
hinthintD.J.:[hint]K.K.:[hɪnt]vt. & vi.1.暗示, 示意He hinted his dissatisfaction with her work.他暗示了对她工作的不满。They hinted to us that they would take our suggestion.他们向我们暗示说, 他们将采纳我们的建议。n.1.暗示, 示意He gave me a hint that I was being cheated.他暗示我在受人欺骗。2.细微的迹象, 少许, 微量There's a subtle hint of garlic in the sauce.调味汁里稍微有一点蒜味。3.建议, 有益的劝告This list of hints help the new students a lot.这一系列的建议对新生帮助很大。

hint[hint]n.1.暗示;示意2.(简短的)提示;提词3.线索;细微的迹象4.微量,少许,点滴5.[用复数]建议,点子;注意事项6.[古语]时机,机会vt.1.暗示;示意:He clearly hinted that he wanted me not to get in.他明白无误地暗示,要我别进去。vi.1.示意;作暗示:Her letter hints of her love to (towards) me.她的来信暗示了她对我的爱。to hint for joining暗示着想要加入近义词suggestdrop (或give,let fall) a hint露口风,给人暗示take a (或the) hint领会别人的暗示,心领神会;理解

hinthint[hint]n.1.暗示2.提示; 线索; 心得3.点滴; 微量broad hint明显的暗示I took the hint and left at once.我领会了暗示立即离开了。He spoke with a hint of German accent.他说话带点德国口音。
词性变化hint[hint]vi.1.暗示; 含蓄地说到(at)I hinted at his imprudence, his folly, but he did not take my hint.我暗示他的轻率, 他的愚蠢, 但他没有觉察我的暗示。hint[hint]vt.1.暗示He hinted that I was being cheated.他暗示我受骗了。