

1. "The client was seeking an interior that exuded affluence and success and presented it in a lush and sumptuous way.


2. Result There was a significant shortening in exuded time of burnt surface in SSLS group than in MBO group(P<0.01),and there was no significant difference between the two groups in infe...


3. a face that exuded self-satisfaction.


4. The results showed that, though the organic acids in tissues of proteoid roots and tips of non-proteoid roots were the same, the organic acids exuded by the two root tissues were different.


5. a substance resembling the viscous substance exuded by certain plants,as in stickiness


6. The master picked up the pieces of the cup,her finger scratched by a piece. Blood exuded her fingertip.


7. The Asian woman has always exuded the allure of the exotic Orient to the West.


8. The powerful pheremones he exuded made the presence of women far too easy to attract.


9. He exuded a rectitude so matter-of-fact that he never needed to appeal to it


10. Self-confident and taciturn he exuded authority


11. He exuded no ego only a wealth of knowledge which he humbly shared with us all.


12. His plays exuded tension, were spiced with erotic fantasies and were full of obsession, jealousy and hatred. Critics dubbed Pinter's chilling masterpieces "the theater of insecurity".


13. His plays exuded tension, were spiced with erotic fantasies and were full of obsession, jealousy and hatred.


14. He exuded confidence and professionalism but was self-effacing and modest, always ready to make fun of himself.


15. But he thought she was a remarkable woman, who exuded enormous strength and magnetism.


16. You also said that in the summer also has any competition to hit, your this is not wants to let me not be able to sleep. after “listens, all those present once more have exuded the laughter.


17. But if the holding temperature is too high or the holding time is too long, some liquid metal is exuded from the surface of samples, and the samples are deformed by their own gravity.

保温温度太高或保温时间太长时, 试样表面有液相析出, 靠近表面部位产生大量孔洞, 试样在自重作用下变形。

18. The peeling paint and cracked floor tiles exuded shabbiness and it was made narrower by the trolleys parked down the sides.


19. The roast Peking duck exuded a delicious aroma.


20. Bolt seemed bored, he kept his answers short, and between answers he chewed on cookies and twiddled his thumbs. He wasn't boisterous, but he exuded self-confidence.


21. This tissue gram stain of an acute pneumonia demonstrates gram positive cocci that have been eaten by the numerous PMN's exuded into the alveolar space.


22. Most of the time, especially when on public view, he exuded friendliness, expressed through an easy grin.


23. Most of the time, especially when on public view, he exuded friendliness, expressed through an easy grin


24. She exuded confidence.


25. An air of triumph exuded from her.


26. Still, he exuded a certain confidence and charm that stood him in good stead with his girls


27. Although their juices had run dry,the leaves still exuded a pleasant aroma.


28. Although their juices had run dry, the leaves still exuded a pleasant aroma.


29. The pretty sharp Beijingers have found that the success of this event lies, first of all, in the absolute self-confidence exuded by Shanxi people, a confidence in their indigenous culture.


30. I probably would've left it to mould and opted for an orange or an apple instead had it not been for the overconfidence those flawless bananas exuded.


31. Everything about the scene exuded boredom which stemmed, on the man's side, from an embarrassing awareness of his own dullness and, on the woman's, from the visit of this lugubrious personage.


32. Here is a purulent exudate in which the exuded fluid also contains a large number of acute inflammatory cells.


33. No wonder Federer exuded such an air of serenity in London last week at the year-end championships when he officially finished as the tour's No. 1-ranked player for the fifth time.


34. Clearly a working woman, she exuded all air of competence, slability and dependability.


35. Clearly a working woman,she exuded an air of competence,stability and dependability.


36. Chinese Premier Zhu Rongji is a man of great confidence, yet, for all his stature, he is also admirably unassuming, frank and open-minded, characteristics he exuded during his three-day visit to Singapore.

朱镕基总理是一个非常自信的人,同时又谦逊坦诚,虚怀若谷。 在新加坡为期三天的正式访问中,这种令人钦佩的品德再次展露无遗。

37. Chinese Premier Zhu Rongji is a man of great confidence, yet, for all his stature, he is also admirably unassuming, frank and open-minded, characteristics he exuded during his three-day official visit to Singapore.


38. The fascination exuded by a fine emerald is simply unique.


39. any of various viscous substances that are exuded by certain plants and trees and dry into water-soluble,noncrystalline,brittle solids


40. Any of various viscous substances that are exuded by certain plants and trees and dry into water - soluble,noncrystalline,brittle solids.


41. Resins: Viscous, sticky organic substances exuded from trees. Used as a binder in ink and paper making.Soluble in alcohol and used as varnishes.


42. In a match where Madrid's attacking play made headlines, Dudek made several fine saves and exuded an air of calm solidity and confidence, particularly on crosses, earning a clean sheet in the process.


43. The fat and juices exuded from roasting meat, often used in making gravy.


44. Wet with secreted or exuded moisture such as sweat or blood or tears.


45. Macroscopic characteristics showed that much yellow fibrin exuded from air sac, and liver and kidney were swollen.


46. Mr Mishkin exuded confidence too, but not of the horse-whispering sort.


47. A substance resembling the viscous substance exuded by certain plants, as in stickiness.


48. Effect of phosphorus deficiency on activity of acid phosphatase exuded by wheat roots


49. and have a presence that exuded confidence.


50. In those with other types of cancer, the exuded fluid can also accumulate in body cavities.


51. While appearing to disclaim the god-like acclaim he attracted, he still exuded a power that only someone with his celebrity status could feel


52. The serious and simple Balinese people exuded a certain charm beyond description when they were on the move and at work.


53. Rather, mucus tends to occur as ropy strands of secretion exuded from the mural bronchial mucus glands


54. An awful smell exuded from the creature's body.


55. The nuclei in these polynucleate cells soon disorganized after the formation of pollen walls;their inclusion exuded out;The pollen grains adhered together and ended in abortion.


56. This 2006 net women's single champion just in exuded in the Pacific Ocean public competition to encounter Safenna to sweep away, somewhat melancholy she is hoping in the net rewin dignity.


57. The old chest exuded a smell of camphor.


58. As the Olympics draws nearer, China all over is exuded with strong Olympic atmosphere with Beijing reaching it seething point.


59. Any of various aromatic resins exuded from several trees and shrubs, especially the balm of Gilead (Commiphora) and related plants.


60. Any of various aromatic resins exuded from several trees and shrubs, especially the balm of Gilead(Commiphora) and related plants.


61. any of various aromatic resins exuded from several trees and shrubs,especially the balm of Gilead(Commiphora) and related plants


62. Any of various aromatic resins exuded from several trees and shrubs,k especially the balm of Gilead (Commiphora) and related plants.


63. 2 Rinse and slice cabbage and cucumbers, sprinkle with some salt and marinate until vegetable juice exuded, rinse after 0.5 hour, then strained.


64. Determination of Organic Acids Exuded from Plant Roots by High Performance Liquid Chromatography


65. Romor exuded friendliness, goodwill, indeed eagerness to please.


66. "Opium: Organic compound, a narcotic drug known since ancient Greek times, obtained from exuded juice of immature fruit capsules of the opium poppy."


67. " Opium: Organic compound, a narcotic drug known since ancient Greek times, obtained from exuded juice of immature fruit capsules of the opium poppy."

