
endureendureD.J.:[inˈdjuə]K.K.:[ɛnˈdʊr, -ˈdjʊr]vt. & vi.1.(长时间地)忍受, 忍耐, 容忍You needn't endure.你不需要忍受。I cannot endure her rudeness any longer.我再也不能忍受她的无礼了。I cannot endure you should say that.你竟然说出那种话真让人受不了。vi.1.持续, 持久, 坚持下去We can't endure much longer in the desert without water.我们没有水无法在沙漠中坚持长久。

endure[in'djuə]vt.1.忍耐,耐住,忍受(痛苦、不幸、困难、疲劳等):They could endure much pain.他们能忍受很多痛苦。2.经得起(考验等):经受住:to endure great financial pressures with equanimity以镇定自若的态度经受住财政上的巨大压力3.[与cannot等否定词连用]容忍:I cannot endure your insults any longer.我再也不能容忍你的侮辱。I can't endure that noise a moment longer.那吵闹声我一会儿也不能再忍受下去了。4.容许,允许;容许有…的可能性:Her poetry is such that it will not endure a superficial reading.她的诗意味深长,不可粗读。5.坚持;维持,不退让vi.1.继续(存在),持续,持久:These words will endure as long as people live who love freedom.只要热爱自由的人们还活着,这些话语将是永恒的。2.忍耐;忍受(痛苦等):Even in the darkest ages humanity has endured.即使在最黑暗的年代人也能忍耐。to endure to the bitter end忍耐到底3.持久不衰,不朽:His plays have endured for more than two centuries.他的戏剧经历两个多世纪而不衰。近义词bear变形vt.enduredenduring

endureendure[inˈdjuə]vt.1.忍耐, 忍受2.[常与 cannot 等否定词连用] 不能容忍, 讨厌endure pain [suffering, hardship]忍受痛苦[苦难, 艰苦]endure cold [heat]耐寒[热]I can't endure him.我讨厌他。I can't endure his unreasonable action.我不能容忍他的无理行为。
词性变化endure[inˈdjuə]vi.1.忍受, 忍耐2.坚持下去, 存在下去as long as life endures只要还有一口气His fame will endureforever.他的名望将永垂不朽。
