

1. The 115-foot (35-meter) Spanish galleon went to the bottom with a rich cargo and most of its 450 men in December 1600 following a botched attempt to commandeer a Dutch pirate ship.


2. In 1620 the English galleon Mayfolwer set out from the port of Southampton with 102 pilgrims on board.


3. Galleon's billionaire founder, Raj Rajaratnam, and four others alleged to be co-conspirators were arrested along with Mr.Kumar, who is free on $5 million bail.


4. The Royal galleon, Vasa.


5. A Schooner’s greatest asset is its high speed, but if you put it in a fleet with the much slower Galleon, you’ll have taken away the Schooner’s biggest advantage.


6. A blue-spotted rock codfish and a school of smaller fish swim over the sunken hull of the ill-fated Spanish merchant galleon San Diego.


7. a galleon in full sail.


8. But as they approach the vessel in distress, they saw an ancient galleon with tattered sails.


9. In order to alert the members to an upcoming meeting, each person was given a fake Galleon.


10. The tale follows Jim's fantastic journey across a parallel universe as cabin boy aboard a glittering space galleon.


11. When he dies, he leaves his boat El Meridiano to Juan and his eight year-old daughter Ana.During their journey, the ghost of his father urges him to find the galleon;


12. He was dark of face, swarthy as a pirate, and his eyes were as bold and black as any pirate's appraising a galleon to be scuttled or a maiden to be ravished.


13. The serial numbers of the fake Galleon would change to show the date and time of the upcoming session and the Galleon would become warm.


14. The Galleon has numerals around the outside edge which is a serial number referring to the Goblin who cast the coin.


15. Precursor to the great galleon of later centuries, the Grande Carrack is a superior version of the Carrack, used in the late 15th century and early 16th century.


16. A large galleon used in the14th,15th, and16th centuries.


17. At the Headland, the park boasts of its many thrill rides including the Dragon, Eagle, Crazy Galleon, Ferris Wheel, Ocean Park Tower, Flying Swing, Raging River, etc.


18. Instead, I spoke of my own interest in the place, and mentioned the wrecked Spanish galleon.


19. a large galleon sailed in the Mediterranean as a merchantman.


20. Photograph by Emory Kristof A blue-spotted rock codfish and a school of smaller fish swim over the sunken hull of the ill-fated Spanish merchant galleon San Diego.


21. Experts found a tiny gold combined toothpick and earwax spoon, believed to be more than 385 years old, during the search for a shipwrecked Spanish galleon off the Florida Keys.

在佛罗里达群岛附近搜寻海难西班牙帆船的过程中,专家们发现了一个微小的黄金组合牙签和抠耳勺,认为它们已经超过 385 岁。

22. JKR has stated in an interview( CR) that she estimates the value of one Galleon to be" about five pounds," which works out to more or less US$7.33.


23. Fear about the future of his and Galleon's investments triggered a selloff Monday.


24. Displays range from the Boot of Cortez, which is the largest nugget ever discovered in the Western Hemisphere, to rare gold doubloons rescued from the ocean wreck of a Spanish Galleon.


25. Galleon Group founder Rajaratnam and executives from major American companies were charged on Friday with the largest hedge fund insider-trading scheme ever.


26. Our larger than life-sized Spanish galleon is the most noticeable iconic sculpture when you arrive via the driveway.


27. When the moon is a ghostly galleon, tossed upon the cloudy seas,


28. While I struggled when I started at Morgan Stanley and Galleon, I was immediately at ease when I arrived each morning at the head of the desk.


29. The moon was a ghostly galleon tossed upon the cloudy seas


30. The moon was a ghostly galleon tossed upon the cloudy seas ?

月亮是魔鬼的帆船,正被掷向阴霾笼罩的海面 ?

31. According to the exchange rate, the three denominations used in the books are valued at: 1 bronze Knut = A$0.025, 1 silver Sickle = A$0.74, 1 gold Galleon = A$12.51.


32. No one knows how the "ponies" got on the island, but one myth says that they are descendants of mustangs that swam there from a shipwrecked Spanish galleon (a large sailing ship).


33. Hagrid states: "The gold ones are Galleons.Seventeen silver Sickles to a Galleon and twenty-nine Knuts to a Sickle, it's easy enough." Therefore 1 Galleon = 17 Sickles = 493 Knuts.


34. Now, he is facing allegations that he used his connections to help facilitate an insider-trading conspiracy by hedge fund Galleon Group.


35. Galleon made a name for itself investing in technology stocks, and getting exclusive information was a crucial part of the firm's investment strategy.


36. Galleon spokesman declined to comment on the informant or the allegation that Mr.Rajaratnam dealt with the tipster.


37. Fujian and the Sino-Latin-American Exchange in the Times of Great Galleon Trade


38. "'Welcome to Pol House,' said Newman.'And to the Sign of the Golden Galleon.


39. Galleon is well-armed warship also capable of taking aboard large amounts of cargo.


40. If I had a Galleon for every man I've had who didn't um you know, I'd be twice as rich as I am.


41. From this we can determine that one Galleon is equal to just a tad over 5 pounds, which agrees with her comment in an interview.


42. All that story about a Spanish galleon!


43. With a Spanish theme, utilizing the characteristics of “water” and “ships”, the fa?ade depicts a full-mast galleon setting out towards the Shennan Road.


44. Galleon:Gold wizarding money. There is currently no exchange rate for galleons to pound, dollar or euro.


45. About dusk the snow will stop, and by full dark a high, white moon will come sailing in like a galleon, and an icy, diamond powering of stars will follow.


46. When Mrs.Weasley went into her vault at Gringotts, there was only one galleon and a few sickles.

