
howlhowlD.J.:[haul]K.K.:[haʊl]n.1.嗥叫A sudden howl pierced the silence.突然一声嗥叫划破了寂静。2.吼叫, 高声叫喊He gave a howl of pain.他发出一声痛苦的吼叫。The child set up a howl.这个孩子大哭起来。vi.1.嗥叫, 咆哮Our dog often howls at night.我们的狗夜里常嗥叫。The north wind howled around our cabin.北风在我们小屋的周围怒号。2.吼叫, 哀号The baby is howling.这婴儿在大声地啼哭。The boy howled when he was hit.这个男孩被打中时吼叫了起来。vt.1.吼叫着说出You howl your little son.喝住你的小儿子。

howl[haul]vi.1.(狼、犬等)嗥叫,长嚎;狂吠:I haven't heard wolves howling for a long time.我已经有好长时间听不到狼的嗥叫了。2.(风等)怒号,呼啸:The wind howled through the woods.风呼啸着穿过树林。3.号啕大哭,哀号;怒吼,吼叫,咆哮:She began to howl when he walked out of the door.他一走出门,她就号啕大哭起来。He howled at us with rude remarks.他满口脏话地朝我们咆哮。4.[口语]大笑,大叫;欢闹:They all howled with laughter except me.除了我以外,他们全都哈哈大笑起来。vt.1.喊叫着说出;狂喊着表示:Tom howled the news that some masked men held up a bank.汤姆喊叫着说,有几个蒙面人抢劫了银行。to howl one's refusal怒吼着表示拒绝2.以吼叫迫使;对…吼叫:The audience howled a singer down the stage.听众吼叫着把歌手轰下了台。to howl down the opposition叫喊得让人们听不到对立派的声音n.1.(狼等的)嗥叫,凄厉的长嚎;狂吠2.(风等的)怒号声,呼啸声3.(因疼痛、悲伤、愤怒等发出的)怒吼,吼叫,咆哮;嚎哭4.大叫;大笑5.[口语]笑话,令人发笑的故事(或事情等)6.【无线电】啸声,嗥鸣;颤噪效应one's night to howl见 night

howlhowl[haul]vi.1.(狗、狼等)嚎叫, 咆哮2.(风等)怒号, 怒吼3.(人悲痛时的)哀号, 嚎啕大哭4.狂笑; 大笑, 发出咆哮5.蜂[振]鸣They howled with laughter.他们大声狂笑。
词性变化howl[haul]vt.1.吼叫着说出; 喝住2.吼叫迫使(down; out; away)howl the speaker off the platform把演说者哄下台howl[haul]n.1.嚎叫, 吠声; 咆哮2.怒号; 叫声; 蜂[振]鸣3.狂笑; 嚎哭4.【无】啸声, 嗥鸣, 颤噪效应; 再生5.轻蔑; 嘲弄the howls of a dog犬的吠声
