

1. In November, 1504,lsabella of Castile died, so the question of the succession to Castile was raised to the forefront.


2. In March 1939, SS police units were at the forefront of the operation to occupy Prague and subjugate the rest of Czechoslovakia.


3. Since the second half of 20th century, the topics of Orientalism, Japonisme and Primitivism have moved to the forefront of art-history discussion.


4. The world's first stem cell bank opens in Hertfordshire on May 19, putting Britain at the forefront of one of the most controversial areas of modern scientific research.


5. ALK's technology is at the forefront of the industry and provides a solid base for the company's future growth.


6. AZONA is predominating at the forefront within the fashion world.


7. The Forefront Security for Exchange Server anti-spam update service is a premium service that updates the content filter daily via Microsoft Update.

Forefront Security for Exchange Server反垃圾邮件更新服务是一种高级服务,每天通过Microsoft Update更新内容筛选器。

8. FTC combines the brightest people with the newest machinery to develop the best tires to constantly stay at the forefront of tire technology.


9. The H-6 at forefront is a tanker variant with refuelling pods carried under its wings.


10. HK) H shares led decliners, closing down 8.76 percent, banks plate other H shares have also fallen onto the decline in the forefront.


11. J&L's core value is “at the forefront of supply chain thinking.


12. The Microsoft Forefront Security for Exchange Management Pack monitors Exchange Servers for virus and worm activity.

Microsoft Forefront Security for Exchange管理包监控Exchange Server上的病毒与蠕虫病毒活动。

13. Gentlemen, we at AGS are not only at the forefront of biotech...

|各位,我们AGS不只是 位于生物科技最前线...

14. "MTN has been at the forefront of bringing our customers the most innovative and efficient ways of having the world at their fingertips.

“MTN 已经率先采用最新颖和高效的方式,将世界近在咫尺地展现在用户眼前。

15. "The EPFL is proud of joining FAO at the forefront of the fight against hunger and malnutrition worldwide.


16. "Indomitably and bravely stood at the forefront" is QianjiangChao peoples spirit.


17. The forefront of the one was situate northward over against Michmash, and the other southward over against Gibeah.


18. ASAIO Journal is in the forefront of artificial organ research and development.


19. A new group of singer is coming to the forefront.


20. Download the product documentation for Forefront Client Security.

下载Forefront Client Security的产品文档。

21. There is no doubt that Germany's state-owned railway is at the forefront of Europe's rail revolution.


22. China will be at the forefront of combating climate change.


23. Why so many ads, Web use beauty, but also matched the forefront.


24. Since 1989, Colliers International has stood at the forefront of China's real estate industry with office established in BJ, SH, GZ, CD Macau and HK.


25. It was a long journey from a small American city to the forefront of Chinese pop culture production.


26. He has been in the forefront of the movement.


27. He's spent a lifetime working at the forefront of science and technology.


28. He admits that, with Ferrari's Luca di Montezemolo at the forefront of the alliance, McLaren is not the driving force of FOTA.


29. He brought the country to the forefront of world politics.


30. His company is in the forefront of the chemical industry.


31. His team are at the forefront of scientific research into vaccines.


32. Gish Jen has come to the forefront of contemporary Asian American literature after therenowned writers like Maxine Hong Kingston and Amy Tan.

任碧莲(Gish Jen)是继汤婷婷,谭恩美后又一位引起美国读者和评论界关注的华裔作家。

33. Fea Myenne Ng has come to the forefront of contemporary Asian Americanliterature after the renowned writers like Maxine Hong Kinston and Amy Tan.

伍惠明(Fae Myenne Ng)是继汤亭亭、谭恩美之后的又一位引起美国读者和评论界关注的华裔作家。

34. When will the novelty of the medium recede and let the basic motivations come to the forefront?


35. With more than 40 years at the forefront of the Data Capture and Labeling industry, SATO is the reliable answer to your labeling and bar-coding needs.


36. You can rest assured knowing that ESET is at the forefront of virus detection.


37. And he wrote in the letter, saying, Set ye Uriah in the forefront of the hottest battle, and retire ye from him, that he may be smitten, and die.


38. Like many great figures in history who stood in the forefront guiding the march of events, Dr. Sun, too, had his shortcomings.


39. Forefront of the company's products, such as Kang, Taponin, up to and Wu Ling-Ling capsules have excellent properties OTC drugs.


40. Industry Analysts are at the forefront of the company and specialise in business research and project management. You wi...... ...


41. Sales Trainee is at the forefront of the company as they play an important role in research, market penetrat...... ...


42. Companies continuously improve their strength, the modestly peer learning and make their own walk at the forefront of advertising.


43. Is China's largest urea production enterprises, the market share of the industry has been the forefront of home.


44. With the sale now on hold, debts and expenses continue to mount, pressing the timeliness of the purchase even further to the forefront.


45. Shortly before the strike, his temper Li Chunjiang forefront once again the air above the waves.


46. Earlier a Presidential commission ... probed the market's structure for defects and came up with a laundry list of weaknesses with program trading in the forefront.


47. The vanguard; the forefront.


48. This course will be chosen carefully to get its basic, broadness and challenge, and also it will be updated and forefront.


49. Beijing Fairmont Huaqiang Hardware Tools Co., Ltd. was founded in 1994, 10 years after the storm, Yi is still in the forefront of the market.


50. Huawei is at the forefront of LTE development: the world's first LTE mobile connection was made using the company's equipment in June this year.


51. Ethnic Chinese have forged ahead to the forefront of world Biological and medical research.


52. Only then can Hong Kong remain at the forefront of the new age with vigour and vibrancy.


53. But this situation has changed since the Eighties. Ethnic Chinese have forged ahead to the forefront of world biological and medical research.


54. Taiwan's bicycle manufacturers are also at the forefront.


55. The main leaders of the government at all levels should stand in the forefront of the fighting against flood.


56. National Semiconductor was at the forefront of the push to produce the cheaper computers and is now eyeing consumer electronics as the way to tap new customers.


57. The forefront of international fashion sense, unique personalized search are the exclusive fashion trend Strip.


58. Saint Joseph's is at the forefront of education in crime prevention, analytical techniques, and all aspects of federal Criminal Justice system....


59. Again in the1960 s there was a renewed interest in folk and country music that brought the banjo back into the forefront of American music.


60. The UN is in the forefront of international efforts to protect the environment.


61. In public, the financiers at the forefront of the revolution depicted the shifts as steps that would promote a superior form of free-market capitalism.


62. In the face of difficulties, he always stood in the forefront.


63. Leading the forefront this time, is Sunday's leading rumour mill, the News of the World.


64. In the fast-changing world of genetics, genetic neurobiology is at the forefront.


65. In the forefront of the liberation movement.


66. There is a family in Darby county, England. Family members altogether11, their names are similar, but each person's name forefront letters all the same, are TJ.


67. What touched me most over the past year was what l saw on the forefront of the fight against flooding.


68. I place Einsteim in the forefront of men of importance.


69. Christianity is the church of life, which have the power God granted and walks in the forefront of human history.


70. The company at the centre of those payments, South Korea's Hyundai Group, is once again at the forefront of initiating contact with North Korea.


71. In the forefront of this movement is Dr.Krueger.


72. She is the first legionary medical worker that falls in forefront of cure SARS patient.


73. Women have always been at the forefront of the Green movement.


74. As well as ranking at the forefront of these areas, LANXESS sees itself as a pacemaker in its sector.


75. Always stand at the forefront of technological innovation.


76. Wilshere is at the forefront of a new wave of young homegrown talent throughout the Academy and he believes it can only benefit the Club.


77. Gormley is an internationally acclaimed artist who for two decades has been at the forefront in revitalizing the human body in Western sculpture.


78. Perfect manifestation of friendship "at the forefront of the times, service times elitist" to the idea of Chongqing.


79. The IBS acquisition will bring significant revenue and cost synergies, forefront distribution channels and an experienced management team.


80. To some, Richard's rapid ascendency to magic's forefront bespeaks a quintessential fairy tale.

