
hathatD.J.:[hæt]K.K.:[hæt]n.1.帽子She happened to meet a girl in a red hat.她刚好遇到了一位戴红帽子的姑娘。

hat[hæt]n.1.(有檐的)帽子(与无檐帽 cap 和 bonnet 相对)2.(帽子等的)外出服装;随身必需品3.公务帽(如警帽等)4.5.红衣主教的红帽[参较 red hat]6.红衣主教的职务(或地位)7.(帽子所表示的) 职位,职务8.[美国俚语]列车员;铁路工人9.[美国俚语]贿赂,非法所得,非法外快;行贿财物10.[美国俚语]11.女人;(尤指)妻子,女友12.(作为性对象的)女子13.【计算机】随机编码vt.1.给…戴上帽;为…提供帽子:She was hatted a big white straw hat to match her pink dress.她戴了一顶白色的大草帽来配搭那件粉红色的连衣裙。vi.1.制造帽子;供应帽子a bad hat[英国俚语]坏蛋,道德败坏的家伙(as) black as one's hat漆黑at the drop of a hat见 dropbeat into a cocked hat见 cocked hatby this hat我敢发誓,千真万确(go) shit in your hat[美国俚语]滚你妈的蛋,去你妈的hang one's hat on依靠,指望Hang (或Hold) on to your hat![口语、戏谑语](乘车时提醒乘客)坐稳!当心!听着!hang (up) one's hat(在某人家里)长期居住,住下来退休,离职hang up one's hat on依靠,指望hat in hand毕恭毕敬,谦恭地;卑躬屈膝hats off to让我们向…表示敬意(或钦佩等)have (或throw, toss) one's (或a) hat in (或into) the ring准备参加(比赛、竞选等)候补(公职)I'll eat my hat (first) if …见 eatknock into a cocked hat见 cocked hatMy hat![英国口语]啊呀! 呦!胡说! 我不信!old hat[口语]老式的,陈旧的out of a hat随便地,任意地变魔术般地pass (或send, take) round the hat[美国英语]向…募捐put a hat on it[美国口语]除所有饮食外再来一客冰淇淋[快餐柜用语]put the tin hat on[口语](计划等)搞得太绝对,把事物搞得无法挽回raise one's hat to someone向某人脱帽致敬;向某人表示赞赏(或钦佩)send the hat round= pass round the hattake off one's hat to someone= raise one's hat to someonetake round the hat= pass round the hattalk through (或 out of) one's hat[美国口语]信口开河,胡说八道,吹牛,瞎吹throw one's hat in the air狂喜,欢呼tip (或touch) one's hat to以手触帽檐向…致敬;对…表示敬重under one's hat[美国口语]秘密地wear a hat[俚语]穿戴齐整结婚品行端正,正直wear more than one hat担任数职;有好几个头衔wear two hats一身兼二职变形vt.hattedhatting

hathat[hæt]n.【采矿】顶板1.(有边的)帽子, 礼帽2.(红衣主教的)红帽子; 职权[地位]3.【计】随机编码全帽a gypsy hat(妇女儿童戴的)宽边帽black hat[澳俚]新来的移民brass hat[俚]高级军官; 高级行政官员; 重要人物chimney-pot hat[英俚]高顶礼帽cocked hat卷边三角帽hard hat4.[俚]建筑工人5.红衣主教的帽子[职位]; 红衣主教 持有保守观点的人picture hat 旧时欧美妇女的饰有羽毛或花朵的阔边帽pot hat [俚]圆顶礼帽red [scarlet] hat6.[军俚]英国陆军参谋军官 sulk [stove-pipe, high, top] hat 大礼帽tin hat [俚]【军】钢盔
词性变化hat[hæt]vt.1.给...戴上帽子The young lady was beautifully dressed and hatted.那位小姐身着漂亮衣服, 头戴华丽帽子。
