

1. VB beacon is puddle(huddling).


2. "the wretched prisoners huddling in the stinking cages" (George Orwell)


3. Once there, they found the house was gone, and a hundred yards away, emergency workers were huddling around something.


4. “the wretched prisoners huddling in the stinking cages”( George Orwell


5. The world's major economists are now huddl ing in Washington, trying to thaw credit markets and end the global panic.


6. The world's major economists are now huddling in Washington, trying to thaw credit markets and end the global panic.


7. Two kinglets huddling together saved a third of their heat.


8. The crowd stirred, huddling closer, and rapidly took off their hats.


9. The group shuttles between Mr.Paulson's office and a nearby conference room, huddling constantly to hash out Mr.Paulson's marching orders and find ways to respond.


10. But then he made an ill-judged quip that those huddling in tent cities should think of themselves as being on a “weekend of camping”.


11. Have you had such experiences: huddling together when you sleep;


12. Like two vampires huddling in the last corner of shelter from daylight.


13. Others preferred to remain within the city, huddling inside the temples, or in the public baths or in the cellars of their homes.


14. In the icecream bars, one may find whole families huddling together at a table eating with gusto icecream or ice pastry


15. In the icecream bars, one may find whole families huddling together at a table eating with gusto icecream or ice pastry.


16. Huddling up in the corner and waiting for heal, he realized the free of having courage to love and hate, and lose.


17. The other is that I will get the money and miss Joy comes to me,huddling her to account money.


18. It fell into my heart shower by shower, just like my poor sorrow.I could only see the women and the children huddling up together and shivering constantly in the cold wind.I was no better.


19. Rather than huddling together in a headquarters building in Armonk or Millbank, senior managers will increasingly be spread around the world, which will require them to learn some new tricks.


20. I remember huddling in a hut in Thailand watching a raging typhoon sweep through the mountains.


21. Security, once one of the main reasons for huddling together, is often now more elusive in the druggy streets of the metropolis than in the exurbs.


22. Sonja Parkinson and her young son escaped the inferno in Kinglake by fleeing their home and huddling under a damp blanket in a puddle in a creek.


23. The chicks are huddling together to keep warm.


24. The squares and roadsides were packed with residents huddling under tarpaulin, carpets and anything else they could salvage.


25. The students are huddling over their papers when taking the tests. Most of them are wearing their school uniforms.


26. Our day used to start with the family huddling around my Mother’s chulha - an earthen fire place she would build at each place of posting where she would cook for the family.


27. I opened the front door and saw two small children in rags huddling together inside the storm door on the top step.

我打开前门,只见两个衣衫褴褛的小孩 蜷缩着相互偎依在我家挡风门栋里的最高台阶上。

28. ” But then I saw their faces, and yes, they were huddling, but they were also laughing.


29. I saw him huddling himself up under the table when I went into the room.


30. sheep huddling (up) together for warmth


31. There’s a lot of “huddling” going on in migrant centers, according to news reports.


32. What feeling is so nice as a child's hand in yours? So small, so soft and warm, like a kitten huddling in the shelter of your clasp.


33. Pockets of hapless enemy soldiers are caught up here and there in the hubbub and excitement, huddling fearfully amid a scene of indescribable horror.


34. A group of people are huddling around a stack of smoking bricks.


35. President Obama's top advisors were huddling this weekend behind closed doors to determine where his presidential agenda stands just beyond six months into office -- and what comes next.


36. The village was made up of fewer than two hundred wooden houses of squared timbers, huddling close to the narrow sandy roads.


37. The roads were completely clear save a few brave cars - totally unusual here as always so busy - and us huddling under a shop overhang with the shop-keepers staring at these mad people!


38. Researchers suspect that lower temperature, humidity, and ultraviolet light during the winter may increase viral stability;people huddling indoors may facilitate spread as well.


39. Granite towers swayed.People cried out in panic, huddling close together.


40. B: The members of the board are huddling in the meeting room discussing the company's future.


41. On Referee's Solving Methods of "Huddling" During Football Match


42. Paused was some frantic White House huddling before the two meet again in July.


43. Emperor penguins survive this harsh environment, where wind chills can reach -75 degrees Fahrenheit (-60 degrees Celsius), by huddling together in large groups to block wind and conserve warmth.


44. the wretched prisoners huddling in the stinking cages(bGeorge Orwell)

那些不幸的囚犯全挤在恶臭的牢笼里(b乔治 奥韦尔)

45. the wretched prisoners huddling in the stinking cages(George Orwell)

那些不幸的囚犯全挤在恶臭的牢笼里(乔治 奥韦尔)
