
huffhuffD.J.:[hʌf]K.K.:[hʌf]vi.1.深呼吸, 吹气They went huffing and puffing up the stairs.他们气喘吁吁地爬上楼梯。n.1.怒气冲冲; 发怒He went off in a huff when she criticized his work.当她批评他的工作时, 他怒气冲冲地走掉了。

huff[hʌf]n.1.生气,发怒2.吹气;一阵风3.【跳棋】去子vt.1.激怒,触怒;冒犯:How did you huff him?你怎么惹得他发火了?2.傲慢地对待;蔑视;吓唬,恫吓:She said she huffed the persons who flattered her.她说她看不起那些拍她马屁的人。to huff someone into (或out of)把某人吓得…3.给…充气;使膨胀,使增加:to huff a balloon给气球充气The trade with foreign countries is being huffed now.境外贸易正不断增加。4.【跳棋】取掉(对方未及时跳走)的棋子vi.1.生气,发怒:She huffed to me and didn't say anything, no matter how I coaxed her.她生我的气了,不管我怎么哄她,她也不再理我。2.吹气,喷气;深呼吸:Her train huffed out of the town.她乘坐的火车喷着气驶离了城镇。3.气鼓鼓地离去:She huffed off the house when her mother scolded her.她母亲责骂她时,她气鼓鼓地离开了家。4.吓唬,恫吓:I don't huff easily, you can do anything what you want.我可不是容易被吓唬的,随便你怎么干我都应付得了。5.[废语]傲慢,自大get(或go)into a huff发怒;见怪in a huff怒气冲冲的(地),生气的(地)put someone into a huff触犯某人,惹某人发怒take (the) huff= get into a huff

huffhuff[hʌf]vt.1.把...吹胀2.胁迫; 非礼地对待3.使发怒4.提高...价格Jack huffed himself up and stumped out of the room.杰克气喘吁吁地干完活, 然后很艰难地走出房间。
词性变化huffvi.1.吹[喷]气2.威胁3.愤[发, 动]怒4.喘息着前进The first cyclists huffed into sight.第一批骑自行车的人喘息着出现了。huffn.1.发[愤]怒2.骄傲的态度[表现], 骄傲[自负]的人3.[英方]一种发酵有馅的点心