
helphelpD.J.:[help]K.K.:[hɛlp]vt. & vi.1.帮助We'll be happy to help if you need us.如果你需要的话, 我们将乐意帮助你。2.有助于, 有利于Every little helps.点点滴滴全有助益。vt.1.避免; 抑制, 克制She burst her crying; she couldn't help it.她放声大哭, 无法控制自己。n.1.帮助, 援助John acknowledged Jill's invaluable help.约翰对吉尔的宝贵帮助表示谢意。2.助手, 帮忙的人或物3.补救办法, 治疗方法It was past the help of man.它不是人力所能挽救的。

help[help]vt.1.帮助,援助,为…帮忙:Please help me with the work in the kitchen.请帮我做做饭。Can you help me, my car won't start?你能帮一下忙吗,我的车发动不起来了。2.扶持,救助,资助:We should help her, it's too difficult for her to feed five children by herself.就她自己要养活五个孩子太困难了,我们应该资助她。to help the poor救助穷人3.协助…得到(或找到、达到):I helped him (to) find his wallet.我帮他找到了他丢失的钱包。It's you that helped me through the task.是你帮我完成了这项任务。4.对…有帮助,促进,助长;对…有益处(或用处):It will help you to win in getting everything ready before hand.事前做好一切准备能有助于你取得胜利。to help the ruin of a corrupt government促进腐败政府的毁灭5.治疗;缓解;补救,改进:Honey helps the cough.蜂蜜能治咳嗽。Her cleverness and talent helped her look more beautiful than ever.她的聪明才智使她更显得美貌非凡。6.给…盛(饭、菜);为…倒(酒、饮料);劝(酒等)(与 to连用):They helped each other to the dish.他们互相为对方夹菜。to help someone to the wine为某人斟酒7.招待(客人),为…服务:Use this spoon to help the gravy.用这只勺子盛肉汁。8.[与 can或 cannot连用]避免,防止,阻止;改变,抑制,忍住,控制住:I can not help beating him.我控制不住打了他一顿。Don't make him angry than you can help.尽量不要把他惹得发了脾气。vi.1.帮助,帮忙:I would have accomplished nothing if you hadn't helped.如果没有你的帮助,我不会取得这么大成绩。Would you please help with my suitcase?你能帮我提一下手提箱吗?2.有益,有用;有帮助:Drink some wine, it'll help with your temper.喝一点酒,这样可以让你安静下来。to help for saving time有利于节省时间3.(在餐桌旁)招待,侍应;作仆人(或店员、服务员等):to help at the table侍应倒酒夹菜n.1.帮助,帮忙;援助;救助2.帮助者,帮手3.[总称]佣人;雇工4.有助益之物,有裨益之物5.治疗;治疗(或缓解)药6.补救(或防止、避免)的方法;解除(或减轻)痛苦的手段7.(食物的)一份,一客interj.1.[呼救语]救命!近义词aidassist反义词hinderbe helped up with[口语]为…所累be of help to someone对某人有用处(或有帮助)cannot help (doing)不得不,不禁,忍不住cannot help but (do)[美国英语] =cannot help (doing)Every little (bit) helps.[谚语]点滴些微均有用。 help a lame dog over a stile 见 doghelp oneself(to)自用,自取(食物、饮料等)依靠自己擅自取用;窃取,偷取I can't help it.我实在控制不住,这不能怪我。It can't be helped.[口语]无可挽回;无法可想。more than one can help太多,过分 [常用于否定句]so help me (God)我敢断言,我敢对天发誓,千真万确[用于诅咒语]信不信由你with the (或a) help of在…帮助下变形vt.helped或 holphelped 或 holpenhelping

helphelp[help]vt.1.帮助; 辅助; 援助2.救济; 补救3.治疗4.促进, 助长5.[仅用于词组can [can't, couldn't] help]阻止; 避免6.进食于...7.分配(食物等)I'll not give you any trouble if I can help it.我要是想得出办法, 就不会来给你添麻烦了。
词性变化help[help]vi.1.帮助; 辅助; 援助2.开饭上菜H -!救命!Every little help s.[谚]点点滴滴, 全有助益。help[help]n.1.帮助; 救助; 救济2.帮手, 助手3.佣人; 家仆4.医治lady help侍女mother's help家庭保姆be of help有用的, 有益的, 有帮助的come to one's help来帮某人的忙no help for it没法避免H-Wanted 招聘广告with the help of在...的帮助下, 借助

参考词汇help;aid;assist;succor;都含"帮助"、"援助"的意思。 系常用词, 意义较aid, assist 强, 指"以积极态度给予各方面的帮助", 强调"受助者得到帮助或好处", 并着重"受助者对帮助的需要", 如:Please help me arrange these papers.请帮我整理这些文件。2.aid 属较正式用语, 强调"帮助受助者脱离困难或危险", 有时意味着"强者援助弱者", 如:They aided flood victims.他们援助遭受水灾的灾民。3.assist是正式用语, 多指"在提供帮助时, 帮助者起次要或起协助作用", 如:She assisted him in his experiments.她协助他做实验。4.succor 系文学用语, 指"及时帮助陷入危险或困境的人", 如:succor a besieged city解救被困之城。hinder;