

1. Grannies become important members of the family,and they are housed and fed in return.


2. The women on the Hot Pink Grannies are good-naturedbutcompetitive when game time comes.


3. Chinese grannies would say that, if you stand under a grapevine, you can probably overhear what Zhi Nu and Niu Lang are talking about.


4. Chinese grannies will remind children that they would not be able to see any magpies on that evening because all the magpies have left to form a bridge in the heavens with their wings.


5. Shes 62 and plays for the Hot Pink Grannies, joining about 10 other women on a team whose uniforms are black bloomers and hot pink socks.


6. Jia engaged in small talks with Mongolian grannies and trained horses, milked and cut grass with young people.


7. It always amazes me that the highways are not covered with the dead bodies of these grannies.


8. Do you think sewing is just for grannies?


9. For Japanese housewives, office workers, teenagers and grannies, it's cool to be kechi.


10. I received more gifts after return home. Dear uncles, aunties, grannies, I love you all!


11. Near a flower garden,two white-haired grannies are knittinging the sunshine.


12. Near a flower garden,two white-haired grannies are knitting in the sunshine.


13. Near a flower garden, two white-haired grannies are knitting in the sunshine. Their grandchildren are playing on the grass.


14. The grannies said they sold drugs because their pension was inadequate.


15. If we are late, we'll feel... we'll give bad impression to the grannies.


16. Tow grannies get a new hairstyle to celebrate the coming new year.


17. We committed grand fraud, robbing grannies and kids out of their gas money and dinner money by enticing them to Stamford Bridge to see The Great Steve Sidwell.


18. I‘ve been kept busy recently in an elderly‘s home, talking to grannies and granpies and massaging them.


19. All the young roos were there with their mums and dads, grannies, grandads, aunties and uncles.That was the event of the year!


20. Two Italian grannies were arrested by police accused of drug trafficking, BBC reported Monday.They are 68 and 70 years old respectively, and are currently under interrogation.


21. However strange it seems, the Republican Party really is spinning off into a bizarro-cult who believe Barack Obama is a baby-killer plotting to build death panels for the grannies of America.


22. Benewick.R.and Takahara,A.Eight grannies with nine teeth between them:community construction in China[J].Journal of Chinese Political Science,7,1/2,2002.


23. It is reported that some grannies was faint away in the securities house.


24. "Maybe in the past, everyone was obedient and listened to the old grannies who lectured on who you could have sex with and in what position," says blogger Li.


25. Europeans also know that “European-style” health care does not include death panels prescribing euthanasia for grannies and are offended by the way such tosh is alleged in America.


26. Beautiful young ladies starring in an opera or stage show will someday end up becoming grannies moping their remaining years away around a fire.


27. Chinese grannies will remind children that they would not be able to see any magpies have left to form a bridge in the heavens with their wings.


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29. The grannies play twice a week to keep fit and show their support for the 2010 Soccer World Cup being held in South Africa.


30. From the lively movements of these dancers,we can see it is a dance full of enthusiasm and vitality.But can you imagine the dance is performed by a group of old grannies?


31. The world's largest broadcaster first glimpsed the future of entertainment through the eyes of grade-school kids and grannies.


32. You may see many aunties and grannies carrying bamboo baskets selling them.

