
harvestharvestD.J.:[ˈhɑ:vist]K.K.:[ˈhɑrvɪst]n.1.收割, 收获; 收获季节, 收获期After the harvest, the peasants began to prepare the soil for seed.收割后, 农民就开始整地以便播种。The summer harvest is about to start.夏收即将开始。2.收成, 收获量There was a good harvest that year.那一年收成好。3.结果It is not easy to reap the harvest of my hard work.获得自己辛勤工作的成果是不容易的。vt. & vi.1.收割, 收成Try to harvest the fruit before the first frost.在第一次霜冻以前要设法把水果收摘完。vt.1.收到He harvested rewards in fame and wealth for his successful experiment.他因试验成功而名利双收。

harvest['hɑ:vist]n.1.(谷物等的)收割,采收,收获2.(蜂蜜等的)采集3.收成,收获量4.收获期,收割期5.收获物,采集物,产物6.结果,后果;成果;报酬7.[方言]秋季vt.1.收割, 收获:Have you harvested your crops? It'll be rainy season.你的庄稼收割完了吗?快进入雨季了。2.从…收割作物;从…获得物产:It's the busy time for them to harvest their fields.现在正是他们在地里收割庄稼的繁忙季节。to harvest the desert for oil在沙漠中采集石油3.贮存(收获物):It's difficult to harvest fish in the ocean.远洋捕鱼最困难的是贮存已收获的鱼。4.收到(效果),取得(利益);得到(报应等):He has harvested his own pay.他已得到了他应有的报应。5.【生态】(为保持生态平衡)定期捕杀(某种野生动物或劣种动物)6.(从刚去世者尸体)取器官(如内脏、角膜等供移植到活人身上)vi.1.收割庄稼;收获make a long harvest of (或for) a little corn小题大作owe someone a day in the harvest受某人的恩惠

harvestharvest[ˈhɑ:vist]n.1.收获, 收割2.收获期3.收成; 产量; 收获物4.结果, 成果hand harvest人工收割mechanized harvest机械化收割abundant [bumper, good, rich] harvests丰收harvest time收获期harvest festival [home]收获节, 秋收感恩仪式
词性变化harvest[ˈhɑ:vist]vt.1.收获(农作物), 获得(成果)2.在...上收割作物3.定时杀死(受保护的野生动物)以保持生态平衡harvest the fruits of one's labours获得成果harvest[ˈhɑ:vist]vi.1.收获, 收割
