
glanceglanceD.J.:[ɡlɑ:ns]K.K.:[ɡlæns]vi.1.一瞥, 扫视; 略视Don't glance left and right.不要左顾右盼。2.闪耀, 闪光The water is glancing in the sunlight.水面在阳光下闪闪发光。n.1.一瞥, 瞥视The women exchanged glances.女人们互使眼色。He took a glance over the notes.他匆匆地看了一下笔记。2.闪光A glance from one of the moving swords fell across his eyes and prevented him from seeing the blow.挥动的剑发出一道闪光, 射向他的眼睛, 使他看不到这一重击。3.滑过, 掠过A sudden glance of the sword cut his shoulder.剑突然擦过, 伤了他的肩膀。

glance1[ɡlɑ:ns; ɡlæns]vi.1.(匆匆地)看一眼,一瞥;扫视(常与 at, down, over, round, through 连用):She glanced shyly at him.她羞涩地看了他一眼。I thought I heard someone following me, and glancing round, I caught sight of a dark figure in the shadows.我觉得我听到了有人跟随我的声音,便环视四周,发现黑暗中有一个人影。2.(眼光等)闪耀,闪光;(火焰等)一闪,闪亮:The glasses glanced and twinkled in the sunlight.玻璃杯在阳光下闪闪发亮。3.擦过;(光线)从…折射出来;掠过(常与 off 连用):He moved his shield quickly, and the sword glanced off.他迅速移动盾牌,于是剑掠过了盾牌。4.(简略地)提及,顺便提到(常与 over, at 等连用):This article glanced at our relations with Japan.这篇文章粗略地提及了我们与日本的关系。vt.1.对…很快地看一眼;浏览,匆匆(或粗略)地阅读:He glanced his eye over the accounts.他浏览了一下这些账目。2.瞥见:The man glanced the burglar climbing out of the window.那人瞥见小偷爬出窗户。3.使擦过(表面);使掠过:The bullet glanced the window.子弹擦过窗户4.反射(光等)5.【板球】擦击(球)6.[废语]简略提及7.[古语]影射n.1.一瞥,匆匆的一看;扫视2.擦过;掠过;迅速而迂回的行动3.闪光,微光,闪耀,闪烁近义词flashat a glance一眼就…at (the) first glance乍一看,乍看起来,第一眼就…cast a glance at向…看了一眼dart (或 flash) a glance向…瞥了一眼give a glance粗略地看一眼Parthian glance临走时的怒目相视steal a glance at someone (或 something)偷看某人(或某物)一眼变形vi.glancedglancing glance2[ɡlɑ:ns; ɡlæns]n.1.【矿物】辉矿类,硫化矿类

glanceglance[ɡlɑ:ns]n.1.匆匆一看, 一瞥, 眼色2.(光线)一闪3.光泽, 闪烁[耀]4.(子弹等)擦[掠]过5.[古] 约略[偶而]的提到, 影射6.辉矿类
词性变化glance[ɡlɑ:ns]vt.1.把视线迅速地移向一边或暂短地转向某物, 扫视2.使反射, (光线)投射3.使发光, 磨光4.影射, 暗示5.瞥见; 仅仅触及6.(滚木板球)斜击The man glanced the burglar climbing out of the window.那人瞥见小偷从窗户爬出来。7.【说明】glance, grimpse 均指“匆匆的一瞥”。

继承用法glimpse[ɡlimps]vi.指“瞥见”, 是glance的结果。“take a glance at ...(看一看)的结果便是“get a glimpse of ...”(瞥见了)1.匆匆一看, 一瞥, 扫视(at, over, through)2.(子弹等)擦[掠] 过(aside, off)3.闪耀[光]4.约略[偶而]提到; 影射(at, over)This newspaper article glanced at our relations with Japan.这篇报纸文章约略地提到了我们同日本的关系。