
groangroanD.J.:[ɡrəun]K.K.:[ɡron]vi.1.呻吟The sick woman groaned.那生病的妇女呻吟着。2.发牢骚, 抱怨She's always groaning on about how much she has to do.她总抱怨自己干很多活儿。3.受苦, 受折磨The people groaned under the load of taxes.人们在赋税的重压下受折磨。vt.1.呻吟着表示She groaned her approval.她呻吟着说同意。n.1.呻吟, 叹息He gave a groan.他发出一声呻吟。2.呻吟般的声音There were loud groans when he started to sing.他刚开始歌唱时有人发出了很大的嘘声。

groan[ɡrəun]n.1.(在痛苦、悲伤等时发出的)呻吟,呻吟声;叹息声2.(表示反对、嘲笑等时发出的)哼声3.(由于受重压而发出的)吱嘎声4.[口语]抱怨vi.1.呻吟;发出低沉、悲哀的声音:The patient groaned as he was lifted onto the stretcher.在把病人抬到担架上时,病人呻吟着。2.发哼声,发出不满(或失望)的声音:The class groaned when the teacher set the homework.在老师布置家庭作业时,课堂上发出一片失望的声音。3.(受重压而)吱嘎作响,发吱嘎声:The steps of the old house groaned under my weight.我的体重使老房子的楼梯吱嘎作响。4.受压迫,受重压,受苦(常与 beneath, under 连用):The people are still groaning under injustice.人们仍在不公平之下受折磨。5.[口语]抱怨vt.1.用呻吟表示;哼着说;用哼哼声表示(非议、烦恼等):She groaned out a sad story.她呻吟地叙述了一段伤心的故事。The speaker was groaned down.演讲者被轰下台。groan inwardly内心痛苦,心里苦恼

groangroan[ɡrəun]vt.1.呻吟, 哼2.(东西)发出嘎吱的响声3.嘘(某人); 呻吟表示; 哼着说The speaker was groaned down by the audience.演讲人被听众嘘下台来。
词性变化groan[ɡrəun]vi.1.呻吟2.盛装; 负担过重3.受苦; 受折磨The wounded man lay there groaning, with no one to help him .受伤者躺在那里呻吟着, 无人救助。The table groaned with food.桌上摆满了菜肴。groan[ɡrəun]n.1.呻吟; 叹息2.表示讽嘲、不赞成、欲望等的一种低沉的声音the groans of those injured in a railway accident火车事故中受伤人的呻吟
