

1. The idiom "fox assuming tiger's ferocity" comes from the story above, illustrating those who tease people by others' force.


2. -- Tenacity and Ferocity pets lost their armor multiplier but it was given to all pets at base.

-- 坚韧类和凶暴类宠物的护甲乘数将降低,取而代之的是所有宠物的护甲基数将增加。

3. The BBC's Phil Mercer in Sydney said many charred bodies had been found in cars.It is thought they were trying to escape the fires but were overtaken by their "sheer speed and ferocity".


4. "You caught me by surprise, PROXY," the man said with an easy affection that belied his former ferocity.


5. "Defenders of the pit bull always seem to miss the salient point that it is the ferocity of the bite, not the number of bites, that has made the dog so feared today" (Sports Illustrated).

“工头的保护者们似乎总是忽略最关键的一点,是咬的凶猛而不是咬的次数才使得狗如此可怕” (斯鲍兹·艾拉斯托德)。

6. "Because of the ferocity of the fire, and the, unfortunately the damage done to the people, identification is gonna be a key issue here.


7. selves with so much ferocity that Chon fell to the ground with a fractured spine.


8. TaiSon, a boxing kind well known for his roughness and ferocity, is petting a little weak white pigeon.


9. Time and again their ferocity has surprised the Get of Fenris or other interlopers who expected that lovers couldn't be fighters.


10. Don’t be quick to judge others based on their circumstances. Instead, judge them based on their ferocity in overcoming those circumstances.


11. Unlike virtually every other species, the hominids could not rely on speed, flight, strength, arboreal clambering, burrowing or ferocity to evade predators.


12. striking with contained ferocity at my head- R.L.Stevenson.


13. So in other words, the birds weren't simply protecting their nests with the same ferocity no matter who approached.


14. When a man wants to murder a tiger he calls it sport;when a tiger wants to murder him,he calls it ferocity.


15. When a man want to murder a tiger he call it sport; when a tiger want to murder him, he call it ferocity.


16. He had never heard such ferocity in a man's voice.


17. All their ferocity was turned outwards, against the enemies of the State, against foreigners, traitors, saboteurs, thought-criminals


18. They exemplify the unbridled ferocity of the protoss at war.


19. They were unprepared for his ferocity and could not match it simply because the rewards being fought over were not, to their minds, worth so much bloodshed.


20. All their ferocity was turned out-wards.


21. The ferocity of them frightened me.


22. Their has ferocity dog,so i don't close to him.


23. With a roar that was almost lion-like in its ferocity, he again hurled himself at the man.


24. He delighted to witness Hindley degrading himself past redemption;and became daily more notable for savage sullenness and ferocity.


25. Stooping, he stared at him in breathless and frozen ferocity.


26. His gift was ferocity.


27. All his political activities betrayed ferocity and violence


28. His red eyes fastened upon Snape's black ones with such intensity that some of the watchers looked away, apparently fearful that they themselves would be scorched by the ferocity of the gaze.


29. his face had suddenly become quite ashen and a look of ferocity had come into his eyes.


30. There is a great deal of ferocity in their poems.


31. His pale gray eyes were gleaning with ferocity and triumph.


32. Featuring unparalleled ferocity and iron discipline, they can be mustered on a moment's notice.


33. Ishmael soon learns that Ahab seeks one specific whale, Moby-Dick, a white whale of tremendous size and ferocity.


34. His glance was so full of hate, of ferocity, and savage impatience, that Villefort turned out of the path he had been pursuing, to see upon what person this dark look was directed.


35. But the right's reaction to a report that recommends the withdrawal of American combat troops by early 2008 and a return to diplomatic engagement in the region has been striking in its ferocity.


36. But the right's reaction to a report that recommends the withdrawal of American combat troops by early2008 and a return to diplomatic engagement in the region has been striking in its ferocity.


37. But the ferocity of their initial disapproval suggests that small sweeteners will not persuade creditors to change their minds.


38. A witch of a writer,[ she is capable of developing an intensity that verges on ferocity(Peter S.Prescott)


39. You draw on the Hidden Flame in yourself and your allies to perfect your predatory instinct, helping you fight with terrible ferocity.


40. You want all ferocity pets to feel viable in PVE but pets like wasps, wolves, tall striders and carrion birds have utility specials instead of damage specials.


41. Such is my ferocity.


42. The global downdraft is hitting the world's emerging economies with a speed and ferocity few imagined possible just months ago.


43. For ferocity it has no peer in all the awful annals of human oppression.


44. rage of ferocity; aggressive arrogance


45. ferocity is proper to tigers


46. Idol of Ferocity changed from -3 energy to +20dmg.


47. Idol of Ferocity changed to include Mangle(Cat).


48. By 5pm, weather officials announced the typhoon's ferocity had decreased to the intensity equivalent of a tropical storm.


49. The bravery exhibited there was almost barbarous and was complicated with a sort of heroic ferocity which began by the sacrifice of self.


50. Even though formidable winters are the norm in the Dakotas, many people are unprepared for the ferocity of the bizzard of 1888.


51. Even so, it was a hard fight, and it aroused the last latent remnants of Buck's ferocity.


52. Europe's powers would have fought over their differences without Napoleon.But the scale and ferocity of conflict was due in large part to the emperor's “aggression, egomania and lust for power”.


53. but I felt for the rest of that day as if I had had my feelings excited and harrowed by witnessing the struggle, the ferocity and carnage, of a human battle before my door.


54. However, if attacked, the laughing brewmasters bring all of their pandaren agility and ferocity to bear!


55. The mad job over the prisoners who were saved, had astounded him scarcely less than the mad ferocity against those who were cut to pieces.


56. I don't like cocks because of the ferocity.


57. Its stubbornness is explained by the ferocity of India's politics on this subject and the desperate, even suicidal, poverty of many of its farmers.


58. In a remote corner of Africa, millions of civilians have been slaughted in a conflict fuelled by an almost genocidal ferocity that has no end in sight.


59. " Xiahou Dun's ferocity had then somewhat abated and he turned his steed toward his main army.


60. She fought with crazed ferocity.


61. Yes; if he were to be judged by the element of ferocity in this solitude of his.


62. If the defender lets him get the angle and Stoudemire slips to the rim, the help defense better rotate because no one finishes with the same speed and ferocity.


63. Pomp senior pet mount not only the appearance of ferocity, its power will more afraid of the enemy.


64. It was like a beast long fabled for its ferocity .


65. It attacks its prey with great ferocity.


66. "From beneath their broad-brimmed hats of palm-leaf, gleamed eyes which, even in good-nature and merriment, had a kind of animal ferocity."


67. From beneath their broad-brimmed hats of palm-leaf, gleamed eyes which, even in good-nature and merriment, had a kind of animal ferocity.


68. The section dealing with the scandal and its aftermath is one of the book's liveliest, as Mr Ronson protests his innocence with pugilistic ferocity.


69. Against a common foe, Elves and forest creatures fight as one, combining the skill of the elder race with the sheer elemental power and ferocity of the forest.


70. The murderous work of Dr Louay is symbolic of the ferocity of the struggle for the oil province of Kirkuk.


71. Despite the ferocity of the present onslaught, they do not appear to have been dislodged.


72. The Wild Riders are deadly and relentless huntsmen driven by the ferocity of the ancient god Kurnous whilst the Eternal Guard are stoic and determined warriors who will fight to the death for their lords and home.


73. Defenders of the pit bull always seem to miss the salient point that it is the ferocity of the bite, not the number of bites, that has made the dog so feared today(Sports Illustrated.

工头的保护者们似乎总是忽略最关键的一点,是咬的凶猛而不是咬的次数才使得狗如此可怕(斯鲍兹 艾拉斯托德)。

74. Defenders of the pit bull always seem to miss the salient point that it is the ferocity of the bite,not the number of bites,that has made the dog so feared today(Sports Illustrated.


75. Armed with spear and mace, these unique troops are renowned for their ferocity.


76. Mr. Helton dropped Arthur, and seized Herbert, and shook him with the same methodical ferocity.


77. When a man wants to murder a tiger he calls it sports ; when the tiger wants to murder him he calls it ferocity.


78. When a man wants to murder a tiger he calls it sports, when the tiger wants murder him he calls it ferocity.


79. When a man wants to murder a tiger he calls it sports;when the tiger wants murder him he calls it ferocity.


80. The ICRC foresaw "a struggle the ferocity of which will exceed the greatest barbarity the world has known.

当时 ICRC 预言“这一行径的残暴将是史无前例的”。
