
elbowelbowD.J.:[ˈelbəu]K.K.:[ˈɛlˌbo]vt. & vi.1.用肘推, 用肘挤He elbowed right and left in the crowd.他在人群中左冲右撞。He elbowed me out of the way.他把我挤开了。n.1.肘, (衣服的)肘部Don't lay your elbows on the desk.不要将两肘放在书桌上。

elbow['elbəu]n.1.2.3.(四足动物前肢的)肘关节4.(衣服的)肘部5.肘状物;肘状弯;肘状角;如6.(河流、道路等的)急弯7.【机械学】肘管,L形弯管, L形弯头8.(沙发、椅子等的)扶手9.【建筑业】门耳;窗耳(= crossette)10.[美国俚语]侦探;警察vt.1.用肘推(或撞):I tried to stop her, but she elbowed me out of the way.我企图拦阻她,但她用肘把我搡开。2.用肘挤,(粗鲁地)挤过去(或挤进):Jack elbowed his way through the crowd.杰克挤过人群。vi.1.用肘推;用肘挤着前进,往前挤:Mary elbowed through the crowd.玛丽从人群中推推搡搡地挤过去。2.转弯;变成肘状;形成角:The passage elbowed and they were in a great hall.沿着那条通道蜿蜒而行,他们来到了一个大厅。at one's (或 someone's) elbow在(某人)手边,在(某人)近旁,伸手可及,唾手可得bend (或 crook, lift, raise, tip) the (或 an, one's) elbow[口语、俚语]酒喝得太多,爱喝酒(尤指烈酒),纵酒;喝酒give someone the elbow把(某人)挤到一边排挤某人,排斥某人;(尤指)与某人断绝关系lift one's (或an, the) elbow=bend one's elbowmore power to your ( 或his, etc.) elbow[口语]但愿你(或他等)成功发达out at (the) elbows(衣衫)露肘的;衣衫褴褛的;(人)贫困的,经济拮据的,手头紧的,缺钱用的raise one's (或 an, the) elbow= bend one's elbowrub elbows with与(名人等)交往;与(非同一社会阶层的人)接近shake the elbows[口语]掷骰子;赌博tip one's (或an, the)elbow=bend one's elbowtouch elbows with= rub elbows withup to the (或 one's) elbow(s) (in 或 with)非常忙,忙于(工作等),埋头于深深卷入;(债台)高筑
