
guaranteeguaranteeD.J.:[ˌɡærənˈti:]K.K.:[ˌɡærənˈti]vt.1.保证; 担保We can't guarantee our workers' regular employment.我们不能保证我们的工人定期受雇。We guarantee to be here tomorrow.我们保证明天来。I guarantee you'll enjoy yourself.我保证你会过得很快活。Can you guarantee me a job when I get there?你可以确保我到那儿就可以找到一份工作吗?We can guarantee it pure.我们可以保证它的纯度。2.使(事情)可能发生His turning up will guarantee the success of the meeting.他一出席, 会议便成功在望。n.1.保证, 保障; 保证书; 保用期Can you give me your guarantee that the goods will be delivered before Friday?你能给我保证这批货在星期五之前交货吗?This guarantee is valid for one year.这份保证书有效期为一年。2.担保, 担保人If I try to borrow 10, 000 from the bank, will you be my guarantee?如果我向银行借一万美元, 你愿意作我的保证人吗?3.担保品, 抵押品What guarantee can you offer?你能拿什么作抵押?

guarantee[,ɡærən'ti:]n.1.(对某件事、物在一定时间内的质量、利益等的)保证;保单,保证书;商品使用保证2.(替他人偿还债务或履行义务的)担保,正式保证3.担保品,抵押品4.担保人,保证人5.具有保证作用的事物6.接受保证的人vt.1.为他人作保,担保:to guarantee a man's debt担保某人的债务2.包,确保:He will guarantee us possession of the house by May.他保证我们在五月可搬入这间房子。3.保证…免受损失(或伤害);保证保护(或赔偿);保障(常与 against, from 连用):The policy guarantees us against all loss.这项政策保证了我们免受全部损失。4.保证(做某事);保用(商品):The radio is guaranteed for twelve months.收音机保修12个月。5.使变得确定,(某事物)使(另一事物)必定发生:Simply making steel stronger does not necessarily guarantee freedom from laminar tearing.仅仅增加钢强度并不能保证不发生片状撕裂。变形vt.guaranteedguaranteeing

guaranteeguarantee[ˌɡærənˈti:]n.1.保证, 担保, 保证书2.保证人(法律上用guarantor)3.担保品, 抵押品4.[俗](可能发生的)迹象5.接受保证的人stand guarantee for ...替...担任保证人offer one's house as a guarantee以房屋为担保品Blue skies are not always a guarantee of fine weather.蔚兰的天空并不永远保证晴朗的天气。
词性变化guarantee[ˌɡærənˈti:]vt.1.对...提出担保2.约定; 许诺My watch is guaranteed for one year.我的表保修一年。Many shopkeepers guarantee satisfaction to customers.许多店主对顾客保证满意。