
furnishfurnishD.J.:[ˈfə:niʃ]K.K.:[ˈfɚnɪʃ]vt.1.陈设, 布置We propose to furnish our own house according to our own taste.我们建议按自己的爱好布置自己的房子。Her room was furnished elegant.她的房子装饰得特别高雅。2.提供That shop furnishes everything that is needed for camping.这家店铺供应野营所需的一切。The old man furnished the guerrillas information.老人给游击队提供情报。No one in the class could furnish the right answer to the question.班上没有一个人能给出问题的正确答案。

furnish['fə:niʃ]vt.1.供给,供应,提供;送给,给予:to furnish information提供情报to furnish an army with food and ammunition供给军队粮食弹药2.装备,配备;提供(必需品);尤指(用家具等)陈设,布置(房间、公寓等):The house is well furnished.这间房屋内布置得很好。近义词appointarmequipoutfit

furnishfurnish[ˈfə:niʃ]vt.1.供应, 供给, 提 供; 奉献, 赠与2.陈设; 布置; 装修furnish a library with books供应图书馆书籍I will furnish all you need.我愿供给你所需要的一切。The house is well furnished.这房屋室内布置得很好。
词性变化furnish[ˈfə:niʃ]n.1.调制的动作或事例, 调制的东西2.配料3.由种植园主赊给种植园佃农的食品或物品

继承用法furnishern.1.供给者; 家具商; 给浆辊(筒), 喂纱器, 给纱器