

1. He was the priest who beholds all his sacred wafers cast to the winds, the fakir who beholds a passer-by spit upon his idol.


2. So long as you talked about their aches and pains, their diseases and ailments, people would buy any kind of a nostrum that an unscrupulous fakir chose to palm off upon them.


3. 99 million dollars for the FAKIR Miskin.

如果我是亿万富翁,我要 spend the 0.

4. Sri Ramakrishna said to him: "Today I have given you my all and I am now only a poor fakir, possessing nothing.


5. When he neared Broadway, he noticed the captain's gathering of wanderers, but thinking it to be the result of a street preacher or some patent medicine fakir, was about to pass on.

当他走近百老汇大街时,他注意到上尉身边聚集的那些流浪汉。 但他以为这是什么街头传教士或是什么卖假药的骗子招来的人群,正准备从旁边走过去。

6. Yet, he lived with the common folk as a penniless fakir,wearing a torn kafni, sleeping over a mat while resting his head on a brick, begging for his food.


7. Twenty-five years ago, the charms of the Patent Medicine fakir and the incantations of the Indian Medicine Man were in the heyday of their popularity.

