
hope against hope

1. 抱一线希望

He hoped against hope that the doctor had been wrong about his illness.

他还抱着一线希望, 但愿医生误诊了。

in hopes/in the hope of

1. 怀着……的希望

We are sending out samples in hopes of gaining comments.

我们正在寄送样品, 以期征求意见。

live in hope(s)

1. 抱有希望

Things seem bad, but we live in hope.

事情似乎很糟, 但我们抱有希望。

raise sb.'s hopes

1. 助长某人的希望

Don't raise his hopes too much.


习惯用语anchor one's hope in1.寄希望于...anchor one's hope on1.寄希望于...lay one's hope in1.寄希望于...lay one's hope on1.寄希望于...pin one's hope in1.寄希望于...pin one's hope on1.寄希望于...set one's hope in1.寄希望于...set one's hope on1.寄希望于...beyond (all) hope1.没有希望build one's hope on1.把希望寄托在...dash sb.'s hopes1.使某人的希望破灭forlorn hope1.极微渺的希望; 最后的希望2.孤注一掷的举动3.【军】敢死队give up all hope1.放弃一切希望resign all hope1.放弃一切希望hold out hope1.给予希望, 使有理由希望in hopes of1.希望着in the hope of1.希望能in vain hope1.幻想地, 空想地last hope1.最后的希望或被寄托最后希望的人live in hope(s)1.仍然希望情况会好转lose all hope(s)1.完全失望past hope1.没有希望; 不可挽救Some hope(s)! (=What a hope!)1.真是妄想! 决不可能!There is a ray of hope.1.仍有一线希望。Where there is life, there is hope.1.[谚]有生命就有希望。white hope1.被认为可以击败黑人重量级拳王的白人选手2.[口]被指望能为本地区[单位]带来荣誉的人without any hope of1.毫无...的希望hope against hope1.抱一线希望H-for the best and prepare for the worst.1.[谚]作最好的打算, 作最坏的准备。H-deferred makes the heart sick.1.[谚]希望不实现令人心烦。H-is a good breakfast, but a bad supper.1.[谚]事前希望真美妙, 事败之后成苦恼。If it were not for hope, the heart would break.1.[谚]人是靠希望活着。