

1. "TheArt in Zines," this year's exhibit at the ABC No Rio, a social centerin Manhattan that includes a gallery, was well attended "given that itwas pretty esoteric," says organizer Steven Englander.


2. Master Knowledge: This includes the kind of esoteric information that only a master in the field of study could possibly know.


3. In the 16th century the center of Kabbala was Safed, Galilee, where it was based on the esoteric teachings of the greatest of all Kabbalists, Isaac ben Solomon Luria.


4. The rest of Type's new members are for advanced and somewhat esoteric scenarios beyond the scope of this article.


5. The name Wei, or “Mighty”, is so popular that parents have been turning to ancient and esoteric dictionaries to find more unusual monikers for their children.


6. Ter( s) are esoteric teachings concealed mainly by Guru Padmasambhava in the9 th Century through his mystical power.


7. Zhu Fahu , known as "Dunhuang Bodhisattva ", translated many sutras of Esoteric Buddhism, which is the indirect evidence about the early Esoteric Buddhism importing Dunhuang area at the Western Jin Dynasty.


8. "Taking the six elements as essence" is the Esoteric interpretation of the origin of the cosmos.


9. A number of doctoral students sighed with feeling after the event, saying they would benefit the rest of their life from listening to this esoteric lecture by a world-level master of physics.


10. There are some Zoroastrians who are influenced by Theosophy, an eclectic esoteric movement of the nineteenth century.


11. Only a few eldrith giants typically dwell in the same place, drawn together by shared interest in specialized or esoteric knowledge about one facet of arcane magic.


12. These calculations are not just esoteric academic tweaks.


13. Listed below are a few suggestions for the most common type of expressions (and a few more esoteric ones).


14. Experts might occasionally look for esoteric features, and they might make heavy use of a few of them.


15. Perhaps out of his dislike of esoteric Buddhism, he was fascinated by Christianity and welcomed Jesuit missionaries.


16. Five Buddhas of Esoteric School are enshrined in the Hall of Mahavira of the temple of the Trantrism Sect.


17. What Are The Esoteric Teachings / God Thoughts?


18. Today this cosmology seems to attract rather the sectarian esoteric kind of people, and not liberals of the more rationalistic kind.


19. Moving on from there, we have shown that our theories, however esoteric, ultimately can stand experimental test and verification.


20. Their interest in philosophical speculation gave rise to a variety of Christian devotion that was much too private and esoteric, and irrelevant to the unbelievers at Colossae .


21. They value skill over loopy beliefs, and as such don't like to get caught up in arguments over the esoteric concepts of good and evil.


22. He saw that (5) the only way to compete for "wall power" at the all-important annual exhibition of the RA was to carve out his own niche, the more eye-catching and esoteric the better.


23. He visited Mme Blavatsky, the famous occultist, and joined the Esoteric Section of the Theosophical Society, but was later asked to resign.


24. Safe in his enclosing study, with the lovingly filled and refilled pipe and the esoteric books, his fame would have centred round investigations of vagabonds in medieval Europe.


25. But I was also given to understand that issues of money and finance are considered to be rather esoteric subjects by the majority of the community.


26. "But viewing it as an IT project is absolutely essential, because it's a distributed thin-client application and the skills required are quite esoteric.


27. But I have encrypted this letter with one of our most esoteric ciphers.Its words are safe from these yokels.


28. But reviewers complain this work is too mystierious and esoteric.


29. The Influence of Esoteric Buddhism over Bai ethnic Society and its People


30. You will be inclined toward mysticism and show an interest for esoteric ideas.


31. What gives international finance its esoteric twist is the existence of national moneys.


32. Like many esoteric pursuits, this has been facilitated by the internet.


33. She was worshipped by Songzan Gambo, the Tubo king in the 7th century, and later by the Esoteric Sect of Tibetan Buddhism.


34. Existing texts on ethnicity and health are often esoteric and academic in focus, accessible to researchers and policy analysts rather than health practitioners.


35. possessing intellectual or esoteric knowledge of spiritual things.


36. The school of esoteric Buddhism regards the Cundi Bodhisattva as one of the seven manifestations of Kuan-yin.


37. Kruger took a shine to me for some reason or other; it was impossible to get away from him once he discovered that I was willing to listen to his "esoteric" ideas.


38. The Liu esoteric doctrines believed that in financial crisis's situation, electronic commerce, because has these aspect superiority, not only will not wither, instead will accelerate to develop.


39. At this point, you should have a good grasp of the basics. In this section we'll cover some more esoteric uses of the library.


40. Wall Street's most esoteric instuments were built on these ideas.


41. PUL also offers an extensive range of esoteric tests.


42. Kabbala, also spelled KABALA, KABBALAH, CABALA, CABBALA, OR CABBALAH, is an esoteric Jewish mysticism as it appeared in the 12th and following centuries.


43. Qabbalah refers to an oral tradition of esoteric or secret knowledge concerning' essentially' the mysteries of Nature, and more overtly, the hidden teachings concerning the Hebrew Torah.


44. Even where it is not deliberately institutionalized as esoteric, it remains"secret" by virtue of its unintelligibility to the general populace.


45. Studies on Literature of Classical Esoteric Arts


46. Classical Chinese really consists of tens of centuries of esoteric anecdotes written in a kind of terse miserly code for dissemination among a small elite group.


47. On the other, beyond pickets of eucalyptuses, rose the dark mass of a more esoteric rain forest which obscured, presumably, the ocean.


48. At the same time the Western esoteric tradition also found a following in new schools, movements and cults.


49. Like other dualistic systems, it stresses salvation of the soul through esoteric knowledge, or gnosis, of its divine origin. (Its name derives from mandayya, “having knowledge.


50. As in many rites in Esoteric Christianity, especially in transmitting a divine influence upon another, invocation is often made upon God or the angelic hierarchy.


51. An exclusive group of persons sharing an esoteric, usually artistic or intellectual interest.


52. In the 16th century, based on what struck many of his contemporaries as the esoteric minutiae of celestial motions, Copernicus suggested that Earth was not, in fact, at the center of the universe.


53. In their esoteric lexicon, "gang stalking" refers to the belief that they are being followed and harassed: by neighbors, strangers or colleagues who are agents for the government.


54. In ancient India, the mandala was a round or square mud platform at a meditation site erected to ward off "demons" during meditation sessions of the Esoteric Buddhists.


55. When an Esoteric Buddhist has finished the four diligent exercises, he must vow not to breach samaya before Abhiseka, or he will never enter into the madala.


56. Lily: Yes. You can see both the popular and the more esoteric.


57. In Hellenistic times many esoteric and magical texts were written using his name (though none of those texts had anything to do with the real Zarathushtra) and Zoroaster was thought of as one of the greatest magicians.


58. In the channelling before this, seemingly a moment ago to me, we provided a great deal of esoteric information.


59. In Ireland, the name of the holiday was All Hallows' Eve (often shortened to Hallow Eve), and though seldom used today, the name is still well-accepted, albeit somewhat esoteric.

在爱尔兰,名称的假期是所有圣'除夕(通常缩短到万圣节前夕) ,虽然今天很少使用的名称仍然是良好的接受,尽管有些深奥。

60. On paper your CCCP (Cat Colony Care Program) looks good but in practical application it seems esoteric to the point of losing focus of your noble objective to the point of destruction.


61. The difference between that mode and a direct American military airlift was so esoteric as to seem academic.


62. Posited in the eighth house, an Esoteric and Succedent house, a prenatal eclipse carries a most significant karmic message.


63. Esoteric securities backed by these mortgages were grossly mis-valued by the computer models of big banks and credit rating agencies.


64. The Psychology Of The Esoteric


65. Their esoteric doctrine the Kaballah (meaning: tradition) appeared in Jewish mystic circles in Spain and Southern France in the 12th century.


66. It becomes a mean by which the follower of the Esoteric Buddhism can achieve self-purification of his nature.


67. Famous Esoteric Pagoda---Jingang Pagoda at Guangdu Ancient Town


68. This duo from Netherlands offers up an amazing mix of experimental electronics, tribal percussion and rythmic noise with an esoteric edge.A must for fans of bands like Muslimgauze and Ah Cama Sotz.


69. Gym Climbing: Climbing in an indoor climbing gym which is designed with the esoteric training needs to the climbers.


70. Esoteric School, also called Esoteric Buddhism, Secret Buddhism, Yoga Esotericism, the most important one of Buddhist schools, has deep influences in China, India, Japan and other countries.


71. the Indian Esoteric Buddhism


72. Esoteric Buddhism | Tantrism

密教| 密宗

73. The consummately versatile director, soon to be declared a master of the "esoteric weapon" kung-fu film, develops his style with this sharp thriller that really gets to the point.


74. There are people in this world for whom the word "esoteric" seems to act as a divine ichor.


75. Virupa had many general followers as well as Mahayana followers, but Krishnapa and Dombipa were the two main followers of his esoteric, pith instruction.


76. Her director is the versatile Ho Meng-hua -- the acknowledged master of the "esoteric weapon" actioner, who made of a success of everything from The Flying Guillotine to The Mighty Peking Man.


77. Juergen Lipp, who has a bookstore specializing in esoteric articles in Hamburg, Germany, likes to surround himself with angels in numerous forms.


78. In literary contexts, it is applied, generally, to poetry of a Platonic, esoteric, recondite, or occult kind.


79. Although no ancient texts on Atlantean Vailixi are known to exist, some information has come down through esoteric, "occult" sources which describe their flying machines.


80. A body of mystical teachings of rabbinical origin, often based on an esoteric interpretation of the Hebrew Scriptures.

