsed time between deposition and expulsion on the flank of the Basin could have been more than 500 my.


64. If that time has elapsed, the GPU polling starts.


65. The variation in our conception of free will in this connection depends on the interval of time that has elapsed between the action and our criticism of it.


66. The uncertainty of solute transport increases with the increase of time elapsed and decreases with the increase of the number of conditional data.


67. The average percentage of elapsed time that the processor spends to execute a non-idle thread.


68. The client confirms that he/she gets the Greeting bonus once during the last 6 months. The readmission of the Welcome Bonus is possible after a period of 6 months has elapsed.


69. Her age is calculated based on the molecular clock technique of correlating elapsed time with observed genetic drift.


70. Not more than a minute had elapsed after her withdrawal when Tess woke, and then Clare.


71. Months have elapsed before I heard from my friend again.


72. Months had elapsed before I heard from my friend again.


73. Days elapsed while I remained undecided.


74. The variance could be to actual clock time if the RTC was initialized to that, or simply an error in elapsed time since the RTC was activated.


75. If your data set is very large, perform the bulk copy on a sample of the data set and extrapolate the elapsed time to the entire data set.


76. Such a person will only be eligible for reinstatement after three years have elapsed since the last failure. Reinstatement will entitle this person to three more opportunities.


77. In the button's click event handler, the Update method of the first panel is called if more than five seconds have elapsed since its last update.


78. It's very useful to find the time elapsed between two points in your ASP scripts (for example, a DB calls script).


79. Instance is stopped, and the elapsed time property of the instance is zero.


80. Experimental psychologists measure the elapsed time from the onset of the stimulus to its recognition by the observer.

