

1. "Victory or Death!" On February 23, 1836, a Texan lookout spotted the gleam of swords in the sunlight. Santa Anna's army had arrived!


2. She stalked into the center of the dance-floor and cast her gaze upwards, a feral gleam in her eye.

/ 她进入跳舞的中心之内悄悄靠近- 地板而且以上投了她的注视,她的眼睛野生的微弱闪光。

3. Gleam is based on Multifrequency.


4. "Remember, Mrs. Morgan," he added, ignoring the gleam, but modifying his manner, "that you're detailing a pathetic story.


5. A gleam of light shone through the window.


6. An elusive greenish-yellow gleam flashes, then another, Fireflies!


7. A man should learn to detect and watch the gleam of light which flashes across his mind from within, more than the lustre of the firmament of bards and sages.


8. Still the faint glamour of blackness persisted over the fields and the wooded hills, and seemed darkly to gleam in the air.


9. An intelligible gleam of assent twinkled in his eye .


10. One gets into the darker parts of the woods, when a stray gleam at sunshine finds its way down to the roots of the trees.


11. Sunlight slants down from above, dense mist surges up from below; the dazzling gleam of the sunny clouds is a magnificent sight.


12. The gleam of dawn shimmered in the east.


13. In order to strengthen hygienic supervise of detergent in the market,we engaged in toxic studying on welson gleam detergent in NIH mice.

为加强市场上洗涤剂的卫生监督 ,本文选用 NIH小鼠对伟超洗涤剂进行毒性研究。

14. Second line is to point to smaller than a gleam of meaning, compare grail namely small stock is not pannikin, even outstanding achievement supports, for second line blue prepare.


15. A man shall wrestle with a drunken Lion, and the gleam of gold will blind the eyes of the onlookers.


16. I saw the gleam of her white teeth between her parted lips.


17. Probably everything, to judge by the gleam in her old eyes.


18. A gleam came from the window.


19. There is a gleam of luminous gold, where the sinking western sun has found a first direct interstice in the clouds.


20. Gleam of sunshine came round the edge of the dark cloud.


21. When he saw us a damp gleam of hope sprang into his light blue eyes.


22. The faintest gleam of their lost memories glimmered for the briefest moment in their hearts.Each felt a rumbling in their chest.


23. Their eyes gleam darkly, and their ears ate pointed and serrated in back.


24. They saw the gleam of a lamp ahead.


25. They caught the gleam of the distant sea.


26. He bent over, head throbbing, to stare at the cupped gleam of the crystal sphere.


27. He seemed to recover himself, for a lucid gleam came into his eyes.


28. He is afraid that the lifelong regret that causes disappoint as a result of laches of any his a gleam of to look again and ashamed remorse.


29. He took back the shifty, clever gleam, and replaced it with one of innocence.


30. There is not an ounce of fat on him,and there is a healthy gleam in his cold blue eyes.


31. And confidently craves her pardon, which Tess is only too delighted to grant; and, with the first real gleam of hope, unfolds her own sad story....


32. His round face always seemed to gleam slightly.


33. A gleam of interest came into his eyes.


34. There was a dark oily gleam in his sallow face.


35. His words resurrected a gleam of hope of mine.


36. He looked up with the fierce gleam of 'The Great Swallow' in his eye.

他看在由于凶猛微弱的闪光上面 '棒的咽喉'在他的眼睛中。

37. He had a speculative gleam in his eyes.


38. He was as light and buoyant as swansdown, prey to any breeze that might carry him away, might waft him up to that golden gleam.


39. There was a slight gleam of triumph in his eye as he said this.


40. The immense gleam of the whole combat which he had missed, and in which he had had no part, appeared in the brilliant glance of the transfigured drunken man.


41. The gleam in his eye made her uncomfortable(= as if he was planning sth secret or unpleasant).


42. The path of the righteous is like the first gleam of dawn, shining ever brighter till the full light of day.


43. And yet inevitably it strikes one gleam after another.


44. But i still rely on the paper, yes the computer is nice, and it does save time, but there is so much more knowledge one can gleam from paper.


45. But, you man of iches, your wealth has no part in the simple grandeur of the sun's glad gold and the mellow gleam of the musing moon.


46. But, you man of riches, your wealth has no part in the simple grandeur of the suns glad gold and the mellow gleam of the musing moon.


47. But,you man of riches,your wealth has no part in the simple grandeur of the sun's glad gold and the mellow gleam of the musing moon.


48. But, you man of iches, your wealth has no part in the simple grandeur of the sun's glad gold and the mellow gleam of the musing moon.


49. But we do have this design leak now and can gleam from it some ideas about where Renault is going with the Clio design.


50. "Is a youth person, a nation, a hope place of race, all gleam a dream in the heart, is the time that we carry out a dream hard now so.


51. The both of you spend every second of the rest of your day together, and though you;ve done so before... the melancholy gleam in your eyes has now faded completely.


52. Or gleam in tranquil majesty.


53. Your car for the twenty-first century may already be a gleam in the eye of a designer-even on the drawing-board.


54. The soft gleam of the signal lamp told us our troops were ready for the attack.


55. Brilliant silver. The silver gleam of tinsel and foil, applied wet makes an amazing liner, and applied dry is versatile in just about any application.


56. A quick flash of light; a gleam.


57. It's shining straggly,and threw out a scattering light,it 's too gleam to see it clearly.

光线很 暗淡 ,他们看不清楚。于是他们去触摸它,然而它竟 缩小 了!

58. Gleam in eye, she pushed aside a pile of gold-plated adorements and took out a genuine gold necklace.


59. Waiting in the wings for CRT technology to falter are numerous alternatives, some familiar and others little more than a gleam in a research lab tech's eyes.


60. Van Eyck and other Renaissance artists of northern Europe became famous for their skill in picturing the gleam of light on metal and glass and the textures and folds of cloth.


61. The knife occupied a place in the picture, he decided, and would show well, with a sort of gleam, in the light of the stars.


62. No longer will you roll at me Your azure swells in endless motion Or gleam in tranquil majesty.


63. Day was by this time approaching, the west was dim, the east beginning to gleam.


64. Kitchen area slightly small, hope purse does not want again too get hurt, can choose tiling of brand of homebred a gleam of.


65. To become overspread as with a fluid,a colour,a gleam of light.


66. The trees are resplendent in copper and gold, while corn-stacks crouching above the stubble gleam deep yellow in sunlight.


67. We will try our best to save his life if his ill has a gleam of hope.


68. As long as there is a gleam of hope, we'll do efforts a hundredfold.


69. His sword had a gold gleam as he drew it from its scabbard.

只见寒光一闪, 他的宝剑已经出鞘。

70. He could see, from the gleam of bayonets in the smoke, that masses of infantry were moving down, and narrow lines of artillery with green caissons.


71. Maybe there was going to be a gleam of light this morning.


72. A gleam of tears. . . .So things out of the home.Insisting on breaking up with him.


73. I will not give up even if there is only a gleam of hope.


74. The first gleam of fairness shone in this proposition for Carrie.


75. Because YILONG worker know only continuous pioneer, continuous forward we can make we issue honorable gleam!


76. Behind the taste of fear,is a gleam of death.


77. Her voice faded away at the sardonic gleam in his eyes.


78. Lying on the bed in the silver-splintered moonlight, dressed all in black ? the windows reflected in the gleam of his riding boots.


79. The night grows dark and the road lonely. Fireflies gleam among the leaves.


80. I came out on the chariot of the first gleam of light, and pursued my vovage through the wildernesses of worlds leaving my track on many a star and planet.

