

1. On May 10th the junta went ahead, in areas unaffected by the disaster, with a sham referendum on a new constitution designed to entrench its rule.


2. Others don’t.Prejudicing against those who don’t is an arrogant act designed to entrench a position of perceived superiority by denying others access to knowledge.

Some people have the luxury to choose which language they use to acquire knowledge (我个人从大一开始就再也没读过中文的生物方面东西了).

3. advance gradually and entrench oneself at every step;

[1] 前进中的每一步骤都安营设防。

4. “The German entrenching tool was vastly superior to our pick and shovel.


5. 5.Some conclude that the Shias have no real intention to share power, only to string America along while using its firepower to destroy rivals and entrench their own dominion.


6. The letters written by a certain leader such as a president usually convey more than those printed with machines when establishing or entrenching the international relationship between two nations.


7. Better to strike out than to entrench oneself in defence.


8. The rakyat saw through the coup which was orchestrated to entrench Najib’s position before the UMNO General Assembly where he was made the country’s premier.


9. They entrench themselves behind undeniable facts.


10. They understand the law will entrench the rights of the carpet-baggers who have looted the state as it has privatised assets.


11. Their tactics is to go ahead steadily and entrench them-selves at every step, and then strike sure blows.


12. He has always concerned himself with working towards the future rather than worshipping the past or entrenching himself in the present.


13. Mr Yam noted that the year saw a number of further reforms to the Currency Board system aimed at increasing transparency and further entrenching rule-based, non-discretionary principles.


14. Bethlehemites retort that the wall's main aim is not to provide security but to entrench the new“ facts on the ground” established by the gradual appropriation of their vineyards and orchards.


15. But once the occupiers have left, the chances that the Iraqis will entrench and cherish a stable, federal, pluralist democracy must still be rated at less than even.


16. but careless comments about the facts of pending cases may tend to entrench the commissioner in his assumptions, making it difficult for him to consider the evidence impartially when the case comes before the agency for final decision.


17. As in America, race and a history of slavery make a potent combination, entrenching stereotypes and attitudes on all sides.


18. But neither should the law become a tool to entrench one particular way in which artists (or more accurately, distributors) get paid.


19. Entrench: to establish in a strong position


20. to entrench on the domain or rights of another


21. to entrench upon the rights of others


22. The Kremlin has spent a decade entrenching one set of allies at the commanding heights of the economy.


23. The lure of membership has helped to entrench stability and democracy, first in the southern Mediterranean and now in central Europe.


24. As happened with Greece, Spain and Portugal in the1980 s, joining the EU club has helped entrench democracy, the rule of law and economic growth in countries that for too long had none of these things.

25. " Second, nationalist narratives are often communicated in ways to create and/or entrench nationalist sentiment.


26. entrench and defend


27. To sum up my studies and researches, I hope the people from military dependent s villages will entrench themselves in Taiwan s society and create their own wonderland here again.


28. "It also realises that attempts to Bring communities together quicker than they are ready to will only generate resentment, resistance and further entrench divisions."


29. On the other, tightening supply any more could push crude up too high, entrenching the downturn and endangering any economic recovery.


30. To hold on stubbornly,as to a position;entrench oneself.


31. To hold on stubbornly, as to a position; entrench oneself.


32. to hold on stubbornly,as to a position; entrench oneself


33. The Kuomintang (KMT) ruling clique retreated from the mainland to entrench in China's Taiwan Province in confrontation with the Central Government with the support of foreign forces. This is the origin of the Taiwan issue.


34. In a world of ever more rapid global financial flows, the first policy conclusion is the need to entrench stability in macroeconomic policy.


35. "The Chinese private entrepreneur ... is willing to take a long view and endure tough contemporary conditions and relatively low returns to be able to entrench himself locally," she argued.


36. Much asmarket dominance, it is one of the cardinal virtues of open source that there are no legal or business policies that would entrench it as a monopoly.


37. The Blairite view that design flaws in the provision of welfare and public service entrench inequality and hold back the disadvantaged is basically valid.


38. Google, no less than Microsoft, is mainly interested these days in entrenching its existing franchise.


39. We are not evacuating, but rather entrenching, our place right at the heart of global commerce, finance and trade.


40. The handle was blown off my entrenching tool and one of my canteens had a hole blown through it.


41. So, we all carried a German entrenching tool.


42. entrench oneself in

扎根于 ...

43. Critics say the constitutional blessing of collective rights and traditional authorities smacks of corporatism and will entrench undemocratic caciques (political bosses).


44. entrenching shove


45. dig in; entrench oneself


46. The enemy be strongly entrench on the other side of the river


47. A new year looks sure to entrench old resentments.


48. SIA and Singapore need to entrench themselves in the new Asia, where China calls the shots.


49. make a stand at every step; advance gradually and entrench at every step


50. Fascism cannot entrench itself in power without annihilating the workers' organizations.


51. On the Importance of Entrenching the Protection in Law for the Modern Professional Diseasess


52. Boldness, however, is required: in reforming the economy;intensifying the battle against the scourge of corruption;and entrenching solid democratic processes.


53. Instead of discouraging corporate shareholding, the government plans to entrench it.


54. Now China needs a leader who understandings that only freedom can entrench prosperity.


55. Until now, the MDC had strongly opposed the amendments on the ground that they would entrench the ruling party ahead of the election.


56. Entrench ( v.): establish securely(used in passive voice or with a reflexive pronoun)


57. The political “process” has degenerated into a drive to impose a constitution entrenching military rule.


58. But if the managers" stockholding ratio is more than or equal to 32.88%, the increasement of the managers" stockholding may raise the agent costs and entrench upon external stockholders.


59. Again, guarantees seem to provide a magical fix, by entrenching core entitlements while permitting local innovation.


60. A sea change in the balance of power in favour of China, India, Russia and other emerging states is wrecking European and US efforts to entrench human rights, liberties and multilateralism.


61. At least in the short run, the actions also further entrench the government in a mortgage industry, leaving taxpayers exposed to default-related losses that could run into the scores of billions.


62. The Western Powers helped the World Revolution to entrench itself deep in Europe.


63. Parliament will entrench some constitutional amendments to shift the balance of power between president and prime minister.


64. The worry is that the lack of a deal will entrench a de facto political separation between Gaza, run by the Hamas hardliners, and the West Bank, with a more moderate or even a mixed regime.


65. This in entrenching on other domains.


66. entrench oneself

进入壕沟固守; 使自己处于稳固地位

67. entrench upon the truth


68. arguments that only entrench you more firmly in error


69. Arguments that only entrench you more firmlyin error.


70. Reagan’s enduring legacy was to entrench lower taxes as part of small-government philosophy.


71. The first is a president with soaring ambitions (including reordering American foreign policy and entrenching Republican power) and an executive-focused view of the constitution.

